Giveaway 12/22/07 - Congrats Cosmopolitics!

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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

My favorite Holiday tradition is eating leftovers the next day with my family. We just talk and watch movies. It's a way to catch up with each other because we do not all live close to each other, and often have to fly in to get together.


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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

Every Christmas Eve we have a special family dinner, watch corny Christmas movies and open our presents. On Christmas Day we have a huge family lunch which all the relatives come to, which always ends up continuing into dinner time. After dinner the whole family (at least 50 of us!) walk to the middle of town to see the giant Christmas tree all lit up in lights.


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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

Going to my moms' house, all my family there, opening gifts and having a HUGE dinner


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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

My favorite tradition is baking with my mom! We always make soo many different types of cookies and cake and pie and fudge! I can't wait to bake tomorrow!


New member
Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

my favorite tradition of the holidays would have to be, hands-down, decorating the tree. one new ornament would be bought every year by each of the family members, so the tree grew in decorations with every passing xmas. each ornament was full of memories of the past years. so decorating the tree was very special to me indeed.

though i no longer live with my parents, i am continuing this tradition with my bf who i now live with. and i will surely pass this tradition down to my own kids when i have them.


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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

Going to my sis' house on Christmas Day bringing all the presents then having a "go-at-it" session with all the kids and adults screaming and ripping open presents like maniacs! Such fun!!!


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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

A bit lame perhaps, but I've always loved driving around in some of the most highly decorated neighborhoods looking at all their Christmas lights at night right before Christmas.


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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

One special family tradition in my family takes place Christmas Eve...we usually gather at our great-grandmothers house for the holiday. Every family has to bring a wrapped tree ornament. Once everyone arrives everyone gets a number out of a hat/stocking and the game begins.

As each number is pulled that person chooses a wrapped ornament and so on. The thing is once your number is pulled out, you can chooses someones else's ornament if you like. Makes it really fun and exciting because at any given time you can gain or lose a really nice ornament.

I think this tradition is really fun and it has taken place for years in my holiday


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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

every christmas morning i and my siblings wake up and run to our parents bedroom. we then just cuddle in bed under a blanket and watch tv and talk. my family rarely has enough time to just sit together, and its pretty precious.


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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

Making christmas presents, because I don't have much time to do art/craft things during the year and I can finally catch up on some of the things I've been promising to do for people all year : )


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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

Going to my boyfriend's house to celebrate xmas with his family. I love incorporating his religion and customs into my life


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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

Eating rice cake soup with my family and extended family on New Year's. My grandparents are quite old now, so for the past couple of years, I've felt so grateful to have that bowl of soup with them. Another lucky year this year.


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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

My Mom's family is from Spain, and Dad's is from the Philippines, and like most Spanish influenced cultures, we celebrate Christmas on the Eve (Noche Buena) so that we can attend Midnight Mass and morning mass on Christmas Day.

Now that my parents are older and I'm the one with the kids, everybody in my family comes to my place on Christmas Eve and we have a huge food spread, which I cook. I usually take requests two weeks before and I prepare. This year we're having egg rolls, adobo (Dad's request), Mom wants caldaretta and paella, my sister and her fiancee want leche flan and my man and boys want pot roast and potatoes.

We play mahjong and various other board games while everybody is here. We open gifts before everybody has to leave.

On Christmas morning my sons jump into bed with us and we watch TV or have breakfast in bed.

It's definitely not traditional for living in the USA, but it's traditional for us
I've never celebrated Christmas on the day itself, for us the big deal was always Noche Buena.


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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

we do a secret santa with all the girls of my family because I have about 13 or so female cousins that are all around the same age so we have been doing that the past couple years and it's a lot of fun...i actually just came from our secret santa dinner party
i just had to enter the giveaway before i fell asleep


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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

Our tradition is making our favorite warm food which would be Tamales and Pozole yum yum!!! And going over to one of my aunts house this is every dec 24. My whole big ass family goes there!!!!


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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

My favorite tradition is the family getting together for dinner and gift exchange. I love giving gifts that get that wow factor.


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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

Mine is gathering with the whole family at Christmas Eve at my Grandma's house. Dinner with the family and opening one present each has been a tradition there for as long as I can remember.


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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

My tradition, is always decorating a Christmas tree and putting up the lights in front of the family home. The whole family comes from all over the country and we have a huge potluck, it's pretty fun plus we have 2 more adorable babies to add to the bunch!

This year me and my friends are going to start a new tradition hopefully, we decorated our friend's palm tree before all of us went our separate ways for the holidays. It was really fun, hopefully we can do it again and again!


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Re: Giveaway 12/22/07 - "Dirty" Berry MAC combo

My favorite tradition is getting together with my whole family (mom's side anyway) and giving each other scratch off lottery tickets and celebrating.

OH and absolutely every Christmas my best friend and I spend a good hour and a half on the phone talking about how our Christmas is going so far, then we call each other back later and talk about how the rest of our day went.
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