Fafi & MAC Collaboration Discussion


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I just got my order today. I am going to go see how I like them on my lips, but I have a bad feeling about Not So Innocent l/s. It seems to be just shimmer without any color, like I thought.


Well-known member
my god, Ive spent over $400 on this collection alone :X

maybe if I get some time, Ill post a pic of my fafi haul
and to think..I ALREADY plan on getting every piece from the heatherette collection ...


Well-known member
Okay so i was wrong about Not So Innocent lipstick. Its like a pinky, ivory shimmery sheer lipstick....I love it.

Sugar trance lipgloss-not beige-y like I thought. very light, pinky and sheer. Love it

utterly frivolous lipstick-whoa. I put this on, and almost hated it. It was so much brighter than i thought it'd be (Let's keep in mind that it really probably isn't bright to you guys....I hate brights and bold on my lips)
I added some sugar trance, which didn't really tone it down. but then I stared at myself for 15 minutes, and I love it. It is the perfect candy pink, watermelon, summertime lip color. I like it a lot.


Active member
Originally Posted by lah_knee
while i like this collection im extremely disappointed with how anal mac is being with their employees about this collection. we cant all wear fafi hearts and those who do, have to follow the EXACT shape of the heart on the bottom of the dolls. we cant wear any wigs for theme day, at all. copyright issues. how ridiculously stupid. and the even sent the managers guidelines for the girls we chose to dress up as the fafinettes. its even as meticulous as implying what race these girls need to be in order to be one.

and they are only letting us get discount on the makeup. not the bags :\ im just upset with how over the top this is becoming.

That's strange, I haven't heard anything from my manager about this! We are all suppose to wear striped knee highs and bright colored wigs on theme day...


Well-known member
Got a small Fafi haul, these aren't really my colors so I was able to save alot of $$ on this collection.

Got the Fafi Eyes #2, cash flow and nice vice paint pots. Nothing else caught my eye...the lipsticks were all either too pink or too glittery. The lipglosses weren't unique and the iridescent powders are super shimmery/glittery. Overall, I don't think these colors are very wearable for most people.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Okay so i was wrong about Not So Innocent lipstick. Its like a pinky, ivory shimmery sheer lipstick....I love it.

Sugar trance lipgloss-not beige-y like I thought. very light, pinky and sheer. Love it

utterly frivolous lipstick-whoa. I put this on, and almost hated it. It was so much brighter than i thought it'd be (Let's keep in mind that it really probably isn't bright to you guys....I hate brights and bold on my lips)
I added some sugar trance, which didn't really tone it down. but then I stared at myself for 15 minutes, and I love it. It is the perfect candy pink, watermelon, summertime lip color. I like it a lot.

Yay! Thanks for telling us those descriptions
Ok, now you make me want to go get Not So Innocent. I was afraid it wouldn't show up on my lips either, and I have so many sheer beigey colors.

BTW, I love reading your posts...your comments are just so charming & real


Well-known member
So I trudged out in the cold and rain to go to the MAC store this afternoon. I was afraid that everything would be sold out by the time I got there.

And what did I find? The store was completely dead. So head's up to the Boston ladies, the MAC store on Newbury has tons of everything left (except Perky PP, which they say they never got).

I actually ended up liking this collection a lot more in person. I ended up with 2 lipsticks, a lipglass, and a doll (in addition to the PP and blush I ordered online).
damnit the nordstrom i went to was already SOLD out of utterly frivolous and strawbaby and I got inside the store around 11ish haha.

the artist was really nice enough to hide the fafi eyes 1 and verve-vacious from the other artist because she said somebody wanted to buy the whole collection. anyway here is what I bought (including at the Belk department store & online)

verve-vacious IPP
Fafi Eyes Quad 1
Strawbaby l/s
Utterly Frivolous l/s
Sugar Trance l/g
Cult Fave l/s
Hipness Blush
Nice Vice Paint Pot
Tall Makeup Bag
129 SE Power/blush Brush

Spent like a whooping 250 on this wholeee collection... it is worth it though.

The artist already invited me to the Heatherette event and made sure that if I go, I would go 10 o'clock sharp because people were buying as soon as the doors opened.


Well-known member
Nice haul! I thought it was interesting that some of the stores did not receive 1 or 2 items out of the collection at all.


Active member
Originally Posted by peacelover18
So I trudged out in the cold and rain to go to the MAC store this afternoon. I was afraid that everything would be sold out by the time I got there.

And what did I find? The store was completely dead. So head's up to the Boston ladies, the MAC store on Newbury has tons of everything left (except Perky PP, which they say they never got).

same here. i remember last year, one of the MAs told me that people were waiting outside the store before open for barbie, so i thought it would be like that again. so i got up waaayy early to get there at open, made it there by 10:30, and there was one other girl in the store.

so luckily i got everything i wanted, but i really wasn't feeling this collection once i saw it in person. i only got 3 paint pots, and the dolls. everything was too shimmery


Well-known member
we never got perky shipped to our counter either, but we did get it in gratis, so i wonder what the problem was.
HI! So I checked out the collex today but didn't buy anything yet....

I kept debating over the p.p.....wanted:
1) Lyin Low
2) Girl Friendly (**worried it may be too similar to N Neutral Pink e/s)
3) Cash Flow

I liked some of the l/g's and powders too but waiting to see some more swatches first....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Okay so i was wrong about Not So Innocent lipstick. Its like a pinky, ivory shimmery sheer lipstick....I love it.

Sugar trance lipgloss-not beige-y like I thought. very light, pinky and sheer. Love it

utterly frivolous lipstick-whoa. I put this on, and almost hated it. It was so much brighter than i thought it'd be (Let's keep in mind that it really probably isn't bright to you guys....I hate brights and bold on my lips)
I added some sugar trance, which didn't really tone it down. but then I stared at myself for 15 minutes, and I love it. It is the perfect candy pink, watermelon, summertime lip color. I like it a lot.

How pigmented are your lips? I passed on Not So Innocent because when I swatched it in store, I could barely see it on my hand. I have very un-pigmented lips so I do like at least a touch of color on my lips so I don't look too washed out. Do you think I could pull off NSI without wearing another lipstick underneath it?? TIA!


Well-known member
so i went to check out fafi this morning.
i really wanted to love it, i ready did.
i ended up getting nothing...
the lipsticks had glitter in them, ugh!
the lipglasses that i tried/wanted (sugar trance/cult fave) had no color payoff and looked identical on my lips.
the ipp were ok. but i prefer msf.
way too many of the eyeshadows were lustres, boo!
the paint pots were not impressive enough for me to spend $16.50 on them.
i was very upset, because i was really looking forward to this.
i ended up getting some other stuff that i wanted, so it was cool.


Well-known member
I just got back from my counter with a few purchases, and I was impressed! Everything looked to be in stock, but here in Indy we have a MAC counter in one mall, and pretty much just a few blocks away a free-standing store in another mall. So your odds are generally good with stuff being in stock at least in one of the places. Anyway, I got three of the lipsticks from Fafi!
-Flash 'n' Dash -- Very pretty, fruity sort of red melon color.
-Fun 'n' Sexy -- Very bright pink! I love this one. Very blue based, and has gorgeous reflects of different colors. Very fun looking...probably not that sexy, but absolutely fun!
-Utterly Frivolous -- Very natural on me, like a mauve-y or rosier sort of Syrup.

I'm going to try to get lip swatches of these up sometime tonight or tomorrow. I'm about NW15, maybe even lighter, so...
I was really close to getting High Top, because it is just such a unique color. Sort of a purple, grey, with some green reflects...Sounds terrible, I bet, and it was sort of the color of a particularly nasty bruise, but it was definitely something unique, and I was dying to see it on somebody's lips. I might just go back for it anyway! Not So Innocent didn't show much of anything other than shimmer on my hand. My lips are pretty pigmented, but I am also quite pale. It just seemed to me like it was not going to make much a difference on me. I'll wait for Fleshpot with Heatherette to get that sort of nude look I was envisioning Not So Innocent to be. Strawbaby was very pretty, but looked sort of dupe-able, so I skipped.

I barely noticed anything else, my head was swirling with lip stuff. But, the Fafi Eye Quads looked good if you don't already have colors like them, and the Rollickin' Paint Pot was gorgeous, a soft sky blue on me, but I rarely use blues so I didn't buy one. Ack, this is a novel, isn't it? I'll try to swatch in a few, if anyone is interested! Also, anybody else who was curious about Fashion Frenzy vs. Dollymix, I'd say FF had less red tones, and was more a pure sort of fuschia-pink. You don't really need both, as they have a similar idea behind them, but having both wouldn't be too crazy.

Also, I got an invite to their Fafi event on February 28th and March 1st? She mentioned they'd be doing makeup, and it is an appointment sort of thing. So, I suppose it's not the release event otherwise mentioned in this thread, but something else entirely? Seems far off in the distance to me, when she first mentioned it I was hoping it would be for Heatherette, haha.

edit: alright, here is some super preliminary swatches, I just couldn't wait for good lighting! I'm going to redo these tomorrow definitely. I was just thinking if anyone was totally waiting to see some small, ill-lit swatches of three lipsticks before making their order, crisis averted, because here they are!
-Utterly Frivolous
- Fun 'n' Sexy
- Flash 'n' Dash

All of them are just lipstick'd on the bottom lip, the top was left bare in case anyone wanted to make pigmentation comparisons. I'll do better tomorrow morning, promise! I'll post those up ASAP. And elegant-one, thank you for pointing out the High-Top pics on the Fafi swatch thread, I definitely want it now. A unique shade is always my downfall, I bought two Blast O' Blues, and don't regret it at all!


Well-known member
AlarmAgent, Your review was cute
Thanks! I have your coloring, pale with pigmented lips so that helped me.

There is a swatch of Hight Top l/s on lips at the bottom of the fafi swatch thread....it looks gorgeous on. I'm so debating about this one as I love plum base colors.


Well-known member
I want to get 1 of the IPP, but i have absolutely no idea which one to get. Any suggestions pls? I'm NW25 in SFF. TIA


Well-known member
The collection is better in person =D
I swatched all the products on my NC20 hand.
I only bought Hipness brush and Perky pp. I'm going to B2M Fun N Sexy and purchase Cash Flow tomorrow.
Hipness brush is pigmented, but it doesn't look unnatural. MAC doesn't have a colour dupe-able in the perm. line.
Perky is great for an over-lid colour. It's a peachy-pink colour. It'll be a great base for Melon pigment, or any other pink eyeshadows.
All the paint pots are very creamy.
I didn't buy Girl Friendly because it looks too cool for my skintone, kind of bruise-like. I'm a neutral-eye girl, so Layin' Low (a little too dark), Rollickin' and Nice Vice are out of the picture.
Fun N Sexy is better than I thought. It's jam-packed with blue shimmer! I love it. I have Malibu Barbie and Rocking Chick, so I'm skipping Totally It. I think using Fun N Sexy with Malibu Barbie can give me the same look.
This collection is better in person. Check it out when you have the chance!

Also, I got two Fafi bags. hehe! I didn't get a poster though...

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