Does this offend you?


Well-known member
I still get the feeling that you are uncomfortable with your decision, otherwise why spend so much time here justifying it? Go ahead and leave it up, but please don't b**ch when people react to it and give you grief for it. Go ahead and make your choice and stop trying to prove to us that we're wrong for thinking it is still not appropriate. You won't convince us, so why try?

I hate it when people make decisions and then are unhappy with the results of their choices. It isn't as if it is a birth defect or some nefarious govt. made you chose it as an image to display on your site. So, in the immortal words of the bard, use it and suck it up, when people get angry with you. You chose this, now stand behind your choice and stop rationalizing why it’s okay to do it or take it down.

ETA: I'm thinking of making my sig. "Chill the F**k out, It's only Hitler"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Be prepared though, that people may consider your views in line with one of the most charismatic mass murderers in history.

Right. That's what I would think if I saw someone with an avatar of Hitler. A picture is worth 1,000 words and it's powerful. Without the benefit of an explanation as to why someone has chosen an image people will just assume. For example, look at my avatar. There is a reason why I chose it but that reason won't be evident to the hundreds or thousands (who knows how many people look at this forum) of people who see it.

Also, I just wanted to touch briefly on why certain people find it offensive. For a lot of people I don't think it has anything to do with being German or being Jewish. It's about being human. I am Black and Hitler did not directly attack Black people (unless I don't know my history in which case someone can enlighten me) but I am horrified whenever I see him. Just as a human being I am disturbed by what he did, what he said and what he stood for.


Well-known member
i don't find this offensive at all, and i'm very sensitive about issues surrounding the holocaust and nazism.
That being said, i think people see mention of concentration camps, the holocaust or hilter and get all high and mighty in efforts to seem sensitive to others plight or PC.

If these people would stop and think of the motivation behind producing the picture, they might understand that it was not meant to support hitler, but to take him down a peg.

Then agian, i suppose those who were greatly affected by Hitler's action may not view eyelashes and plum lips or proper demonization, but of a disturbing glamorization... It's a touchy subject no doubt.

while you and i are not offended, i wouldn't be angry that others are. His image (altered or not) provokes horrible pain, keep that in mind.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
Right. That's what I would think if I saw someone with an avatar of Hitler. A picture is worth 1,000 words and it's powerful. Without the benefit of an explanation as to why someone has chosen an image people will just assume.

Also, I just wanted to touch briefly on why certain people find it offensive. For a lot of people I don't think it has anything to do with being German or being Jewish. It's about being human. I am Black and Hitler did not directly attack Black people (unless I don't know my history in which case someone can enlighten me) but I am horrified whenever I see him. Just as a human being I am disturbed by what he did, what he said and what he stood for.

^This, this and this! What she said to the umpteenth degree. I think it set such a horrible benchmark for humanity, it is set aside in many peoples minds as something that we should, to repeat the phrase, "never forget". Unfortunately, since phrases such as ethnic cleansing still haunt our vocabulary, it hasn't changed things as much as we wish. But I think even though it happened over half a century ago, this is one event, caused by one human being that hopefully most people will acknowledge as one of the worst incidents of man's cruelty to his fellow man, in recorded history. Six million people in death camps, roughly 72 million over all. To put it in perspective for you, that is almost the entire population of Vietnam. It is hard to wrap your mind around that number. This is why your image is so upsetting to many and people won’t just “get over it”.

and Susanne - I understand your strong feelings on this and would hug you through my monitor if I could.


Well-known member
I am going to educate you on just a few reasons why I find pictures of Hitler very offensive, astronaut. No, I am not ready to laugh at a bit of photoshop on his face. You bring him up -- you bring up what surrounds him in my view. Sorry, I am not going to "Chill the Fuck out." over someone that did these things and forever changed the world. No, why do I need to do that? Tell me.

BBC - See Hear - Extra


In Memory of Millions: Life in the Concentration Camps

Edit: You have to click on the title in the box to view the video.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves

To answer a question...

Thank you so much!!! That was so informative and enlightening. I knew that the Nazis intended for the eradication of all non-Aryans but I never knew the entire back story. Thanks again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
Then agian, i suppose those who were greatly affected by Hitler's action may not view eyelashes and plum lips or proper demonization, but of a disturbing glamorization... It's a touchy subject no doubt.

while you and i are not offended, i wouldn't be angry that others are. His image (altered or not) provokes horrible pain, keep that in mind.



Well-known member
I get more upset when I see fur than when I see hitler..

Hitler is an image everyone will see anyway, why not make fun of him instead of still letting him fill us with fear at hate...
He's dead and the war is over - let's move on...


Well-known member
It's amazing that so many are up in arms about this. "Hitler humour" is thriving, actually... And this is proof. With each new generation, Hitler becomes less imposing just as WWII becomes less relevant. I think making fun of this guy is the best way to break down his character.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JULIA
It's amazing that so many are up in arms about this. "Hitler humour" is thriving, actually... And this is proof. With each new generation, Hitler becomes less imposing just as WWII becomes less relevant. I think making fun of this guy is the best way to break down his character.


My God.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer

My God.

My thoughts exactly. War, WWII or otherwise, means misery, suffering and death on a large scale. As a member of the human race, I don't see these concepts ever become less relevant.


Well-known member
i was not going to comment but the 'less relevant' statement kinda hit me. nothing in history should be viewed as less relevant because of our generations obvious distance from it (in reference to time/years). this is why older generations view us as ignorant and just plain dumb. although these injustices did not happen to us directly-they still have their lasting affects. hell-i am a black woman (this mentioned because just like aziajs said blacks were not specifically targeted although equally discriminated against, ie. Jesse Owens and the Olympic Games) and i am fully aware of hitler's atrocities and do not deem his image altered or not to be acceptable. put it this way his actions hit me the same way as seeing pictures of a lynched black man/woman or the genocide in Darfur or seeing young girls being sold as sex slaves. dressing it in whatever garment-be it make-up or a valentino dress it does not lessen the act or make it funny.
regarding history as 'less relevant' is a welcome mat for the atrocities of history to repeat for future generations.
***Julia-this is not an attack on you but your view reminded me of how little some of us know about history and our disinterest in history. some young adults believe that WWII happened in the 1800's.


Well-known member
The problem is this is the internet. And potentially anyone with a connection can find your profile and picture, therefore, you have to understand the potential for someone to become upset by this. Not everyone shares the same form of humor you do.

Think of all the Chatter and Deep Thoughts threads here that have spiraled in to heated arguments because someone didn't agree with what a poster said. Everyone has a right to be offended. It really comes down to how we choose to deal with it and some people just deal with offensive material better than others.

I enjoy a good satirical picture, along with the humor of South Park and Family Guy and I'm also not offended by this. But you have to at least realize that, as I said before, not everyone will share your sense of humor. I'm not defending those that sent hateful messages to you because I think it was a poor way to communicate the fact that they were offended. But with the anonymity of the internet, you can't be too surprised to have gotten some hateful responses.


Active member
Originally Posted by aziajs
Right. That's what I would think if I saw someone with an avatar of Hitler. A picture is worth 1,000 words and it's powerful. Without the benefit of an explanation as to why someone has chosen an image people will just assume. For example, look at my avatar. There is a reason why I chose it but that reason won't be evident to the hundreds or thousands (who knows how many people look at this forum) of people who see it.

Exactly, this is what I said in my first post in this thread. People are gonna see the picture and draw a fast conclusion of the type of person you are by that picture. They won't take the time to find out why you used the picture, to find out what type of person you really are, they will just go the other way if you're lucky and if not, lay into you something fierce about it.
So you need to weigh the pros and cons as to why you want to use that picture, think about it real hard honey.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by JULIA
It's amazing that so many are up in arms about this. "Hitler humour" is thriving, actually... And this is proof. With each new generation, Hitler becomes less imposing just as WWII becomes less relevant. I think making fun of this guy is the best way to break down his character.

Actually, there has been a rise in interest (or it's become more visible... not sure which) in Neo-Nazism and white power type people. It's scary, because they're very educated people who preach it and they're clever ever to do it in such a way that it isn't blatantly racism to a lot of people.

The nuclear bomb was created during WWII and only used then. Given the state of the world, nuclear arms are the cause of a lot of questions. I'd say that's pretty relevant, regardless of how you feel about the actual picture from the original post.


Well-known member
I totally agree with this statement and I hope that you will carefully look into all this link has to offer.

"This exhibition...should be a part of every citizen’s experience."

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

This is so perfectly worded -

"I'm appalled how pupils listen to Nazi history with incredible distance these days. They know a lot about it but it doesn't touch them emotionally. It's like ancient Rome to them," said Heidenreich.

"It's our duty to tell our stories."

Source: Nazi Program to Breed Master Race: Lebensborn Children Break Silence - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News

The forgotten 1st concentration camps.

**Graphic pictures in video**

Namibia - Genocide and the second Reich

You say the war is over or "let's move on." I feel that in many ways the war is not over. Again, that's just me here talking.

Russia: Skinhead gang accused of killing 20 in Moscow | World news | The Guardian

Yes, there has been humor directed at Hitler ever since he was in power. It’s up to the viewer to find it humorous or not. I am not putting down someone that finds something humorous. That’s their perception. This is mine.

If his image is funny to you, that’s your perception. However, please don’t curse or insult those of us that are offended by his image and what all it means to us.

Sorry, I had to use the bold text. My words blended in with the links,etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JULIA
It's amazing that so many are up in arms about this. "Hitler humour" is thriving, actually... And this is proof. With each new generation, Hitler becomes less imposing just as WWII becomes less relevant. I think making fun of this guy is the best way to break down his character.

Poor choice of words and I hope for the sake of humanity this is not true. We should never forget what the brave men and women of the twentieth century fought for: freedom and the gift our forefathers entrusted to us, liberty and justice.

I hope to God history doesn't lose relevance for you; because of it you have been lucky enough to live in a society that affords you freedom from oppression, freedom of speech, freedom from torture, freedom of slavery, freedom for you to be able to laugh at a pic as tasteless as this. To say that what they've done for us becomes less relevant with each generation is like spitting in the face of those who have done so much to make your life easier.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
This is so perfectly worded -

"I'm appalled how pupils listen to Nazi history with incredible distance these days. They know a lot about it but it doesn't touch them emotionally. It's like ancient Rome to them," said Heidenreich.

"It's our duty to tell our stories."

This is true.... to think that someone actually brought about genocide, actually thought that he could demolish certain groups of ppl and took the liberty of choosing their a horrible thought. It happened, and I think ppl try to forget and ignore it because it's been yrs and it's easy not to think about it. I'm not saying we should dwell on it daily but at the same time we should recognize what a big deal it is/was...

We have come a long way from WWII and i think it is due to the fact that it has been put out in the open, we have learned from it. We shouldn't underestimate what we could learn from the past.