eBay Sellers/Fakers to AVOID

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Specktra states that we are held accountable for our own actions on here and some legit sellers are being targeted out here. Specktra, I give you full permission to verify my IP address and you'll see I have only one account. I am now 90% sure that there are some people on here with multiple accounts that are targeting out sellers. I hope people wouldn't be that shady but as a buyer wouldn't trust dealing with people that are slandering others repeatedly from possibly multiple accounts that are run by one individual. If a higher up wants to contact me as to why I feel this is going on, please feel free because right now there is a huge bias going on and it's leaning in certain sellers' favor that are on this site. I did have a bad transaction that was posted here but am taking accountability by removing it due to Specktra's terms and conditions and knowing what the word libel means. I have nothing to profit from boosting sales someone's way because I came here because I had heard other people were really into MAC like myself but there is a noticeable trend of nepotism on here. I will help the moderators if they need assistance noting where I see this is going on and hope they take my information seriously. I fully understand with 40,000 + accounts that it would be hard to monitor everything going on and am saying I did see advisors step in when things got heated in some cases.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
I sent Ebay reports regarding this sellers' auctions : kiki11396 Congrats on the recent name change Ebayer but you've been noticed. Sorry, there's no free prize with this one.

This mommroxx character, wish I had not bought that beautiful Silver Fog pigment and Blue Storm eyeshadow but alas I did. Will give the person credit for sending a real base out of the 3 items ordered. Think I'll stay with the person I originally bought from because so far Mac is too risky on Ebay. Want to give important details to people considering buying from mommroxx, the boxes were my first clue. Super bold white lettering on the front and on the back, you'll see that the writing runs darn near to the top of the box. Cheap quality box but still the Back 2 MAC can be found on the inside as well as those blasted inserts that warn you what not to apply to your lips in 5 languages. At least they spelled Ontario right on this one. The sticker on the bottom is completely wrong and the writing is off on the back of the bottle as well....runs clear to the top almost. Pigment is the equivalent of those blasted knock offs on alibaba from Hong Kong....6 swipes and I have trace residue on my hand but no effect that I was paying for. The eyeshadow is bold white lettering as well on the box, looks like the same company made the pigments honestly. When you open the lid of the container, you'll see the lip is very jagged where the clasp is...looks like someone started to depot mine. The pigment is not Mac quality but is kind of bright, still it's not the name I paid for. If you read this, I've had a hella weird day trying to make sure something was right out of two days worth of packages. Mrfixit, thanks for my purchases and I'm sorry I jumped down your throat. Please know I was upset after seeing the thread and hope an I'm sorry suffices. Mommroxx, no more of my money for you and I could Paypal this but I'm not sending you these back for them to be resold to another naive twit like myself. When someone needs pics as proof of fake, feel free to contact but I'm not a seller so please don't think I am. My apologies but Ebay has fatigued me today and I wish I would have known of this site before mommroxx and omg there's a fake list. Much love and tomorrow is another day. I will forward any name I notice with fakes. Beware of Hello Kitty on Ebay as well as those blasted Cream palettes that people are being really dumb about....01, 02, 03. Whatever became of color names like the good old honest days? Heatherette was attacked and done so badly...being so cute and pink made people stop noticing that they're not real. If MAC runs this site, thank you for allowing the narc phone calls via 1-800 chat but please take that Vero thing seriously....do it for the people who still love you. Maybe we deserve 2 Lipglasses instead for our Back 2 Mac...okay, I'm not pushing it but wow I would love that...wink wink...nudge nudge. =)

Hi--I am sorry about your experience! I ave been through the fake pigment ringer also but am finally straightened out (weeded out 20 fake pigments form my colelction and replaced them all; got my money back on 7 of them). As for this mommroxx character, I had emailed her that her Rose Gold pigment was fake and we got into it on emails.... She INSISTS hers are real even when I proved photographically with my real Rose Gold from macpro.com that hers was a fake. She just doesn't get it. And doesn't care.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
I went to Macy's in Glen Burnie and my eyeshadows were legit as well as my Fluid-Line and Pop Mode Lipglass. I have an intact box with proper stickering A27 M9LT0B 7 73602 13732 9 on the bottom. Compact is labeled with matching non-dull letters for Naval MAC eyeshadow with proper REG. DESIGN MAKE-UP ART COSMETICS LTD. raised around the sticker on outer rim as well as HCT across from that. When disected, heating method, I found the number 2o spaced a little bit apart in between the 4 raised indentations. My pan is the exact same as my other Mac eyeshadows so can someone tell me what I'm missing here? I know my eyeshadow casings usually and need to find out why the seller I've bought from is on this list. I tried messaging the person who brought the seller up but Macy's is saying my stuff is authentic. What the heck is going on with this? Please if someone can tell me what to do, greatly appreciated. Be careful with Trust & Safety because they're not cancelling any of the auctions I'm flagging and my inbox is filled with "Thank You for Your Report (Community Watch) (KMM320248926V67443L0KM)
Thursday, April 9, 2009 but auctions are still continuing. Many thanks to
anyone who can help me with this.

Hiya,Ebay Trust&Safety, does take some time to take these offending fake MAC auctions off
The more people report the offending auction, the more likelihood that it will be removed.Unfortunately some sellers on eBay ,are so greedy and arrogant they will sell any fake crap Mac or Bobbi Brown,as long as there's demand for it,they don't care if someone may suffer nasty allergic reaction as long as they can make profit!

My motto is:If it's too good to be true,it probanly is...
This seller


Well-known member
I've had seven items bought from mrfixit714 and put this seller through the ringer yesterday thinking I had been duped. Every item I recieved was authentic and you're targeting the wrong seller on this list. Macy's in Marley Station Mall was very helpful and I want to thank them for that. I have 6 remaining authentic items purchased from this seller as I utterly destroyed my Naval to see if she had conned me. She hadn't but I'm sorry for calling you out the way I had before depotting the other 2 eyeshadows on my last transaction. My ebay username is same as on here, only lower case c, and feel free to note I'm a buyer not a seller. This means I'm an unbiased opinion as I'm not gaining anything by destroying a sellers' reputation. I am not kidding about my Naval but it can be repurchased but if it helps, I'm enclosing a link to my photobucket with a dated picture to verify I took this. I am not the first buyer to question why mrfixit was on this list as I saw splattergirl and Vixxan both do the same. Congrats for checking it out first, unlike me, who flew off the handle and reacted quickly. Please let a FEW people discuss legitimately where they were wronged before posting do not buy or cancel payments, to so far an outright honest seller. I'm sorry to a seller who apparently tried defending their side but got witchhunted by someone with a purpose...another seller. sberger11 of Calliope's Cosmetics really needs to be added to that list because wow, I don't know how you're still a seller on Ebay. Did notice sales dwindled reasonably but maybe it's because your listings were a little too pricey for some items and your attitude was remarked on several times by people who have dealt with you since 1999. Not too mention your history of buying from other sellers long enough to resell the items yourself and syrene78, you are this person. You have got nerve saying you aren't when you brought up purchases from anndanae and aat_03 within this timeframe and even posted it within this list. I thought you genuinely had been ripped off and reacted due to your posting only to find out you're a fellow seller with a really odd habit of slandering the legitimate sellers you buy from to re-sell. You question other peoples' methods of how they obtain their items yet buy and re-sell possibly counterfeit goods unless you're depotting them prior to listing for your buyers and putting this in the listing so they know their may be case damage due to you wanting legitimacy. Yes, I'm no MAC representative but I know their packaging and textures enough to know that the person I'm flagging deserves to be reported before someone paying say $96 gets scammed. Ask me about the limited edition brush set and eyeshadows I got swindled on in the amount of $200 and you'll know why I help people and this was before mommroxx screwed me over. Someone said hey, mrfixit should depot one of their eyeshadows to prove it doesn't have the rings like syrene says it does and guess what? I was the one who did this to see whether or not I had been ripped off by someone I never had a problem doing business with after I purchased and depotted 3 others the week before. Feel free to hate on me if you're buddies with this person but note, there's a reason this seller is doing this in the first place. It's called sales on Ebay from their account and flagging other sellers trying to make them lose sales or customers and picking up the slack from them getting kicked off. syrene78, you're the equivalent of mommroxx to me but at least I know what your reason for being on this site is...knew you were too helpful to be true. Macy's sure didn't find any but from here on out I'll look at people like panda0010 and Xqueeze_me's additions as well as Resha's as I never knew she was on here but have been a subscriber of her vids since like a 3 weeks ago. If we want this to be a helpful forum, we have to leave seller bias or vendetta out of all this. I will say to syrene about the glue amount, yeah, it was a little more than what was usually there with the one but Macy's confirmed the remaining ones. I believe Macy's over a seller on Ebay and mrfixit, I am really sorry I questioned you like that and hope you can forgive me. I honestly loved everything and was enthralled with the Sweet Sage Fluidline and the most I can do is apologize for reacting before reading your defense. Here's the photo and I'm sorry to the seller and am asking people to take a look at the picture to confirm what I said was true...ignore the Naval as I was on a mission and upset with what I thought was a fraudulant purchase. I think what the honest people on here are doing is amazing but please take the time to compare stories like you would boxes from MAC. I never knew people were doing the same thing I had been doing but stay doing what you're doing and the bad ones will eventially get theirs. Please post about those wretched 8, 12 and 24 piece brush sets that people are still buying. Those are not MAC like the "genuine leather case" says and though we know this, the new buyers are unaware and think they're getting a bargain. Shiny black handle, no numbers and the hairs shed quickly with some and just know they aren't legitimate before paying China $89 for stuff the equivalent of a Walmart brush set. Happy nabbing to all and from here on out, I'll list without the extensive detailing but it was needed here as I feel like a heel.



New member
Originally Posted by syrene78
A seller of fake MAC eyeshadows on Ebay: Anndanae!
I purchased a few, then noticed that the color was a bit off and the lip of the pots like in the fake e/s comparaison.
I got a full refund and she didn't even ask for the items back.
She said that they are from a new supplier and asked how I knew they were fakes. I provided the Specktra link about the comparaison between authentic and real MAC e/s.

However, she still sells the same items!

Does anyone know about AAT_03.
She sells a lot of different items and I already got a authentic MAC SE brush set from her.
How about her e/s???


This is Anndanae - in response to what what said it is true that I was using a new supplier and apparently some items were fake.
However I have other suppliers for the same items and those are the ones still for sale. Additionally, I obviously am not using that supplier again and advised them as to what I learned.
Please consider my over 4,400 individual feedbacks with only 2 negative EVER (and NO accusations of fakes other than this). I would hope this would show that I am an honest seller and that mistakes can happen when dealing with wholesalers. Please be realistic, and I fixed the problem with this buyer immediately. She mentioned that I didn't even ask for the items back. That was because I believed her when she said they were fake so I did not need them back - since I refuse to knowingly sell items that are not genuine.

It has also come to my attention that the person making these claims against me is actually a competitor selling MAC items on EBAY. I believe this is worth noting. She has 1/3 of the feedback I do and over 2x the negatives!

Barbara (anndanae)


Well-known member
Now that there are ebay sellers on here, I have to ask...how are you all getting "Authentic MAC" items from suppliers and wholesalers, when MAC corporate has always said that they do not wholesale their items for onward sale? I am just curious, because I shop on ebay quite often, and I have always wondered about this...

Thanks in advance!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MelodyAngel
Now that there are ebay sellers on here, I have to ask...how are you all getting "Authentic MAC" items from suppliers and wholesalers, when MAC corporate has always said that they do not wholesale their items for onward sale? I am just curious, because I shop on ebay quite often, and I have always wondered about this...

Thanks in advance!

Not a seller but familiar with CCO's or Cosmetics Company outlets for Estee Lauder. You can find different items at these places with like 20-30% off retail prices. I know we have a couple of them in Maryland alone but you want to look via your state. Outlet Bound-Outlet Centers By State Search Results Hope that helps you out some. If not, google Cosmetics Company and see if you find others not available on that list. Good luck!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
Not a seller but familiar with CCO's or Cosmetics Company outlets for Estee Lauder. You can find different items at these places with like 20-30% off retail prices. I know we have a couple of them in Maryland alone but you want to look via your state. Outlet Bound-Outlet Centers By State Search Results Hope that helps you out some. If not, google Cosmetics Company and see if you find others not available on that list. Good luck!

Thanks for the reply!
I do have CCO where I live, but when I have asked various ebay sellers if they obtain their items for sale from MAC stores/counters or CCO, they usually tell me that they have a "distributor" or "supplier" where they get thier MAC goods. Just curious as to if it is safe to buy from ebay sellers that say they use suppliers, distributors, or wholesalers?


Well-known member
Well, since you're not supposed to use your Pro card to purchase items to resell or buy for that purpose from CCOs, either, even if that's what they were doing, most probably wouldn't say so outright.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MelodyAngel
Thanks for the reply!
I do have CCO where I live, but when I have asked various ebay sellers if they obtain their items for sale from MAC stores/counters or CCO, they usually tell me that they have a "distributor" or "supplier" where they get thier MAC goods. Just curious as to if it is safe to buy from ebay sellers that say they use suppliers, distributors, or wholesalers?

I personally would only buy from someone who buys direct from MAC. Ask to see their receipts, I keep all of mine for that reason. If a seller says a supplier, distributors or wholesalers then they are not real, MAC doesnt use any of those methods. For the MAC regular, pro & current LE products on ebay the seller should be able to show where (MAC, Macy's, Nordstroms, CCO's) they purchased the items. Some sellers buy a lot of stock of a LE color before MAC stops selling it, I do that with Pigments so I have plenty of a color to last a long time. Some of them can be found at CCO's and very rares here and there. Some of my rares I've gotten here and they are real but you really need to know your product. I've gotten a few fakes and they end up in the garbage. On ebay you never know, I bought from a long time seller who always sold authentic then out of the blue bang, all I saw on her site were fakes.

Hope this helps


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mui
I think its a fake because it has the scratchy box surface, and also the lid of the pigment jar is superrrrrrr shiny and the top of the lid looks rather flat. Not to mention, the M.A.C logo in the front of the box, the letter A, is not crisp at all. Also the bottom of the pigment jar looks sort of thick (Im not too sure about this part.. I'm still fine-tuning my skills on trying to really spot those).

But that's just my 2 cents - you should wait for the more input from experienced members on specktra though.

This is a semi old topic but i just now saw it. I wanted to share with you all the my last order directly from MAC came with a loose golden lemon lid and it was all over the place. I'm not saying this gals stuff is real just mentioning I've gotten them from MAC will spillage before.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by syrene78
I will post pictures when I have a minute and my camera.
All the eyeshadows that I got are with pan with rings and lip part dented, not like genuine MAC. Same as on the pictures posted at the begining of the thread. I'd recommend you to look at these urgently.
I am not sure about the items that I didn't purchase such as glosses and screw tops e/s. But if she sells any fakes and denies it, then better not buy anything at all from this seller.
I believe that you are mistaking me for someone else that mrfixit414 is having problems with. I NEVER left postive feedback for Annadae or mrfixit414 for that reason...
Where do you get that from???
Don't believe evrything that that sellers says! I guess that this seller is having issues with more than 1 buyer! Not surprised at all.

you could have depotted any, who says it's that seller's? you buy cheap authentic stuff to resell in your store for twice or three times as much, here and on ebay, and then you even want a refund to earn more from sellers who sell cheaper? I am in no way connected with these sellers, I am from Europe, I just don't like to see someone so greedy accusing people who sold authentic stuff to me and some of my friends too, and who we can trust. I can be as avid as you are if I don't like to see injustice.
this is feedback left by you, is it not?


exhibit nr.2



Well-known member
Is not nice casting aspersions on anyone ,but some of the posts seem like some sort of personal vendetta

Is not very nice or honest especially if you yourself sell Mac products ,to accuse another seller of selling counterfeited Mac.
Oh by the way Im not a seller ...before anyone jumps to any conclusions...I myself and my mates were victims of fake Mac Zoom Lash mascaras,pigments and liquid eyeliner,hence i truly despise any counterfeited make up ...thought i just mention this because i am truly not siding with anyone

Ciao and keep the peace flowing

PS.i just made nice sicilian cheesecake anyone is welcome to try a slice with some nice ,Illy coffee!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BellaItalia1969
Is not nice casting aspersions on anyone ,but some of the posts seem like some sort of personal vendetta

Is not very nice or honest especially if you yourself sell Mac products ,to accuse another seller of selling counterfeited Mac.
Oh by the way Im not a seller ...before anyone jumps to any conclusions...I myself and my mates were victims of fake Mac Zoom Lash mascaras,pigments and liquid eyeliner,hence i truly despise any counterfeited make up ...thought i just mention this because i am truly not siding with anyone

Ciao and keep the peace flowing

PS.i just made nice sicilian cheesecake anyone is welcome to try a slice with some nice ,Illy coffee!

If I lived close bella I'd be there in a heartbeat

Like you I'm not on anyones side and havent read all the post's that esculated this topic but it's seem to have gotten out of control....


Well-known member
huh.. this is confusing. I will only comment that EBAY has a motto: Caveat Emptor. Buyer beware. And that should be that -- if you buy from EBAY you take a risk. Risk and reward, like all money issues is a tricky subject. You buy cheaper, but you may buy fakes. If not, you buy at CCO's or full price at MAC counters or major dept stores, where you can also get products which might or might not be defective.... just my two cents


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BellaItalia1969
Is not nice casting aspersions on anyone ,but some of the posts seem like some sort of personal vendetta

Is not very nice or honest especially if you yourself sell Mac products ,to accuse another seller of selling counterfeited Mac.
Oh by the way Im not a seller ...before anyone jumps to any conclusions...I myself and my mates were victims of fake Mac Zoom Lash mascaras,pigments and liquid eyeliner,hence i truly despise any counterfeited make up ...thought i just mention this because i am truly not siding with anyone

Ciao and keep the peace flowing

PS.i just made nice sicilian cheesecake anyone is welcome to try a slice with some nice ,Illy coffee!

I lost $200 ages ago to a scam seller that I never knew had ripped me off until it was too late to do anything. My seller in this case hadn't ripped me off so I chose to defend them and shared my experience. It turned up that other people looked into it way before me and were already aware of what was going on. This thread is a godsend and a curse all in one if you're new because you trust people easily based off what others say. I found a pigment sampler to buy from here that seems trustworthy but don't really know if I could trust a lot of peoples' opinions now. I'll end up doing most of my sleuth work on my own enough to form an opinion and not make myself look like an arse again.

P.S. I have to drive an hour and a half and go across the Bay Bridge to get edible cheesecake and my boyfriend can't bake. He's in making dinner since I'm sick but cheesecake is way out of his league. I'm so jealous I could


Well-known member
What's being done here to syrene78 is wrong. It's just wrong and I try to stand for what's right. mrfixit714 you have the power to make this right and I really hope that is what you choose to do. I really don’t want to be put in the middle of this but I can’t just allow this lady (syrene78) to be unfairly butchered. This is a simple misunderstanding you can clear this up but if you don’t I will. Please make the right choice.


Well-known member
^^Thank-you Vixxan!! I also trust syrene78, implicitly.

Her being a seller on ebay may well be seen as a conflict of interest, but then both ebay sellers have vested interests in defending their stock as well. And that is NOT an accusation, just an observation that there are conflicts on BOTH sides - regardless of who is right or wrong.

We totally understand issues with suppliers - we have a few ebay seller members here who also had issues previously and rectified them the same way. I agree it isnt always fair being an ebay seller - not everything you buy wholesale is authentic and I think many of us have seen enough posts here to know and understand this - or at least they should! Its so terribly easy to make mistakes with MAC stock

As for syrene leaving positives then retracting - Many of us here have bought counterfeits and left positives before learing that they were actually fake. Many people already left positives and for some it was too late to even do anything about. I just want to note that while its easy enough for sellers to make mistakes - which we understand - then you can understand that its just as easy for BUYERS to make mistakes as well.

This applies to both parties, honestly the counterfeiting is getting so good these days anyone can make a mistake and staying up to date with all the changes and upgrades in counterfeit productions is getting very difficult indeed


Well-known member
Originally Posted by anndanae

This is Anndanae - in response to what what said it is true that I was using a new supplier and apparently some items were fake.
However I have other suppliers for the same items and those are the ones still for sale. Additionally, I obviously am not using that supplier again and advised them as to what I learned.
Please consider my over 4,400 individual feedbacks with only 2 negative EVER (and NO accusations of fakes other than this). I would hope this would show that I am an honest seller and that mistakes can happen when dealing with wholesalers. Please be realistic, and I fixed the problem with this buyer immediately. She mentioned that I didn't even ask for the items back. That was because I believed her when she said they were fake so I did not need them back - since I refuse to knowingly sell items that are not genuine.

It has also come to my attention that the person making these claims against me is actually a competitor selling MAC items on EBAY. I believe this is worth noting. She has 1/3 of the feedback I do and over 2x the negatives!

Barbara (anndanae)

You have a lot of nerve coming on this forum and talking shit about syrene78. You admit to selling fakes and you still want to bad mouth her. Your feedback doesn't mean shit. I purchased Mac from and left you good feedback and that was before I learned to depot them. So your feedback is irrelevant. There are a lot people out there like me that don't or didn't know how to spot a fake. A lot of your customers may never know that you sold them fakes. But syrene78 has never had to come here and tell some bullshit story about how she sold fake cosmetics because she has never sold fakes and you should consider that.

I have just two questions for you. After discovering you sold fake Mac did you go back and tell your customers that you sold them fakes and give them a refund?

Did you contact Ebay and tell them this story about how you sold fake cosmetics on Ebay and offer to do whatever it takes to redeem yourself because you are good person and your feeback not your product speaks for you?

Just incase you didn't I'm going encourage the members of this forum to report to Ebay that you admit to selling fakes cosmetics on Ebay. I filed my complaint today along with a link to your post admitting that you sold fake Mac.
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