Originally Posted by FullWroth
I think talking back *respectfully* is okay once kids reach a certain age, because it's just one more way for them to learn how to hold a dialogue with someone (particularly when they don't agree or feel like they're not being understood), and hopefully teach them how to communicate with people to try to get their viewpoint across, because a parent can give the kind of feedback that a real-life situation probably wouldn't provide.
I agree with this to the nth degree. I can't thank my parents enough for allowing me to engage them in debate on topics ranging from politics, moral issues, music, to why I can't go out driving around with strangers at 14, haha. We always took them seriously, never got to screaming, and I understood their side of things right away because of the openness. Sometimes, my mind would manage to be changed in a matter of minutes. They were either very convincing, or I was a bulb-headed preteen. Little column A, little column B.
Never once did they try and stifle my opinion, or my voice. It has granted me tons of self confidence, the ability to reason and rationalize most all sides of an issue, and just really made me the confrontational, contrarian jackass I am today.
I don't plan on ever stopping my children from arguing with me, I'll just keep going until I win. I mean, after all, they're kids, how hard can it be? Oh, I know I'll be eating those words as soon as I'm raising my own, huh? I think no parent or parenting style has it exactly right, it's all about the best fit for that particular family.
As for creating a public nuisance, under no circumstances would I allow that to go on. I think children deserve at least a modicum of dignity (hey, it's hard being like 2 ft high and full of gas) so I wouldn't really do anything visibly, but a firm hand squeeze and a quick look was what used to keep me in line. My parents had easy access to my hand when I was young, because they were always holding it, how sweet.
One thing that makes me almost as awkward-feeling as misbehaving kids, is when someone is screaming at the top of their lungs at their child in public. Maybe it's my background, but I think your public image should be totally composed at all times if you are over the age of 16. I feel so embarrassed for everyone in a situation when a mother or father has become a harpy in the middle of the cereal aisle. I understand it's frustrating, but for everyone's comfort, keep it together until you get the car! Anyone else get that way?