Does this offend you?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
That is different. A "funny" image of people jumping off the WTC would be equivalent to a "funny" image of people in internment camps. Now an altered picture of Osama Bin Laden I would find funny.

Good point, I mean how many Osama Bin Laden parody pictures were posted on the Internet? People found it satirical. But satire is not meant to be haha funny, it's supposed to provoke. Some people get offended, some don't. I don't think you necessarily have to take the picture down, but you should be prepared for negative feedback. That's what satire partly does.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
Good point, I mean how many Osama Bin Laden parody pictures were posted on the Internet? People found it satirical. But satire is not meant to be haha funny, it's supposed to provoke. Some people get offended, some don't. I don't think you necessarily have to take the picture down, but you should be prepared for negative feedback. That's what satire partly does.

I think what bothers me is that she somehow thinks that she can set up the parameters for why someone can be offended. While she has every right to post the image, everyone else has to right to detest the image, whether it is because of what he represents or because they don't find it funny for whatever reason. There doesn’t need to be a benchmark for why something is offensive. Suffice it to say, she asked if it was offensive and got her answer.

She also started this thread, I'm assuming, looking for validation. What she received instead were people's honest responses. If she truly believes that this was satire, then why is her response are so hostile to people giving their reactions? Kind of a “if you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen” situation. Again she has every right to keep her image up and people have every right to think poorly of her if she does. Yay for democracy.


Well-known member
What I find interesting, more than anything else, is what statement was the company, CLIO, trying to make? Was it a nod to what some believe to be Hitler's closet homosexuality? Or, what is even more bothersome, are they trying to say that their makeup is so fab it can even make someone as evil as Hitler pretty?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by captodometer
Not as offensive as it could have been, but in bad taste nonetheless. I don't see anything amusing or cute about Adolf Hitler in any circumstance, and I'm sure that there are a lot of people in the world who would agree with me.

You had to have known before you picked the picture that a lot of people seeing it would be offended. And yet you chose to post it anyway
So why are you complaining? Were you really expecting people to congratulate you for posting a picture of Hitler as your profile avatar? The complaints are the expected outcome of your decision to post the picture, and you should be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions.

Most of the people complaining to you are probably normal, like me. But what are you gonna do if some of the people you ticked off are dedicated Neo-Nazi skinheads who decide to come looking for you? Extreme scenario, I know, but crazier things have happened. Posting that avatar on a lot of websites would get you banned or your account deleted, because it would be a violation of the terms of service.

You should give serious consideration to taking it down; there are better ways to try and be funny.

My sn on yahoo is makeup_wh0re and i get messages all day with people saying hey whore. I expect it and I know that whore is considered a bad thing, but I don't complain just bc other people have a different sense of humor.


Well-known member
Nope, I am not offended.. I mean, is not like Hitler is a religious leader that we cannot make it fun of, e.g. Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shaquille
Nope, I am not offended.. I mean, is not like Hitler is a religious leader that we cannot make it fun of, e.g. Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha..

Um... I think you are missing a point here! It's not like that at all!
Jesus is (mostly, lets say... lets not be technical about it) not real, I mean his actions are not real... Hitler, and his actions on the other hand... very real, unfortunately.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
Um... I think you are missing a point here! It's not like that at all!
Jesus is (mostly, lets say... lets not be technical about it) not real, I mean his actions are not real... Hitler, and his actions on the other hand... very real, unfortunately.

Well then, some people actually very much respect Jesus and would not appreciate him being displayed in any disrespectful way whether his actions are real or "not". For me personally, I'm fine with the poking fun of whatever religion, race, leader, whatever as long as it includes everyone and there is no specific target. I'll laugh, and when it comes my turn to be made fun of, I'll take it.

BAsically, If everyone had to worry about every little thing they do or say in order to avoid offending people, then that would be no fun.

I see so many satirical illustrations, videos, and images that have included Osama Bin Laden and Saddam (mostly Bin Laden) but I have not heard about how it is insensitive to the victims of WTC or how the making fun of Kim Jung Ill with his platforms is being callous to the people he let go hungry. Maybe now afterwards, I will start hearing it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
Well then, some people actually very much respect Jesus and would not appreciate him being displayed in any disrespectful way whether his actions are real or "not".

Well, see... if I make fun of Jesus, I make fun of everyone who believes in him, I make fun of his actions too... So making fun of Hitler is making fun of his actions, right?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
Well, see... if I make fun of Jesus, I make fun of everyone who believes in him, I make fun of his actions too... So making fun of Hitler is making fun of his actions, right?

Making fun of his actions??

Taking a look in the dictionnary. Yes, I translate it right.

Oh my God, you have no idea what was really going on!! You can't make fun of these "actions". There is NOTHING to laugh about.
It would be naive to reduce reality by making fun of it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
I don't know if it is your age or what, but this thing goes much deeper than you realize.

Really much deeper!
But how should some of you know? Some of you live two generations after WWII at the other end of the world.
You cannot know how it is to grow up in the shadow of such as regime. Still today.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
Well, see... if I make fun of Jesus, I make fun of everyone who believes in him, I make fun of his actions too... So making fun of Hitler is making fun of his actions, right?

You can't compare Hitler and Jesus, I'm not a Christian, but Hitler killed millions of people because he was a psycho and Jesus wasn't a murder was he.

He was a stupid crazy man so it's bound people will make jokes about him how stupid he was. I just don't see anything cute on someone having him as an avatar.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
Making fun of his actions??

Taking a look in the dictionnary. Yes, I translate it right.

Oh my God, you have no idea what was really going on!! You can't make fun of these "actions". There is NOTHING to laugh about.
It would be naive to reduce reality by making fun of it.

That's EXACTLY what I was trying to say- there's nothing funny about Hitler and his actions. Maybe I didn't express myself right (English is my second language as well). I was trying to say that he and his actions can't be funny at all, and I can't look at that pic and think it's funny or cute.
Sorry about the confusion.


Well-known member
I approve of anything that further reduces the remaining psychological power of a psychotic mass murderer. Many people use humor to cope, and laughing at someone like Hitler is empowering. Under his control, free thought was carefully monitored and anything unflattering was destroyed. Now look at him - we can deface his image all we want, and there's not a damn thing he or his former co-conspirators can do about it.

As someone who grew up in eastern Europe during the Soviet Union, I'd say that's a pretty damn good thing.


Well-known member
He made our past a hell....
Don't let him ruin our future neither..!!!

*sings an old danish anti hitler song my grandma told me*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FullWroth
I approve of anything that further reduces the remaining psychological power of a psychotic mass murderer. Many people use humor to cope, and laughing at someone like Hitler is empowering. Under his control, free thought was carefully monitored and anything unflattering was destroyed. Now look at him - we can deface his image all we want, and there's not a damn thing he or his former co-conspirators can do about it.

As someone who grew up in eastern Europe during the Soviet Union, I'd say that's a pretty damn good thing.

I was actually going to post something along the lines of that. I'll even use my own personal situation. My family came from Vietnam. Many people died and suffered from the war. It was chaos from what I've learned. People who were used to living nicely ended up being dirt poor due to all their money being taken away. There was a relative who intentionally chopped off his own foot to avoid military combat since he believed he would have died otherwise. There were often piles of dead soldiers of the opposing side left on display for villagers to see.

My mom's been in the jail because she was caught trying to escape along with loads of other people. Many people including my family were willing to risk their lives to venture through the ocean in a little tiny beat up boat. It would have been better than living under the communist regime. My mother's had close friends of her die, unsuccessfully passing through the ocean. My dad's father was an American soldier that was lost from the war. My mom's young brother (who I think was about 10-12 at the time) and aunt made it on the little boat, was picked up by Australia, and he later established his life in order to sponsor the rest of his family over there as well.

As for my mom, she ended up marrying my dad and they left thanks to the Amerasian Homecoming Act.

Everyone I've seen who have escaped overseas love the ridicule of the government they left behind. My parents, who are the ones that actually have a strong connection with the events that have taken place, love it when people poke fun at the communist regime, people affiliated with it, and Ho Chi Minh (man many people overseas hate because they consider him a murderer for starting the war). Now that they have the right to laugh at them and poke of them without being afraid of any consequences, they'll do it any chance they get.

My father found a youtube video of someone (most likely not living in Vietnam) doing a prank call to a communist police. He loved it and sometimes when he gets bored, he watches it again. I personally don't find it funny because I've heard better prank calls. When I first saw the photo of Hitler with makeup on, I thought, that's a clever prank. So I went on my computer, found a picture of Ho Chi Minh, dolled him up pretty poorly due to my lack of graphic skills, and sent it to my father. He found it funny. I showed my mother and at first she was worried and wanted to know if I made it. I said yes. Then she wanted to know if I posted it on the internet. I said no, why? She tells me to be careful and not post it on the web. I ask her, "Are they going to hunt me down and kill me?". She says, "No, but they might keep tabs on you and if you ever visit their country, they might nab you right away". "That extreme?", I say. "You never know what the communists are capable of..." Whenever people who have escaped from Vietnam come back for leisure vacation, business, etc. they have to keep mum while on their soil.

In this case, the fear still exists somewhat. But it sure isn't going to prevent us from laughing here because at least we're ALLOWED to. My family doesn't dread on it. What good would that do.

As for change, well, I'm not going do it. My cousin's a polisci majar for that reason. To try to reform Vietnam. I'll leave that to her.


Well-known member
You have very valid points and I completely understand where you are coming from but the situations are still very different. I think one of the biggest problems people had was how you reacted to the people that were offended "Chill the F*** out" ... That only adds fuel to the fire.

Every one has different views and to be honest, when dealing with such a topic as Hitler, It is probably better to be cautious. Especially on YouTube, I ended up looking up some videos b/c of this topic and there were several Comments from Neo-Nazi's. In todays day and age you may really anger or Piss of the wrong people, while hurting and offending some really nice ones.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I think, though, that the point cannot be stated enough: you can do whatever you like as long as you're not harming other people or attempting to, but be prepared to face the backlash.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut

In this case, the fear still exists somewhat. But it sure isn't going to prevent us from laughing here because at least we're ALLOWED to. My family doesn't dread on it. What good would that do.

And that's great. Really, it is. But you don't get to assign that same viewpoint to others and expect them to not be bothered by something that bothers them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I think, though, that the point cannot be stated enough: you can do whatever you like as long as you're not harming other people or attempting to, but be prepared to face the backlash.
