Fyrinnae?? (formerly Bombshell Bath)


Well-known member
I;ve been seeing alot of reviews about these guys lately, and I am so going to place an order when I get paid this week!

I want me some of the Epoxy!


The thing about handmade cosmetics is that no two batches are the same.. I have two jars of Equality (one spilled so they replaced it for me) and one seems slightly greyer than the other.

Has anyone tried their brushes? I heard raves for the bent eyeliner brush, but I would like to hear more about the other brushes! They're quite affordable but I don't really need any more brushes atm...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by paintednightsky
I love Fyrinnae. They are my favorites along with AL. I tend to go for Fyrinnae when I want really poppy, intense looks. Al is less glittery I suppose, but still intense and beautiful. The colors from FY are so unique. I love their Neouniverse, Curious & Curiouser, etc. I have tons of pigment samples from them as well as some full sizes. Their samples are so generous to work with. With them, I've found colors like greens & blues that don't usually look good on me that now look great on me. The key is application to getting the pigment and true quality to shine through. Takes a bit longer than normal blending but its so worth it. Their rice primer is one of my favorite primers.

A stupid question maybe: What is AL?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ChloeCariad
I;ve been seeing alot of reviews about these guys lately, and I am so going to place an order when I get paid this week!

I want me some of the Epoxy!

I am waiting for my Epoxy to arrive... it´s very exciting... My friend has tried it and she´s very happy with it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by monlnd
A stupid question maybe: What is AL?

AL means Aromaleigh, also a mineral makeup company. go search them up! They have probably the fastest shipping rate within 1-2 business days generally.


Well-known member
I love Fyrinnae's colors. They are just so much fun. If money were no object I'd happily buy one of each and every one of their eyeshadows.

In reality though, I need to stop buying super glittery fun colors and work on accumulating some eyeshadows for reasonable everyday looks.


Well-known member
Just made my first Fyrrinae order!

I ordered:
Whee mini liplustre
Visual Kei mini liplustre
Shibuya mini liplustre
Fanservice mini liplustre
Pixie Epoxy full size
Meerkat loose pigment sample
Sea Otter loose pigment sample
Shinigami loose pigment sample
Lemming loose pigment sample
Robot Takeover loose pigment sample
Hypercool loose pigment sample
Android Angel loose pigment sample


Well-known member
According to Lipsticks and Lightsabres, there are some new colors coming out, including several Arcane Magic shades. And the website says they've added a new ingredient to the lustres to keep them smooth. I is curious!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Artemisia
Just made my first Fyrrinae order!

I ordered:
Whee mini liplustre
Visual Kei mini liplustre
Shibuya mini liplustre
Fanservice mini liplustre
Pixie Epoxy full size
Meerkat loose pigment sample
Sea Otter loose pigment sample
Shinigami loose pigment sample
Lemming loose pigment sample
Robot Takeover loose pigment sample
Hypercool loose pigment sample
Android Angel loose pigment sample

I love love LOVE Hypercool, it is such a great color!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kragey
According to Lipsticks and Lightsabres, there are some new colors coming out, including several Arcane Magic shades. And the website says they've added a new ingredient to the lustres to keep them smooth. I is curious!

I've seen those too and they are very pretty.
Will definitely order Glitter Boi, Sequined Master, Futuristic Glam Rock and Electric Stardust when they come out

Actually, it's because of Ana (from Lipsticks & Lightsabres) that I ordered from Fyrinnae in the first place, her swatches are so pretty.
Plus she also really made me want to try Pixie Epoxy after reading her review

Her blog is my favourite.


Well-known member
I ordered some stuff from them a few weeks back and it turned up the other day. Sadly, bloody Royal Mail had managed to rip the bag open and lose all the contents (except for the invoice, which was a nice touch!). Anyway, the happy ending is that I emailed Fyrinnae to ask if they would mind putting in a claim for compensation on my behalf, and they replied promising to replace the order as soon as they could, and were really sweet about it. So two thumbs up for their customer service and I can't wait to play with the shadows - but two thumbs down for Royal Mail for making me wait another month!

I also love the L&L blog


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilexica
I ordered some stuff from them a few weeks back and it turned up the other day. Sadly, bloody Royal Mail had managed to rip the bag open and lose all the contents (except for the invoice, which was a nice touch!). Anyway, the happy ending is that I emailed Fyrinnae to ask if they would mind putting in a claim for compensation on my behalf, and they replied promising to replace the order as soon as they could, and were really sweet about it. So two thumbs up for their customer service and I can't wait to play with the shadows - but two thumbs down for Royal Mail for making me wait another month!

I also love the L&L blog

Fyrinnae has some of the best customer service out there. The guys who run it are really sweet, and they love their loyal customers. They also listen to suggestions and concerns, which is a HUGE plus in my book.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AngelaMH
Anybody know how long the store is going to be closed & what changes they're making?

According to their Twitter, they're going to be closed for a week or two. Not sure what the changes are, though; they may be fixing stuff up to discontinue some colors and introduce others, and they may even be trying to catch up with the mass influx of orders they've had recently.


Well-known member
Because I'm awesome and I stalk them like woah on Twitter:

"No, no, no. The site is not closed because of being "overwhelmed". Not in the least! Xinchou has been working on things for a few days and even I'm not aware of all the changes my man is making. But there's a reason he won't say on the blog. A year or two ago, there was an announcement of "price changes" and one person went berserk on forums saying F. was raising prices and a bunch of people ordered like mad. Actually, 4 prices were lowered, none went up."

Also, just for the record: "I do believe it's been mentioned somewhere, but we're changing the Lustre labels so you may still get some old style until they're are gone."


Well-known member
Even though I'm on a no buy for a month, I seriously miss my Fyrinnae window shopping. Almost every day I would trawl through the site, debating the differences between this shade and another, which would build my collection the best. Can't wait for the new colours and want to order some more lip lustres. The only thing I didn't like is how the Professional Colours Chrome pressed. I ended up with a silver glitter bomb all over my pressed Fyrinnae palette! Not good, not good at all!


I've emptied samples of Immortality & Equality a couple times but I also have two full sizes of each as back ups. I wear them almost every day.

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