eBay Sellers/Fakers to AVOID

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by peek_a_b0o
isellyoucheap selling fake mac brushes



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jade1012


That's awesome with the huge fonts!! Sorry you bought fake brushes, peek_a_b0o. :/ It sucks! Any chance of getting your $$ back?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ExquisiteImages
It seems as though these sellers are purchasing the pigments and eyeshadows from the same wholesale supplier.

Seems like it comes from ONE counterfeit supplier, I agree, BUT maybe the templates for the updated fakes can be shared thus making a huge load of fakes from different counterfeit suppliers. Who knows?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me

That's awesome with the huge fonts!! Sorry you bought fake brushes, peek_a_b0o. :/ It sucks! Any chance of getting your $$ back?

It was the most hopeless 24 hours of my life trying to get the money back. I filed a Pay pal Dispute and reported the seller to Ebay but hes still ripping people off! They told me that I needed to get a letter with M.A.C letter head to have them verify that those brushes were fakes. Went to Mac stores and they arent allowed to do that! WTH So Im letting everyone and anyone know..DONT EVER BUY BRUSHES OFF EBAY.. I stay away from shadows and pigments too..They seem to be the most popular.. With MSF, and LE Stuff...all 100% Mac.. *Sad/angry face


Well-known member
I see lots of those brushes have the same barcode on them despite being different brushes - clearly fakes, as you said.

MAC counter staff aren't allowed to do written confirmation for you that goods are fake. You have to get that from MAC themselves.

Be warned, though, when I faxed a letter from MAC to PayPal, they were initially going to refuse it as they told me it wasn't on letterheaded paper (although it was), and I had to explain to them that for some reason M.A.C. appears at the bottom of the letter, and the address is along the top. Very strange!


Well-known member
So correct me if I'm wrong but what caught my attention was this "wholesale" business crap with the fakes mixed in with Fafi items...


The eyeshadow boxes look wrong.
The Rose and Melon pigments look wrong.
The concealer's packaging looks wrong.

It's already on $202.50. User ID kept private.


Well-known member
Yep, the 'e' signs on the eyeshadows differ between them (should all be the same if authentic).
Auctiva Image Hosting
Melon and Rose look like coloured talc - wheres the shimmery/glittery and pearly finishes (the close up of them looks shiny, but not how it should if you get what i mean)? Also the colours look weird, but that come be the camera/lighting/monitor's fault.

MAC eyeshadows dont look like this:
Auctiva Image Hosting

Dark black, shiny stickers like the other fakes:
Auctiva Image Hosting


Well-known member
^^ Wow you ladies are on the ball. I couldn't tell AT all. I took another look at the eyeshadow boxes and the "e" does look shady.

I looked at the orange eyeshadow and knew straight away that was fake but the rest... had no idea.

You ladies are great!


Well-known member
I dont know if she's been added to the list but she's selling the new fakes. Ive reported all of her auctions and have messaged her to tell her that she has the 'good fake' pigments/glitters and to please remove them:


Shiny lids, dark boxes and stickers, 'off' looking pigments/glitters, and only pigments and glitters from the lists of fakes - none others.


Well-known member
This is the response i got:

"Dear Sir/Madam

I am extremely concerned about your email,of particular note, the tone of it as well as it's contents and the subsequent accusations it makes. I am forwarding it's contents onto my wholesaler's management team for their interpretation of it. The wholesaler who sold me these products underwent extensive pre-purchase reference checks, particularly around this product as i am well aware of general market concerns regarding MAC authenticity being sold paticularly from some suppliers mainly based in the Far East. This company carried out extensive research on MAC products, and in particular pigments before we decided to sell them. I have all purchase accompanying documentation relating to this product to hand. I trust this worldwide registered supplier whole-hartedly along with thousands and thousands or other ebayers and uk retailers who buy from the same company. I run a reputable, respectful company who would not deal in, buy or/and sell any fake produce, hence, the reason we can not sell at the hefty reduced prices that can be consistent with fake products. I would not sell something i would not be happy to purchase myself. This company takes any complaint regarding the authenticity/legality of its products extremely seriously. I have spoken to ebay about your message and do not wish to get involved into any further dispute or discussion with you over this matter. I would respectfully ask that you make no further contact with my company regarding this matter. I would appreciate it if any further correspondence regarding this matter is made via the ebay trust and safety team and i will respond via them.

Yours sincerely

Rachael Duff BEM
Hollywood Cosmetics"

Sweet Jesus...
I dont know if i should reply to this, sending them all evidence (photographic and info) that has been collected or if i should leave it. Ebay wont do anything to kick these sellers off, and im not being abusive so i dont know what ebay can do if i do or dont continue conversing with them.
Rather wordy and elusive for a 'real seller', though...


Well-known member
Their 'wholesaler' will of course try to convince them that the items are genuine. The fact that MAC do not do wholesale probably hasn't entered their minds


Well-known member
Oh apparently all those sellers get 'special treatment'...

Yes because MAC would say 'no wholesale' just for the hell of it.


New member
Add this person to the list of ebay fakes to avoid!!


She sells me fakes and then acts as if I did something wrong.. go figure!! The one pigment smells like my husbands snuff and the other smells like ground up crayons.
I can't even use them!!

Silly me for not doing my research first..


New member
This is my first attempt at leaving a message and I am very scared for two reasons. Firstly am I doing this right? Secondly, I am afraid that I am the e-bay seller Beverleybelle. I was advised to visit this site by another seller and I am so pleased that I did (or I will be if you don't all jump on me). So - in my defence - I bought a huge lot of pigments and eyeshadows from d.i.v.a-la-g.l.a.m who at that time had great feedback and I had bought from her in the past with no problems. I am afraid I listed them in all innocence (you may say stupidity) and sold three items before someone told me that the Deep Blue Green pigment I had sold her was fake. I hope the buyer will agree that I refunded her immediately and asked her to return it so that I could claim and I would obviously refund her postage costs. This is the ONLY one of these pigments I sold, not two as stated elsewhere. As soon as I returned home from work I spent the whole evening removing the whole lot from the shop and I then e-mailed the other two people who had bought items from that shipment to explain and refunded them immediately. I have written to d.i.v.a-la-g.l.a.m who is being very assertive and refusing to refund me unless I get a signed letter from MAC. I have escalated this to a Paypal claim but I don't know what will happen, they are asking me to provide proof that it is fake but how do I do that? I have lost a lot of money and even if she refunds me I have lost the customs charges - but I naively believed I had dealt with it properly. Now I am getting messages from people who have bought from me ages ago claiming I sold them fakes and they have only just realised. I have read about the pigments, I have had these ages now, a friend bought them when he was on holiday in the States but I did take an Aire-De-Blue and a Melon to the MAC concession in Meadowhall when I first bought them, I told them I had received them as a present and the salesgirl told me they were genuine. I would like you all to know that I am stupid and trusting, not nasty or evil and I certainly do not want people to use unsafe cosmetics. I am, as I think my e-bay profile shows, a stressed, tired and overworked single parent with a full time job who is studying for a degree to try and build a better future who needs to take on a second job to try and supplement her meagre income, something I can do at home late at night - I am sorry that I am drifting into self pity but it has been a difficult day. I have also had someone telling me that my eyeshadows are fakes, I have had enough. I am selling off my MAC, starting with a sale and then I will get rid of it all, I apologise to anyone and everyone but I have always refunded money in full - no-one can deny that. I am open to all advice, but please be kind, I have a few pigments left, I could take them back to MAC but will they say any different? If you are sure they are fake obviously I will take them off sale. I also have loads of fake MAC thanks to d.i.v.a-la-g.l.a.m but the thing that upsets me the most, strangely, is knowing that lots of people that I have never met have a bad opinion of me. Thank you for reading this long and boring tale, Jenny (Beverleybelle).


Well-known member
Beverley! Thank you so much for contacting us.

I'm sorry you have to go through this. :/ I'd just like you to know that d.i.v.a-la.g.l.a.m is a downright bitch. All she cares about is the $$ and she has scammed SO MANY people that it's not even funny. The pigments she sold, all of them, are fakes. She sold 8 particular pigments (Dark Soul, Fairylite, Cornflower, Vanilla, Pink Opal, Aire de Blu, Rose and Melon) for a period then expanded her list later with a few more pigments and glitters.. As for the verification letter, it is quite difficult to obtain now seeing that so many people got scammed and MAC wouldn't help them get the refund back. eBay and Paypal are f**king useless as well.

I hope there are ways to help you without you losing too much money but I don't know how/where.


Well-known member
Hi Jenny!! I am SO pleased you joined the forum!
I dont think anybody here thinks badly of you - you have been credited for refunding buyers immediately several times here already.
I am sorry you have had dealings with our old mate d.i.v.a-la.g.l.a.m - xqueeze_me spotted these fakes a looong time ago and it was posted extensively here. She sold her crap to too many AU buyers as well.....
You can post pics here of anything you find questionable and we will try to help, though I dont know if it will help you get your $$ back
If its any consolation to you, you arent the only one that has been bitten and was unaware of the counterfeit items - several sellers of previous good repute have also been caught, unfortunately many of them have turned into complete biatches over it - its what you do about it after you find out that makes the difference


Well-known member
Hi Jenny

I am so glad you decided to have a look at the forum - I know exactly how you feel as I bought fake pigments as you already know. I also know how stressful it is and shocking it can be to see your previously good name and reputation being bandied about. I felt positively sick with worry when I was being spoken about.

These girls here are the best and they are helping me and they will help you too. Gone are the days when I used to send pics of the family to friends - now I send pictures of boxes and product lol

Don't give up trying to get your money back - I was lucky and managed to get mine refunded (minus the shipping and customs) and hopefully you will too.

You have my email address so if you want to contact - please do



New member
Thank you very much for all your very supportive messages, both through this forum and also through e-bay, it is very kind of you to take the time. Can I please stress that NOTHING still listed in my shop was bought from d.i.v.a-la-g.l.a.m I did not buy any of the pigments from her which are still listed. I withdrew the whole list of items bought from her from my shop the day I discovered that I had been fooled. I do not believe anything I still have listed is fake otherwise I would not have them there. As I said, when I bought the pigments way back last year I did have them verified before I listed them. The whole d.i.v.a-la-g.l.a.m episode was a definite, never to be repeated, blip. She seemed a good seller, had excellent feedback and I was stupidly fooled by her listing which stated how to recognise fakes - brilliant psychological trickery when used on someone like me it would seem. Anyway, as I said, thank you again and best wishes to you all, Jenny.
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