funny things your husband/bf/whatever has said about makeup..


Well-known member
Haha the new guy Im crushing on, always talks about how I like makeup too much.

I pull out literally like 15 lipsticks/glosses from my purse and ask him to pick one....he said THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME...

lol no they dont! Thats why i have so many...duh!


Well-known member
OMG today my bf actually said hilarious things about makeup.

Him: "stocks dropped down again today. wonder who owns MAC" and he actually googled and told me estee lauder (as if I didn't know this already) but it was so cute he looked! and then he started looking at all these other makeup companies and saw their stocks were down LOL

and then when he found out my eye MU remover evaporated since I accidently left the top off for a week LOL he said this to me later..

Him: I learned something today. makeup evaporates.
Me: you mean my eye makeup remover?
Him: oooh

so cute


Well-known member
my hubby has said so many crazy/funny things about mac/make-up its hilarious. like ever since i told him what contouring was once, every time i do something to my face and say what do u notice he says , u did that contouring sh** lol, and hes never right, although other than that he makes pretty good sense, i guess he tries lol


Well-known member
usually mine will just bitch about the time it takes for me to put it on but sometimes it's funny when i tell him about future purchases.

the other day i told him "don't be mad, but there's new brushes coming out in january and i'm getting them all!" as i squealed with delight and then he looks at me with a smile on his face and says "don't be mad..." silence with a smile. i say "what??!" and he's still smiling and then finally "i'm selling my go-kart...and getting a motorcycle". i asked him why would i get mad at that and i think he thought i would be overly concerned about him getting hurt.

he honestly spends so much money on his hobbies, he knows he can't really say anything about my makeup spending so it all works out. it's funny how we're both "don't be mad but...". haha


Well-known member
My inlaws were making fun of my m/u obsession the other day when out of no where my DH says, "you guys are just jealous you dont know how to properly use a #266 brush." I about died laughing


Well-known member
I showed my husband an eyeshadow blending brush. He was quiet for a minute and then said 'Thats awfully small for a foundation applier'.

....when I finally stopped laughing, I had to sooth his wounded pride and then explain all the different uses for brushes.


New member
I have no idea how to properly apply e/s.. so I've been perving
at all the tutorials and FOTD's to try and get a grip.

So I bought up at MAC on Sunday, and have every night been practising.

Last night he comes home from a few drinkys with his friends, and goes...
"Still not got the hang, huh?"
Nope.. stupid crap.. can't just get it...
Him: Oh here.. gimme a go... can't be that hard... it's like panel beating and painting....


Him: Well, you just gotta hold the brush like...soooooo.... and put the stuff like... sooooooo... and... oh... ohhhhhh.....hrrmm... well....not so easy huh?


The wally.


Well-known member
When I was dating my DH, he knew nothing about makeups. One day he asked me why would I remove all my makeup, when I would apply the SAME thing next day! "What a waste of money and time!" So now everytime I visit cosmetics counters with him, I let all the ladies know what he said, they would just give him, 'Are you for real?' look.

I was also trying out a few different lipsticks and one of them was 'Snob'. He turned to MUA and said, gee, that's not a very nice name! LOL. Then it just hit me that I didn't even give much thought about the name. Wait until I go and buy Coral Polyp or Varicose Vein.


Well-known member
Boyfriend: "Why do you need all that extra stuff for your eye?" (talking about primer)
Me: "Because it keeps it from creasing"
Boyfriend: "....."
Me: "Well, it makes the colors more vibrant and makes them stay on longer"
Boyfriend "....".

Sometimes silence says a lot more than words


Well-known member
My boyfriend doesnt really say much about it. I think hes a bit neutral towards it. the first time I work pink freeze e/s however he kindly remarked "What is that shit on your eyes?". Thanks darling.

Not the bf but a male friend of mine came into my room and asked if he could borrow hair styling cream (i think he actualyl said gel but i dont own that) i pointed into my wardrobe where my collecction is and hes like "Ummm, did you rob a makeup store recently?"


Well-known member
I work at Sephora and I asked my boyfriend to come to the Christmas party with me.
Alex: Aw babe, please don't do this to me. Make up parties? I don't ask you to freeze your ass off through a Steelers game, do I?
Me: Yes, and a tailgate party. Besides, I doubt that we'll be talking about make up on our time off anyways.
Alex: Good, because I don't want to hear about how Sarah Palin desperately needs a steroid brush again.

It seriously took me a while to figure out he was talking about a BUFFER brush! At least I know he's listening, right? Haha, the poor dear.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TwiggyPop
I work at Sephora and I asked my boyfriend to come to the Christmas party with me.
Alex: Aw babe, please don't do this to me. Make up parties? I don't ask you to freeze your ass off through a Steelers game, do I?
Me: Yes, and a tailgate party. Besides, I doubt that we'll be talking about make up on our time off anyways.
Alex: Good, because I don't want to hear about how Sarah Palin desperately needs a steroid brush again.

It seriously took me a while to figure out he was talking about a BUFFER brush! At least I know he's listening, right? Haha, the poor dear.

hehe thats cute


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty For Ashe
Oh my God! These were soooo hilarious. I am laughing because every time we go out my boyfriend waits until I start my makeup before he even takes his shower. Here recently, he started asking, "Are you doing eyeshadow?" He knows if I do my eyes that's at least an extra 15 minutes. I always say..."You're with a makeup artist...this is that I do!"

Haha that's the same with me! Every morning we always fight about who has to get out of bed first and he always wins with the 'YOU! You take waaayyy longer with all your makeup then I do!'

The other day I bought the infatuating rose pallet. I NEVER hide anything I buy from him because my mom always hid stuff from my dad and it created trust issues, so I always show him my purchases. Of course he goes 'How much was that?' and I explain to him it was 25% off, plus my Macy's discount. Besides, I wanted to try some purples and it has 6 shadows together plus two highlights, and I'm running out of highlights.. blah blah blah. So the next day I was off and he had school and I spent the entire day just playing with my pallet. He gets home and refuses to let me take off my face.. 'No, with makeup like that we have to have sexy time!' Haha he loved the colors I used from the new pallet.

Other than that, he encourages me to post FOTDs cause he knows how much I love makeup.. he's pretty supportive and all for anything that can serve as a creative outlet for me. I looove him.


Well-known member
My husband said the otherday...

"Just dip your fingers in the eyeshadow and put it on (like war paint)...

That's his way of saying hurry up and lets go. But I laughed.

Or any e/s color I wear, he has to refer me to something:

Purple e/s= Purple People Eater
Blue e/s= A clown, blueberry, or Mimi from the Drew Carry show.
A dark colored e/s= Black eyes
Brown= Poopoo

Wtf? lol, its not like I saw "Oh, you shaved your face (my hd has the lines that outline his jaw)... it looks like a g-string made out of hair".


Well-known member
your posts made me laugh so much!!! and made me rememer all those times when my husband made me crack up every time he would comment about my makeup.

my husband always teases me about watching videos on youtube.
everytime i'm about to go to the bedroom he always asks "are you going to watch youtube videos now!?"

one time i was finishing putting my makeup on and there was an eyelash curler laying around and he sees it and picks it up and says "what in the world is this thing??"
me: "it's for eyelashes"
him: "it looks like it's for surgery!"

and everytime i have something on my lips he always kisses my cheeks because he learned that if he kisses me in the lips it will be sticky.

oh and i remember one time we were at a drug store and i saw some too faced products and got excited and started checking it out.
as soon as he saw an ad for lip injection where there's a girl holding an injection up to her face he screamed "nooooooo, please don't do this to yourself i'm begging you!"
and when i saw the poster i started cracking up and tried to explain him that it's not what it actually looks like!

men are such kids when it comes to makeup!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_bailey
Not the bf but a male friend of mine came into my room and asked if he could borrow hair styling cream (i think he actualyl said gel but i dont own that) i pointed into my wardrobe where my collecction is and hes like "Ummm, did you rob a makeup store recently?"

oh my god this is hilarious!


Well-known member
Me- "I can't wait til my new Urban Decay palette gets here! It's got a matte black in it!" (I only own black tied)

Boyfriend - "What's that?"

Me- "It just means it has no sparkle or shine, it's just like a pure, matte black"

Boyfriend- "OH! I know what that means! That's a color on my photoshop!"


Well-known member
A while back my husband and I had gone into the CCO so I could buy a new brush set.

Husband: Hey babe, this one has that skank brush you want.
Me: Skank brush?

He holds up it.

Me: (lol) It's called a skunk brush.
Husband: (sniffs it) Why? It doesn't smell.
Me: (LMAO)
Husband: Just get the damn brush.