Fake MAC from StrawberryNet?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lolemily
I've only seen brushes, e/s, pigments & pallettes being faked, so I think most other MAC being sold is the real deal on SNet.

well you can add fake eyeliners, fake mascara, fake CCBs, fake blush, & fake MES to that list as well.

I dont trust anything really anymore, especially from places that have no idea or deny that they are selling fakes, it just goes to show you they will sell you anything


Active member
Gosh, really? I never buy MAC online (I just do wayyy too much swapping) but I mostly hear about brushes and eyeshadows/pigments.


Well-known member
I'm really new to this forum, but BOY am I glad I saw this thread! Just the other day I was thinking of buying pigments fråm Strawberrynet with the next salary...


Wow I am having no success with mac recently I just bought like 4 mac e/s off snet. Are they all fake? Has anyone received real mac e/s off snet? Shall I just chuck them all in the bin?
I'm so not buying anything online anymore!


Thanks I will - I have never depotted a thing in my life - but you have to start somewhere! Will report back once I have read a few tutorials and managed to figure out whether they're fake or not


OK so I wasn't able to look at the pans since I watched Enkore's tutorial and don't have a wire cutter or paring knife so i'll have to get those tomorrow...anyway I did managed to get them out of the casings and have compared to Xqueeze_me's eyeshadow packaging comparison and I'm not too sure. I think they are fakes but some things don't match up. Some of the casing don't look like either the real or the fake! Like I have a real e/s (creme de violet which is quite old) and the dots on the back are smooth whereas I thought they were meant to be raised. Anyway maybe someone can spot something in these pics I took that I missed. I just don't trust anything that hasn't come from a mac store now!







Well-known member
Maybe you can try the flat iron method?

Also, I keep forgetting to add one thing to the Eyeshadow packaging comparison. From what I can see, Scene is definitely the fake one. I'd say check the sides (of pot) where the tray clips into the pot. If its roughly cut and not smooth compared to the authentic ones, then its fake.

Also, the dots on the trays of my eyeshadows are smooth and only slightly raised.

Sure is weird to see now that SNet stocks a mixture of real and fake? Let's wait for the verdict!


Well-known member

I also have scene from Snet and believe mine to be fake,
Side story: I was scammed rather badly by "Divalascrag"
on ebay, I'm a little more wiser these days thanks to all the wonderful ladies on Spektra & have learnt how to identify fakes.

I never believed SN to sell fakes but after reading on here about funny looking eyeshadow pans I compared my authentic MAC eyeshadows (I have 3 x 15 slot palettes full that I have purchased from various MAC stores in Singapore, Malaysia & Australia) to my Ebay & SN ones and sure enough the 1 common factor apparent on the Ebay & SN fakes is the indentation on the metal pan as seen in the pic where as all the authentic ones have the flat round surface.

Some of my SN ones appear authentic but now for me its just not worth the risk and I will no longer purchase from them.


Well-known member
yup - fake. those pan backs with the rings are the giveaway. our old mate seems to have burnt quite a few people here, and more on ebay with wholesale lots.


Well-known member
May I have your permission to send the pics to a fella that works at HCT (they make the pots for Mac, which is in China btw).

He'll confirm for sure.

Let me know.

I spent 9 hours on a flight with this fella, picked his brain, and opened a Mac eyeshadow and asked him tons of questions.

You can email the company if you want, I'm sure they'll answer .. I mean it's their pots :-D



Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
The Scene is definitely fake - it you want more details on why please PM me.



Well-known member
the "indentation" in the back of the metal pans is a clear sign they are fake. The metal pans, I found out (kiss me all over please
) are made in NY, yes Nueva York baby, by a company called Acme metal (something like that) on machines that are over 80 years old

I swear a year ago I couldn't tell one pigment from another LOL .. now I'm into metal pans LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
the "indentation" in the back of the metal pans is a clear sign they are fake. The metal pans, I found out (kiss me all over please
) are made in NY, yes Nueva York baby, by a company called Acme metal (something like that) on machines that are over 80 years old


Welcome back!!


Well-known member
I'm back

I swear we're probably on the "sheeet list" of every fake Mac Ebay seller in the world

maybe I should sleep with a gun under my pillow ghh ghh ghh


Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
May I have your permission to send the pics to a fella that works at HCT (they make the pots for Mac, which is in China btw).

Hi Red,

I didn't contribute much to this but feel free to take use my one lil picture if it helps.



Well-known member
I don't know if this is old news, but I just noticed strawberrynet pulled MAC from their website. Maybe they realized that they indeed had fakes and decided to just get rid of everything.