Fake Pigments Closetmustgo


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition
the pics of the fake chartreuse next to the real one... wow.

i checked all of my piggies and they all have silver labels so i am at a loss on the clear label situation.

Are they pro colours or regular colours or both?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
Are they pro colours or regular colours or both?

from the US line, they would be a mix of LE and regular.

*edit* just read your guide, i should have realised that label thing earlier. it's tricky over here because the counters only seem to get the LE ones, so i see all piggies as "pro" even if they aren't really pro.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition
from the US line, they would be a mix of LE and regular.

*edit* just read your guide, i should have realised that label thing earlier. it's tricky over here because the counters only seem to get the LE ones, so i see all piggies as "pro" even if they aren't really pro.

LOL! You're lucky to even have a counter
We dont have anything here that even remotely resembles MAC anything...lol...I always end up ringing Paddington!!

All the pro colours and glitters should have clear labels and all the LE and reg's should have silver labels, with the exception of some of the older pro colours and glitters - they used to have black labels


Well-known member
Wow girls! i,m shicked by al the posts here! and the pics of the real charteuse and the fake...
mine definatly looks like the fake one!
somebody said my kelly green has a clear sticker, but in real it is foggy! al of them are, just not the copper sparkle.
i havent emailed closet yet , but i will do so right now!


Well-known member
i have emailed closetmustgo,
hope it helps if we all email her! maybe that will get her attention!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kana
Wow girls! i,m shicked by al the posts here! and the pics of the real charteuse and the fake...
mine definatly looks like the fake one!
somebody said my kelly green has a clear sticker, but in real it is foggy! al of them are, just not the copper sparkle.
i havent emailed closet yet , but i will do so right now!

no doubt you all will get the same lame excuses me and sushi got
plus the best one yet i got was and i quote

"I cant see colours very good like other people and the labels all look clear as crystal to me"

what a load of B*LLOCKS!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by look_divine
no doubt you all will get the same lame excuses me and sushi got
plus the best one yet i got was and i quote

"I cant see colours very good like other people and the labels all look clear as crystal to me"

what a load of B*LLOCKS!!!!

are you for real??? "I cant see the colours very good....."

What a load of sweet assed shit...... now you KNOW she is lying through her teeth


Well-known member
Originally Posted by look_divine

"I cant see colours very good like other people and the labels all look clear as crystal to me"

what a load of B*LLOCKS!!!!

HAHAHAHAHA "can't see colours very good like other people"! That's classic!

Also, "I can't open the links".....................

Agreed. What a load of bullpoop!!

Can't believe that a seller like her has turned into such a scoundrel (especially when $$ is involved!).


Well-known member
Hi ladies, i bougth a sample of chartreuse on a dutch forum, when i get it i wil swatch that one with the one from closetmustgo!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by look_divine
no doubt you all will get the same lame excuses me and sushi got
plus the best one yet i got was and i quote

"I cant see colours very good like other people and the labels all look clear as crystal to me"

what a load of B*LLOCKS!!!!

Damn!!! what a bad excuse!!!! i think i will get the same answer as you girls did!!


Well-known member
and the worst thing is, i have a DEEP PURPLE pigment from her that's arriving this week.
and 2 dazzleglasses as wel...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kana
and the worst thing is, i have a DEEP PURPLE pigment from her that's arriving this week.
and 2 dazzleglasses as wel...

I will hopefully have a Deep Purple to compare to my own authentic one this week (Thanks Julie!). I don't have the original box since I bought Deep Purple without the box but I will have to make do with the original boxes that I have.

I'm so tempted to buy Electric Coral and Basic Red to compare because I bought my Electric Coral and Basic Red from the Pro Store. Oh boy!! I need to look somewhere or for someone to fund this comparison obsession!


Well-known member
I've just taken a look at the MAC Pro site, and got this picture of the Chartreuse pigment from there. It looks more like the colour of the 'fake' pigment pictured in an earlier post than the authentic one


I have also purchased a Chartreuse from a seller in the US (someone on the recommended list), which I am currently waiting for. The seller has a picture of the pigment jar and box (pic below) next to a pic of pigment that looks the same colour as the MAC picture above.


These look the same to me, but not when compared to that much brighter green shown earlier. Please tell me I haven't made another booboo?


Well-known member
Maybe its just me but I canNOT trust the shade colours listed on the MAC websites because they look different when its swatched, even on white paper. I have to see with my own eyes physically at the shades swatched or just in their packaging.. but I normally swatch it on my wrists to see the what the colours look like on my skin.


Well-known member
this is her answer to my email:

Pigments are often questioned with all the fakes out there I understand. The email group posting by WC RACER describes beautifully how to spot them. Mine pass all "tests" put forth by this seller. If you read the ENTIRE posting. I stand behind my product sa genuine as I purchase direct from mac warehouse. THey would certainly not sell me fake mac. You are most welcome to send them back if they are unused and you still do not believe me with all my great feedback and telling you they are 100% authentic and that I purchased direct from mac. There would be no way for me to prove it to you other than my word. If you do send them back unused, please enclose a note with all item information in it so I know where they are coming form.
Thank you


Well-known member
as i used the pigments before i found out i dont know if its wise to send them back...
what is she doesnt refund because they are used? then she gets to keep the pigments and my money, and she might sell them again to someone els.....

i really hate this!!!!


Well-known member
well wait to you read my email off her
Dear ebay buyer,
Respectfully, I have offered you a refund on return of unused product. I have offered you all proof of authenticity that is available to me, short of
giving you information that is confidential.
It is my understanding that you wish to be refunded and that is what I am willing to do for you. I do suspect that you are now
attempting to extort information or perhaps further compensation from me. I will not allow this behavior to continue. Your continued
harassment is not appreciated nor will it be tolerated. Further slander of my name will result in further actions. Please discontinue
all communication with me at this time. Further communication will result in further action as well. Send all corespondence to Paypal
and your dispute filing. I will, as I always have, do exactly what paypal asks of me in their settlement of this dispute.

I have not asked for money except my refund and exort information? i only asked if she can prove in writing ewhere she bought them
GEEESH this jsut gets better


Well-known member
It sounds like she is thinking you're trying to find out who her suppliers are so that you can buy directly from them and become competition for her on ebay.

Any time anyone asks on the ebay forums where they can source a particular product, they are quickly advised to do their own research because other sellers sure as hell aren't going to want to help the competition.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by look_divine
well wait to you read my email off her
Dear ebay buyer,
Respectfully, I have offered you a refund on return of unused product. I have offered you all proof of authenticity that is available to me, short of
giving you information that is confidential.
It is my understanding that you wish to be refunded and that is what I am willing to do for you. I do suspect that you are now
attempting to extort information or perhaps further compensation from me. I will not allow this behavior to continue. Your continued
harassment is not appreciated nor will it be tolerated. Further slander of my name will result in further actions. Please discontinue
all communication with me at this time. Further communication will result in further action as well. Send all corespondence to Paypal
and your dispute filing. I will, as I always have, do exactly what paypal asks of me in their settlement of this dispute.
I have not asked for money except my refund and exort information? i only asked if she can prove in writing ewhere she bought them
GEEESH this jsut gets better

OMG!!!!! this is really bad!!!!! how offensive can she get???
brrrrrrr....this gives me the creeps...


Well-known member
i only asked if she could prove where she purchased, as said by another lady, you can cover the particular business names of suppliers etc
at the end of the day shes selling shit that could do serious harm to someone and it needs to be stopped!!!