eBay Sellers/Fakers to AVOID

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Scotch Lass


I found this seller selling brushes on e-bay. I e-mailed them with a question: i.e. were the brushes 100% authentic...said I was worried that they didn't look like MAC brushes....etc..!!!!


The reply was:

hi there,

thank you for your interest in my product.

i am being told that this is a factory second. I want my buyers to be happy with their purchse, hence, if you are not convinced,please do not bid.

Thank you.


[FONT=arial, sans-serif]- kittylin220480[/FONT]

Think this is another seller to beware of....
Notice she is also selling brush "sets".

Scotch Lass


Well-known member
Thats what I thought but wasnt sure.....

Like Ebay says, if something looks to good to be true then it probably is. If a seller is selling jars at a low BIN price I wouldnt touch them.....

A few months back I got 4 jars from a good seller but she wasnt aware that 2 of them were fakes until I got them and told her.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rockin
Unfortunately, anyone who emails a bidder or buyer on someone else's auction, to warn them in any way, is considered by ebay to be guilty of 'auction interference' whether what they tell them is the truth or not

If the seller gets wind of it, they can report you

you are right. i warned a few people that were bidding on obvious fakes and i got an email from ebay telling me i had been reported and if it happened again my account would be suspended indefinitely... thats complete BS though, i bet the counterfeiters dont get these warnings.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X_SiN_X
you are right. i warned a few people that were bidding on obvious fakes and i got an email from ebay telling me i had been reported and if it happened again my account would be suspended indefinitely... thats complete BS though, i bet the counterfeiters dont get these warnings.

Totally unfair but there's not much we can do. Stupid counterfeiters. I blame eBay for their greediness and lack of protection for buyers against counterfeits/counterfeiters.

I hope rockin's MAC can help out!!


Well-known member
Yeah, its common for sellers to have 'Pigments' with Eyeshadow names (Juiced, Mythology etc). Ive sent sellers with these types of 'Pigment' messages with photographic evidence, and evidence that it is an eyeshadow shade - not a pigment and they still refuse to believe me!


Well-known member
adajacobs listed an authentic 190 brush in her auctions but sent me a counterfeit one. I'm not sure about her other products, but definitely steer clear of the brushes. She was quite nasty to me when I asked for a refund, but luckily I ended up getting one through paypal. She left me negative feedback though, saying to beware of me because I'm a scammer


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cynpat2000
I hope im posting this in the right spot but ckap15 is selling a pigment called da bling, and as far as I know thats not a pigment but an eyeshadow....

http://cgi.ebay.com/MAC-Cosmetics-DA-BLING-A17-Pigment-Eye-Shadow-NIB_W0QQitemZ360000796099QQihZ023QQcategoryZ67610Q QssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

gipsy.bling is also selling a pigment which she is calling 'da bling', and we know she sells fakes. I've reported all her 'MAC' listings again tonight, together with nabeelkarim.



Well-known member
I have this feeling that I will be called a scammer by a buyer instead of a seller... So here's the TRUE story.

I sold an authentic MAC Pigment Blue Brown via eBay to an aussie eBayer.
Item ended: 18 Nov 07
Paid: 19 Nov 07
Payment received: 20 Nov 07
Item sent out: 20 Nov 07

I sent her this message on 30 Nov 07:

Hi there,

Please let me know if you've received the Blue Brown pigment so we can leave a feedback for each other! Thanks.

Then she replied on 02 Dec 07 @ 4.17am:

Dear xqueeze_me,

Hey, my bank contacted me & said they transferred the payment for this item 3 times !!! Could you please return the extra amount they overcharged me for ($72.00), because you would have received $36.00 3x meaning $108 ! instead of just $36, I wont be leaving feedback until this is resolved. There should be 3 payments on the 19th of November of $36, but it was only meant to go through once. I really need the extra cash this holidays, so could you please kindly return the money to:

Axx L
Acct no: XXXXXX

PS. I promise to leave really good feedback.


Then I replied this morning 02 Dec 07 @ 8.30am when I just woke up:

Hmmm.. I did not receive the extra $72 to be honest. If you check your bank account, did you really lose $72? When did your bank contact you regarding this matter? I've only received ONE payment of $36 from the 19th Nov until NOW. I am an honest person and if I overcharged you or you've sent too much money, I WILL ask you for your bank details so I can send the money back to you. My bank statement is proof that I did not receive the extra $72 from you.

I would resolve this problem BUT I did not receive the extra $72 from you.

Still waiting for a reply! She should have contacted me earlier regarding this issue. I hope she doesn't blame me for the bank's mistake! I do have my bank statement to prove that I've never received any extra $72 (2x $36) from her except for the $36 she paid for the pigment + postage. *sighs* eBay is not that fun anymore!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me
I have this feeling that I will be called a scammer by a buyer instead of a seller... So here's the TRUE story.

I sold an authentic MAC Pigment Blue Brown via eBay to an aussie eBayer.
Item ended: 18 Nov 07
Paid: 19 Nov 07
Payment received: 20 Nov 07
Item sent out: 20 Nov 07

I sent her this message on 30 Nov 07:

Then she replied on 02 Dec 07 @ 4.17am:

Then I replied this morning 02 Dec 07 @ 8.30am when I just woke up:

Still waiting for a reply! She should have contacted me earlier regarding this issue. I hope she doesn't blame me for the bank's mistake! I do have my bank statement to prove that I've never received any extra $72 (2x $36) from her except for the $36 she paid for the pigment + postage. *sighs* eBay is not that fun anymore!

Sounds like a scammer to me. There would be a record on HER statement, as well as HER paypal (if it was paid this way?) about these charges. But there would also be them on YOURS. This money would not have been transferred without being noted on paypal and/or bank statements. Paypal/banks will also not send money by theirselves when the money has already gone through - this CAN happen if she paid HERSELF more than once (refreshing pages when paying, clicking more than once on the final 'payment' button etc), but this will be in both of your records. Also i highly doubt you can 'accidently' pay for an item 3 times - i have sent 2 payments once before as the paypal page didnt go to the 'payment sent' page when i was sending money, but this showed up in my transactions history straight away, and i messaged the seller (who happily refunded me).

I would contact ebay to tell them you are being scammed, just in case the girl takes it further - and prevent the potential of paypal refunding her, or suspending your account (neg f/b given to you can also be erased by ebay because of the situation). As ebay owns paypal, they will have a record of the financial transactions between the 2 of you, and she would have to provide bank statements showing the 3 payments (which she wont have) to win a dispute against you.
Good luck with it - seems she was telling you the truth about being short of cash!


Well-known member
Talked to my sis about it. If it's not in my bank statement/account, then I don't have to stress about it.


Well-known member
Ugh! Ebay is starting to leave such a bad taste on my mouth. Rarely do I buy makeup items online and when I do, it is only a select few people who I know sell the real deal. I'm sick of all of the fake stuff--purses, makeup, knockoff, etc.

And people who are trying to warn other people about getting ripped off are the ones that are getting in trouble! I have tried in the past to report sellers selling nonauthentic stuff, but Ebay rarely does anything. These same sellers continue to post auctions for sale and are robbing people of their monies!

Ebay used to be such a good place. But it has been overrun by lots of loser sellers who want to scam people off. Nowadays, I'd much rather buy the product in the stores, even if it is full price. Yes, I too would like to save a buck or too (who doesn't?), that is why I buy things online. But I just bought a Shiseido Mascara Base product that was supposed to be "Brand New" and when I received it this past week, I found that it was all dried out. I'm out $15 + shipping! Thank goodness for Paypal, but this will take weeks to resolve. I know that isn't that much money. But I could have saved myself this problem and tracked down to my local Macy's and bought one myself. I think I'm finally done with Ebay when it comes to Makeup stuff.

Scotch Lass

Here's another one selling fake brushes makeupcase.

The brush has a coloured end on it!


I've sent a message asking have they check out the brushes authenticity......I don't expect to get a nice reply!!

These people selling fakes are really doing my head in. Only about 10% of the brushes that I've seen on e-bay look anything like original. When's e-bay going to do anything about this??

Too bad if your a legitimate seller..........these twats selling fakes spoil it for everyone.


Well-known member
I have had some very useful info from a very reliable source

Estee Lauder who own MAC as we know actually have a consumer protection department that will help with any purchase problems,
eBay may not care but MAC and Estee Lauder companies do!! as per Rockins experience Anyone want or need anymore details PM me


Well-known member
SO I googled MAC and this website caught my attention: MAC Cosmetic Importers. Verrrrrrrry interesting.

Originally Posted by dizzygal
I have had some very useful info from a very reliable source

Estee Lauder who own MAC as we know actually have a consumer protection department that will help with any purchase problems,
eBay may not care but MAC and Estee Lauder companies do!! as per Rockins experience Anyone want or need anymore details PM me

Please do let me know!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me
SO I googled MAC and this website caught my attention: MAC Cosmetic Importers. Verrrrrrrry interesting.

Please do let me know!!!!

Is there anyway of giving this list to MAC to investigate?
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