funny things your husband/bf/whatever has said about makeup..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by n_c
This Sat. my little sis came over to have me do her mu for a party. I was switching back and forth between my mu and hers then he comes in and says "what you guys doin, getting MacAfied?!!?"

when we were in the hospital after i had my new baby, i went on specktra on my phone and i told my husband to read the new posts to me. he read this one and said.."this sat. my little sis came over to have me do her MOO..she had her do her cow?" lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaexbabey
when we were in the hospital after i had my new baby, i went on specktra on my phone and i told my husband to read the new posts to me. he read this one and said.."this sat. my little sis came over to have me do her MOO..she had her do her cow?" lol

Hahha too funny!

Congrats to you, btw.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eskiepeskie
These are so funny

Because of you I now see Mac and instead of thinking PCs I am thinking makeup!!!


lmfao that's too cute!


Well-known member
my dad calls my traincase my saddle bag.
" can you please put all you're crap back in you're saddle bag? Geeze, you think with all the shalack you wear you'd be hideous!"

uhhh thanks?


Well-known member
I was at Beau's house on Christmas Day, wearing red and green eyeshadow [I wanted to be festive!], and he looked at me and said,

"Hey, that green looks nice! Is that like, a winter colour or something?"

A for effort!

He even tells me what he likes on me, and he'll be all, "HAY BABE, look at this lip gloss! Its pink with sparkles and shit! It smells like fruit! Try it on!" He loves the lip stuff! n.n


Got another funny one last night - I had been drinking coffee all day and at about midnight I said to my boyfriend "I've had too much coffee today.. I don't feel tired at all." To which he replied -

"Ahh.. you're pursebuzzing"

lol.. so cute that he listens to me when I am babbling on about makeup


New member
my boyfriend looked schocked when i took him with me to the mac pro store... first he looked at the 187 i picked up and he was like whta is that for??? and then im like to use it on my face, and he just stayed quiet then he touched the bristles and hes like ohhh thats soft lol i couldnt stop laughin so now when we go to sephora or something he feels all the brushes and if he finds one thats really soft he calls me over to look at it, hes so cute atleast he doesnt bug me to hurry up.


Well-known member
I was talking to my bf about different kinds of eyelids the other day and he's like "well you know my brother has triple-eyelids!"

me: what are triple eyelids
him: double, but I like saying triple


Well-known member
i got a new one today.

BF: hehehehehe. latest mac campaign... gold fever. arrrrrgh sequins!

how did he find out about it? the group on facebook sent out an update
he's still a member.


Well-known member
me and my bf were at sephora, he was playing around with the brushes and asking me what each one does. lol he loved the sephora brush holders way more though, he loved it so much some of the little "balls" ended up on the floor. lol. we just walked away :/

oh and today we were at mac at nordstrom and he got a hold of some face sponge thingys. ommggg he loves those things, he put two together and was like "omg now its a pizza, now its a triangle" it was so cute though. And i was like wanna hear the best part of it? you can keep those too! he was so happy. lol played with them around the whole mall. lol


Well-known member
Haha, speaking of Sephora, my boyfriend and I went there the other day. I was looking at the brushes and he was sticking his fingers in the little balls that hold the brushes in place telling me "This is sooo therapeutic, let's come here more often".

Usually when I go into MAC he looks at the displays when you walk in and goes "Ohhhhh my god!! Look at these eyeshadows!!" really sarcastic like.
i just got called today for an interview tomorrow at Macy's to work for one of the cosmetics counters. I had tried for the new MAC counter that is opening there this month, but I totally missed the voicemail from the hiring manager and missed out on my chance to interview. But luckily...second chance at a makeup counter. YAY. anyways...i haven't worn much makeup this summer because it's been so hot, and my boyfriend and i were hitch hiking. needless to say, i've gotten WAY more tanned than i have ever been. I started to do a practice run on my makeup for tomorrow and i asked him how it looks... he says 'you look like a dead jellyfish, your face is so pale.' i immediately washed my face and went to walgreens and spent 50 dollars on different foundations and powders and concealers. i redo it when i get home, and i go to kiss him and he scrunches his face up and says 'your face smells like play-dough'

he won't kiss me until i wash my face.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by panther27
Mine's like,''It must KILL you to wash all that expensive makeup off your face"Haha

LOL I love it!

Mine always says: Don't you have enough?....especially when the mail man or UPS guy pulls up


Well-known member
I have a ton of stories!

An cinematographer friend: You know, I like those green things (e/s) and black cat eyes the movie star had in the 60's. Can you do that? (and I was like duh)

An ex-bf, during brazilian carnival (I was ready to leave): Can you make a golden bird-like make up all over my face?

My dad: You should donate some of your make up. You have stuff for your entire life already. What's the point of buying more?

Another ex: Please, don't wear red l/s! It makes my face all red.

Another date: I love this sticky gloss when you kiss me.

Another date: Your eyelashes are SOOOO beautiful! (they were falsies!)

And yet another bf: Are your lashes fake? (They weren't!)

A teacher, when I've presented my photographic compilation to the entire class, by the end of the semester: There's nothing more fascinating than a woman making herself up. You can see all her secrets. (The guy was flirting with a student in front of 60 students! He spent the whole semester saying stuff like that.)

If I remember more, I'll post!


Well-known member
He puts up with it I guess lol. But he still makes fun of me for it.

Once I was showing him new stuff I had gotten and he was like "You have so much stuff. All your primers and lacquers etc." And I just looked at him and was like "Yea..and?" And he was like "Seriously? I was just naming stuff to do with paint"

Or if we are in Shoppers and I start drifting towards the makeup aisle just to look around he'll be like "Don't! You know it isn't as good as MAC, don't waste your money!" But he might just say that because he doesn't want to wait for me :p

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