I love when customers try to tell me how to do my job...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ella_
Where I work we had to glue our display brushes down onto a black acrylic block to deter sticky fingers. Only yesterday that didnt stop one determined clepto. This woman tried to remove the kabuki we had on the display and when she couldnt take it off I saw her PICK UP THE DISPLAY AND PLACE IT INTO HER MESSENGER BAG!!

When I asked to check her bag she opened it and said 'Oh my, how on earth did that get there?'. I asked for the display back and told her that if she wanted to purchase a brush she was more than welcome to, but please dont take our displays.

I'm sorry but his had me rolling...the whole display! People are something else these days...

I don't work in make up but you guys have already listed the key points...my least favourite are the ones who play with everything in such a messy and wreckless manner- there's a sink to allow you rinse your hands and napkins to dry your hands/courteously wipe down any splashes. To be honest it's usually the adults who are guilty of this behaviour, the children usually just stare in awe or are very concious of being tidy.

I could go on forever but the freebie customers are annoying I don't mind the ones who are bold and ask upfront or request an extra for a friend, but it's the ones who tell a blatant bold faced lie as to why they would love to buy it but blah blah blah so they want a sample; I'm not being funny but there are larger pre packaged ones reserved for purchases, then we can pour out your average sample size.

OT but it irks me to no end when people demand and all natural and organic products like they're going to work miracles and give them that J.Lo Glow, all the while complaining about chemical ingredients when they lead an otherwise unhealthy lifestyle.


Well-known member
Have you guys ever seen/heard of restaurants whos "gig" is that they are "rude" to the customers? And people love it and go to the restaurant just to have a "bitchy" waitress 'cause they think it is funny?

I SO want to open a cosmetics place like that! Wouldn't that be amazing? Getting to give stupid-ass answers to stupid-ass questions? Cool!


p.s. I worked at a Sephora for like 18 months (until I moved out of state). I TOTALLY feel everyones' pain!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Artphr33k

oh, and last week, these 2 hicks (sorry, man... but i had to) came in with 3 babies. well, no, 1 baby and 2 toddlers. one of the tods kept asking her mom to take her to the bathroom and to go home and whatnot, and her mom kept ignorning her, walking around and shaking her if she complaint. TWO SECONDS LATER, the damn girl puked ALL over the store. MISSILE.


I was so pissed.... and we have half wooden floors, half carpet.... godamn i was so pissed.
then they start bitching because the bathrooms are locked (....we have BAD theft issues, and its not like you cared FOUR seconds ago, when she asked you to take her and you IGNORED HER) and all she does is go in, take out some TP and put it all over the puke.

her and her husband ran out of the store while we looked for a mop.

this whole "customer is always right" issue is getting SO out of control.

That is the most HORRIFIC thing I have ever heard! I am such an emetophobic! For real.

I cannot believe that she made someone else clean it up. What trash. I hope it happened to her in the car on the way home too.



Well-known member
Arr I can't imagine how annoying that must be.

I hate how people assume chemicals are not organic, frig... what's the study of organic chemisty then?

Technically Titanium dioxide is not organic, for a chemical to be organic it needs to contain carbon and most contain hydrogen. Though like you mentioned it is a mineral. I think the use of 'organic' to describe products is miss leading.


Active member
Oh this thread is funny. I cannot believe how rude some people are.

I'm guilty of 'ignoring' SAs when they ask how I am, but it is never intentional. If the store is busy, I assume they're asking someone near me, and I don't want to search for the nearest SA to see if they're looking at me each time I hear the words "how are you" from behind me somewhere. I'm ridiculously shy and worried about looking stupid, saying "fine thanks how are you" when they're asking someone else. On top of that, my hearing isn't 100% and I often mishear people. If the SA makes eye contact or is in my eyeline, of course I will reply.

This might give some insight, although I doubt 95% of the people that 'ignore' you also have social anxiety and overthink things so much... they're probably just rude or self absorbed.


New member
Originally Posted by Ruffage
This thread is an interesting read.

Not sure about other Asians like Indians, but for Chinese (am one) we tend to do the "just looking" thing because of the following reasons:

a. We like to huddle around and yak about a product. It's fun, even when the whole group knows that everyone involved in the yakking knows jack about the product. We also bond by giving each other questionable make up advice. The person offering advice feels like she's helping her friend and the friend compliments the person for her advice. Everybody wins!...sort of.

b. It intimidates us that someone who obviously possess superior knowledge on make up, wears a full face (some of you, anyway) and dons full uniform (all black for MAC) approaches us. We freak out on the inside and try to avoid you by saying "just looking". Also it is partly because we feel very awkward when someone offers you help and invest time to explain things to and try things on you, and you don't really intend buy their products. My experience in Hong Kong is if an SA in any kind of store offers you help and you don't buy stuff, you get sneered at and probably even get mild forms of catty verbal abuse (depending on store and people) for wasting their time. We also believe it makes us look "cheap", a big no-no for the Asian image. So our "strategy" is to smack down any possibility of help from store employees in the first place.

c. There's no delicate way of putting this, but some of us don't trust you guys with Asian make up. It's not a race thing but a cultural preference thing. I moved to Toronto three years ago and found that the way native Chinese-Canadians (friends whose parents were from Hong Kong) do their makeup and the way native Hong Kong-ers do theirs is different. For example, MUAs and women here tend to focus on the exotic features of the Asian faces, such as almond shape eyes, and work with the yellow-ness in the skin when selecting makeup, and also make faces look more mature because mature = sexy. In Hong Kong and Japan, the stuff above is considered undesirable. We like to make eyes rounder and larger, faces whiter and paler, and we make faces look more childish and doll-like because innocent childishness = cute.(which probably explains the non-age appropriate hello kitties, squeaky voices and "V" peace signs) You can say we're not embracing our natural Asianess, you can say we're in denial about our age, but that's just how we do things over there.

d. There are still a lot of us not willing to embrace colors. Some believe that colors unnatural to your face-- that is, anything outside of neutral browns and black-- makes you stick out from the crowd and while generally Westerners consider that a good thing because it shows your individuality, Asians think that is a form of boasting and trying too hard. Also it conflicts with the ideal Asian female image: the virgin, innocent, demure, shy, never-seduces, always-passively-wooed, naturally flawless, ready-to-be-wed young lady (lol as if those really exist anymore). We think MUAs and SAs will always try to recommend some colorful stuff to us (of course not true, because most generally work with what the customers want), so we try to avoid you. Younger generations and Koreans are usually more daring, however.

e. You won't believe how little experience some Asians have with make up. Many of my friends and aunts don't even know how to use mascara. We just follow the group into the make up store and fiddle around with the paints, really.

All of the above in no way excuses behaviours like yelling at SAs and treating store employees like dogs (some believe all power lies in the one with cash in hand, which is BS), but seriously, the "just talking" thing is nothing personal. Most Asians don't even realize it's rude. In fact, some think they're doing you a favor, because they're signaling you don't have to waste time on them.

wow this really opened my eyes! I really understand what you are saying. Sometimes I will give the "just looking" because I dont want to feel pressured into buying something and I feel bad having someone spend time trying to sell the product to me and I don't even end up buying it.
I'll also go shopping for MAC online and write down everything I want that way it is a smoother transaction and it kinda saves me from spending more money than I intended hahah (even though I always end up buying atleast one thing that was not on the list haha)
but anyways i guess it is always good to remember every customer needs to be attended to differently and even if they are a huge pain! if you get them to like you they are only going to go to you!

mona lisa

Well-known member
Why do the customers think they know more than the person that they're asking for help from?

Because society is full of people who (in words of Ben Franklin) "play the physician without knowing therein" and this applies to more than just the subject of medicine.

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
reading this thread makes me happy i stopped working at the mall. now i work as a receptionist at an upscale salon. i love my salon clientel alot better - so much nicer and friendlier!


Active member
HAHAHAHAHA....you all have summed up every difficult customer I've ever had....oh, and HOW IT PISSES ME OFF, when they try to take control of the products, placing their finger in the eye shadow,and putting it on their bare eyelids that are usually oily....GRRRRRRR!!!!!! You want to take the mother approach and yell "GET YOUR HANDS OUT OF THAT!". So annoying...I can't stand those people. I think that dealing with people is one of the hardest parts of being in the cosmetic retail industry.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
Hahaha me too....except replace all that w/ old skool Hatian ladies.

OMG... YES!!!

I'm not a MUA but I went shopping at my CCO & there was this older LOUD hatian lady that walked in. She kept going on and on how the CCO had the GOOD & EXPENSIVE make up for cheap (she must have said that like 30 times!!!)

Then she had the nerve to turn to me & ask me if I worked there...

YESS... I work here in my Houston Cougars tee shirt, jeans, and flip flops!!

And the lady behind the counter is dressed in a polished black suit jacket b/c she is security..


Well-known member
OH BOY.! yes I used to work @ Sephora in Menlo and we used to go to town over our headsets lol.. the best type is the client who comes in asking for MAC.. and when you tell them we dont carry it they try and tell you that they have bought it at Sephora.. or even better the client who tries to RETURN MAC products.. its hilarious.. and then when you try to explain why MAC is not sold @ Sephora because it is not a luxury good is the real tip off the ice berg because they just look @ u like ur crazy... My area of pride was Bare Essentials and I despised the clients who didnt know about the "swirl, tap, and buff" they thought it was too messy or too complicated.. Im like.. the case comes with a DVD.. then they are like huuhhhh?? i didnt get a dvd.. any ways i could go on for days about Sephora or as some customers call it "safari" lmao.

And those who say they feel bad for the ish we deal with.. we are some of the most educated makeup artists out there!!! we knw the world outside of MAC (nothing against MAC or its employess cuz i do LOVEEEE MAC) but other lines do have their own "best on the market" items. gotta love sephora even though its a freakin jungle in there sometimes


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iheartcolor
That is the most HORRIFIC thing I have ever heard! I am such an emetophobic! For real.

I cannot believe that she made someone else clean it up. What trash. I hope it happened to her in the car on the way home too.


that is pretty horrible but I remember at my Sephora.. there was a lady and her child and the mother was so tied up in looking and trying on makeup that she lost her damn child in the store.. the child was estatic crying everywhere.. then the mother all of a sudden had an epiphany and decided that her child was missing.. my DIC had found the girl and tried to help her find mommy.. and the mom snatched her up as tho we did something wrong by helping her.. well maybe if she wasnt so busy not giving a rats but where her child was she wouldnt have to be so shameful lol..


Well-known member
This thread is such a great read.

I can imagine how crazy people get for makeup because I once worked for a New Age store that also offered Tarot readings. Like... some of these people couldn't do anything until they got a Tarot reading... it was pretty sad.

Then you get the customers who try to pay with a stolen credit card. It happens soooo ooften with New Age items... Is it the same for Makeup, I wonder? Any stories about a signature not matching what's on the card?


Well-known member
I'm glad I read this thread. Now I will try my best to be nice with SAs

I totally agree with the post about Asian customers. I personally don't want to bother or waste SA's time if I'm not sure if I'll buy anything. I just feel bad so I'd say like "Thank you, I'm just looking" with a smile. About the saying hi, I kinda thought other people wouldn't care if I said "hi, how are you" or just hi
Anyway, good to know all this stuff.


Well-known member
omg,you guys are so nice to your rude ass constumers.
me? im 16. ma's never pay attention to me, and when they do they get w.e i want and whilleeee im stillll looking if i want anything else they're hovering over me like hawks saying" want anything else" "would that be all?" i feel like screaming leave me the efff alonneee!!!!!!. but ya know that would be rude


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cre8_yourself
OH BOY.! yes I used to work @ Sephora in Menlo and we used to go to town over our headsets lol.. the best type is the client who comes in asking for MAC.. and when you tell them we dont carry it they try and tell you that they have bought it at Sephora.. or even better the client who tries to RETURN MAC products.. its hilarious.. and then when you try to explain why MAC is not sold @ Sephora because it is not a luxury good is the real tip off the ice berg because they just look @ u like ur crazy... My area of pride was Bare Essentials and I despised the clients who didnt know about the "swirl, tap, and buff" they thought it was too messy or too complicated.. Im like.. the case comes with a DVD.. then they are like huuhhhh?? i didnt get a dvd.. any ways i could go on for days about Sephora or as some customers call it "safari" lmao.

And those who say they feel bad for the ish we deal with.. we are some of the most educated makeup artists out there!!! we knw the world outside of MAC (nothing against MAC or its employess cuz i do LOVEEEE MAC) but other lines do have their own "best on the market" items. gotta love sephora even though its a freakin jungle in there sometimes

When I was freelancing for MUFE, I had the BEST times working at Sephora. The cast was always friendly, and they always had the best stories....


Well-known member
oh lord...so today...

this woman sits down. wants a foundation and a primer and and eyebrow pencil. i put a primer on her- after looking at her skin, which is visibily dripping with oil, and having her tell me that her makeup slides off halfway through the day- i use a mattifying primer on her. She goes "UGH! What did you put on me? My face is so dry now! This is why I only use Avon or Maybelline!". Ok, so she doesn't want to be matte. K. I took it off, and we went ahead with foundation. She stops me and says "Don't you know you're not supposed to put makeup on the forehead or nose? That looks horrible on people, your nose and forehead are supposed to retain their natural color." Ok. I took it off. Now girlfriend has a oily red nose and forehead, and skin-toned cheeks. Looks like hell, but she likes it. Then we go for the eyebrow pencil- because "I never wear eye makeup. Women should enjoy their natural looks. You should learn that less is more", as she eyes my face (with my two shades of brown freaking eyeshadow- gee, I must look like a clown since I'm wearing foundation on my entire face AND wearing eye makeup. So I pull out the eyebrow pencil, she examines it, makes a slightly approving grunt, snatches the pencil, and procedes to give herself cat-eye liner with the eyebrow pencil. I'm not even joking. After all her crap about "I don't WEAR eye makeup", she gives herself two cleopatra-style wings.

Then decides to only buy the eyebrow pencil after learning the price of the products and muttering more about why she only uses Maybelline or Avon.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
oh lord...so today...

this woman sits down. wants a foundation and a primer and and eyebrow pencil. i put a primer on her- after looking at her skin, which is visibily dripping with oil, and having her tell me that her makeup slides off halfway through the day- i use a mattifying primer on her. She goes "UGH! What did you put on me? My face is so dry now! This is why I only use Avon or Maybelline!". Ok, so she doesn't want to be matte. K. I took it off, and we went ahead with foundation. She stops me and says "Don't you know you're not supposed to put makeup on the forehead or nose? That looks horrible on people, your nose and forehead are supposed to retain their natural color." Ok. I took it off. Now girlfriend has a oily red nose and forehead, and skin-toned cheeks. Looks like hell, but she likes it. Then we go for the eyebrow pencil- because "I never wear eye makeup. Women should enjoy their natural looks. You should learn that less is more", as she eyes my face (with my two shades of brown freaking eyeshadow- gee, I must look like a clown since I'm wearing foundation on my entire face AND wearing eye makeup. So I pull out the eyebrow pencil, she examines it, makes a slightly approving grunt, snatches the pencil, and procedes to give herself cat-eye liner with the eyebrow pencil. I'm not even joking. After all her crap about "I don't WEAR eye makeup", she gives herself two cleopatra-style wings.

Then decides to only buy the eyebrow pencil after learning the price of the products and muttering more about why she only uses Maybelline or Avon.

Oh my....


Well-known member
lol, it definately makes me feel better to read other peoples' experiances at work. I haven't worked in retail, but I used to work at a restaurant, and boy was that interesting.

The restaurant I worked in had and open kitchen, so customers see almost everything, except when we go back in the freezer and stockroom. In food service, washing hands is a BIG DEAL, and I would wash my hands constantly. The kitchen I worked in had 2 hand washing sinks, one in front and another in the back that customers can't see. Well, one day we were busy, and I went to go clear a table, and I took the dishes to the back kitchen entrance. I put those dishes in the sink, and then I washed my hand in the back sink. Once I finished, I realized the garlic bread was ready, so I took it out of the oven and started to cut it with my FRESHLY WASHED hands. While I was doing this a lady was waiting at the counter, and apparently was watching me. The other cashier girl goes to put some garlic bread I just cut into the lady's bag, and the lady literally yelled "I don't want anything touched by her! She didn't wash her hands!!". Luckily my boss was there that night, and he believed me and tried to defend me. I had only been working there for a week when this happened, so I was on the verge of tears. Luckily, no one else in the restaurant believed her either, so it turned out ok. I actually got extra tips that night because everyone seemed to feel bad for me, lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
The women who snap their fingers and hiss at us here are not what I would consider from the "third-world." These women have $25,000 Rolexes and Hermes Birkin bags. They are usually very wealthy, supposedly educated South American women who are used to calling "the hired help" that way. They see sales associates the same way...that's why we ignore them!! I guess money doesn't buy you class...

I used to live in South Texas, and I would go shopping at the San Marcos Outlet Malls. Now, I was a customer there and I was shopping around a lot of different kind of people. One time, I was in the Crate and Barrel Outlet with my fiancé and these reaaaaaaaly rich people from Mexico (Rolexes, Gucci clothes/shoes, Birkin and LV bags, Armani sunglasses *worn* in the store) were shopping in the store with me. They were having amazing sales…and my boy and I were getting some drinking glasses, that completed a set of glasses we already had.

Now this woman, is wearing nasty clothes that don’t fit her (she thinks she’s a size two, but more like a ten) comes up to me and tells me in her thick accent between her big ole fake chicklet teeth that I have to give her the glasses I picked out because she was trying to complete her selection of 100 million glasses for her party etc. etc. and she was there before me, so she had a right to my glasses. I was like…uhh..”Sorry..I don’t work here? I’m buying these…” Thinking that she thought I worked there and that her English wasn’t good. But no, she told me, “I don’t care those are my glasses, the ones I picked out and I don’t care that you want them, they are mine!”

So she went to go get a manager to try and make me give up the glasses to her! (What a bitch, right!?) Well, apparently the managers were like WTF?!? too, and didn’t do anything about it. So, I’m getting in line to check out with MY glasses and lordy, she barrels up to me and wants to take the glasses again! I was like..wtf….and as I was checking out, she pulls her greasy husband/man up and tells him to make me give her the glasses. It was ridiculous.

So, I was next in line, and right before I go up to check out her husband gets in front of me to ‘check out’ with all their crap. Before I know it, they are trying to make the people who work there get more glasses like the ones I had and wouldn’t budge until they had them. To make the rest of the loooooong story short, I sat in line for almost an hour. The managers tried to explain that there were no more glasses, I had the last four, and if they wanted them, they could check the website etc. They ended up leaving all their crap on the counter and walked out cursing at everyone in the store. For real! Listened to them bitch to the people who worked there about my glasses (that I got and are proudly sitting in my cabinet! All 12 of them!) Unfortunately I ran into the couple again all day. It was miserable, because every time they saw me they cursed at me and screamed. Talk about NO class. Yucky!

Originally Posted by pixichik77
But the WORST, EVER thing I have EVER encountered is the numerous women who out of nowhere while we are discussing makeup suddenly say to me, "oh, and when ARE you due?" I am in no way pregnant, nor do I look it, and most seam to be unapologetic when they are corrected. next time, I'm saying it's a tumor, biotch.

OMG. That is SO rude! But, I’m right there with you. I’ve been asked inapropreate things too. When I’m with my fiancé people ask me if we are married and we say no. They automatically assume that we are living together…
and start to lecture us on the sins of living together and
sex! Ugh. Really…it’s none of your business and you don’t know us to f-off.

Originally Posted by smellyocheese
LOL!!! I can totally relate to this. I get SOO annoyed when customers come in telling me that she only wants to use natural products with no chemicals. HELLO! even water is a chemical so u better not use water to wash your face. and the air that your skin is exposed to everyday? guess what? chemicals. hahaha. they're ridiculous sometimes. and the preservatives thing. ANY store-bought cosmetic will have preservatives. you gotta make your own cosmetic if you want it free of preservative. another funny thing is that the customer expects a shelf life or 2 years for her cosmetics without preservatives. eck...

Ugh. I know someone personally like this. My mother in law. :shudder: she is a pain pain pain pain pain in the ass to shop with. Like, mindblowingly embarrassing. Like hide under a rock somewhere, just anywhere to get away. I was out shopping with her the first and ONLY time, for clothing for a bridal shower and a new shirt for her son and my fiancé. I found a nice dress for my shower and she screeched “IS IT ORRRRGAAAANIC!!!!?!?!?!?!?!/1/1!!!?”
I was like…”it’s a dress?” she started screaming at me that if it wasn’t organic I could get a skin tumor from chemicals and other random shit used in cotton etc.
I was like…”uuuh…ok” and I thought we were done when I put the dress back (only to go back later and buy it!) Then we started looking for shirt in another store. Lordy. This was the worst shopping experience ever. She yelled at me, she yelled at the SA and yelled at the managers. She wanted a blood red, wrinkle free, organic, button up, dress shirt with two pockets (not just the regular one!) and when they looked at her like she was nutso
(which she is) she turned to me! And told me to handle it. I was just like…uuh…I’m sorry?
I think that he would be ok with the regular red cotton shirt with one pocket…omg. She had an adult temper tantrum and stormed out, leaving me in the store holding a shirt with the SA and SM staring at me. It was humiliating beyond words.
I don’t think I can ever go back into that store again.

Originally Posted by Karen_B
Do they teach their children to behave this way, I wonder?

I hate shopping or going to movies some times. Brats are every where these days. I’ve had kids literally attack me only for their parents to ignore them while on cell phones/shopping or get mad at me! Uggggh….seriously, keep your monster child on a leash. I had a pair of white pants ruined at Ulta.
Brat attacked me with some sort of red crap on his hands and rubbed them into my butt. He laughed, screamed at me and preceded to tell me that I had shit on my pants. Duh, you little monster you just put that there. I was like…omg….something needs to be done. I didn’t want to complain, but I told a SA, and she was rude. (yay Ulta) and the mother then got mad at me for harassing her child.
Yeah, my pants totally jumped out at him and attacked his grimy makeuped fingers.

I hate even going into the movies now. Parents taking their kids to adult movies and ignoring them when they get upset…yikes. Young, irresponsible children with cell phones….uuuugh.

Originally Posted by Kiseki
Most men are curious as to what makeup feels like and want to try it. I have been using concealer, foundation, pressed powder for years and always looked natural. Of course it always has to be sheer formulations like tinted moisturizer, otherwise it looks obvious and odd, but I never had any problems at work and usually asked to give advice on products and so on and so forth. Outside of work I'll use liner, mascara some gloss and don't have any trouble with it and the occasional smoky eye with Carbon when I'm up for it.

I actually know lots of guys who wear makeup! I dated this guy who wore foundation, concealer and eyeliner and dark black/blue shadows! I thought it was totally hot. *melts* So, I think that dudes can totally rock makeup! My boy right now just recently started using a face routine (cleanser, toner and moisture) but I don’t think he will rock the makeup any time soon. I think that men should be welcomed to makeup counters more, because I think it’s becoming way more fashionable for men to wear makeup. Some can, some can’t. Just like women. I know some women who hate makeup and think it’s awkward. :shrug:

Originally Posted by MissMarley
I like my male customers so much because they seem to be more responsive to advice, they like to ask questions, they like to know how products work...and because I really like the line I work for, I love to talk to them!

My fiancé is always like this in the hair salon and when I buy makeup with him around! He is SO curious and loves to talk with the MAs. Hehe…I love him so much!
I’m glad to have a boy that is so curious about the things I love too!

Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Client: "I noticed that you only put the foundation on my face. I used to sell Mary Kay. I know that you should carry it all the way down to the bottom of the neck so it blends in."

You needn't explain further. I was friends with some Mary Kay women…although I like some of their products, they were wwwwaaaaaay scary and pushy women.
I hated the way they wore piles of orange makeup and ALWAYS made *ME* look orange. Yucky! Oh, and they aren’t MAs and even if they are, they told me they aren’t allowed to apply makeup. :p So….I think MAC (or any other brand) MA would have better knowledge and experience. :p

Originally Posted by iheartcolor
Have you guys ever seen/heard of restaurants whos "gig" is that they are "rude" to the customers? And people love it and go to the restaurant just to have a "bitchy" waitress 'cause they think it is funny?

I’ve heard of those! Although it sounds interesting I think I might keep going to places where people are nice. :p I used to work as a waitress. Omg. Worst gig ever.
I worked in a high end place (which is why people were so snotty to me all the time) and although did get a lot of tips, I once got a really crappy tip left for me in an upturned glass of water.
(yes it is possible to leave a full glass of water upside down on a table) L I just thought that was rude but came no where near the crazy lady who would come in drunk every night requesting ‘square” pizza. We were an Italian restaurant, but all our pizza was hand tossed (I have yet to see a cook who can toss a pizza square
) and she would always find someone to scream at, and one night it was me. She yelled that I was a liar and that I was hiding her square pizza in the back to take it home with me for free. :\ She found the manager (on her own in a drunken daze) and yelled that I was a bitch and liar for taking her pizza and requested that he fire me on spot in front of her or she wasn’t leaving.
Manager tried to work it out, but she was unreasonable. He ended up calling the cops to take her home, because she was not only driving drunk, but becoming a real problem because she was all over the place and starting to get physical. That was the worst customer I’ve ever had. Other than that, I’ve only had shitty co-workers trying to get me fired because I weight 300lbs less than them and have a successful life/career and they are old fat cows.
