

Well-known member
Originally Posted by d n d
The parade was my favorite part of the day. There was so much unity and love coming from the streets...everyone was on cloud nine for this moment in time.

Did anyone else notice all the younger children that were taking part in the events of the day? I am glad we are teaching our children about current events instead of thinking they are too young to care about these things.

I think some of the children were more excited than the adults!

My daughter is in First grade and they watched the inaguration in class today. i thought that was amazing! They are never too young. They understand or if not they try too! I asked my daughter if the kids were bored, she said no everyone was watching and listening....

Today was an amazing day


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Prinsesa
I'm really happy for all of you Americans
! His speech was amazing
But yeah, we all have to be honest about everyone getting too hyped up about it lol I don't remember this with GB lol I watched it through FACEBOOK! But then my teacher decided that we should watch it on TV instead 'cause it was constantly cutting out :p And pleaaase post pictures

People couldn't get hyped for Bush (his voters) because he was appointed by the Supreme Court and not elected by the people of the country and we should have raised hell then and we wouldn't have to be so jubilant over a new president, but we are a mostly civilized nation and Gore knew it would tear this country apart.

Obama represents hope, sanity and a call to service to a country who were lied to, mocked in public by laughing at mistakes (WMD's) and questioning one's patriotism, so yeah, this one is hyped because it also fulfills one man's great dream that all men should be judged by the content of their character and not the pigmentation of their skin.



Well-known member
I can't wait to see the those two little adorable girls growing up over the next couple of years (in a completely non-stalkery way). It will be wonderful having children in the White House again. I also hope they get that puppy ASAP. They completely deserve it for having their dad absent for so much of the last year and a half.

*gets all squishy at the thought such cuteness*


Well-known member
I woke up early enough to watch his speech today and it was amazing, I loved it. So inspiring and actually gave me a huge sense of hope that things WILL get better. It was also the first presidential inauguration (hope i spelled it right.) that I've ever watched. I didn't watch the bush ones and the ones before him I was too young lol.

I absolutely adore Obama's family. They just seem like a good wholesome family with great values and yes very down to earth as someone here had mentioned. The girls are so cute and just love there dad and support him.

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Wow, I watched it with my mom and dad
I went to get my glasses fixed and the guys had their tv on full blast, all the while telling me "You know Obama is going to be President today." Well, that's the magic and simplicity of it. I don't know one person here who didn't watch it LIVE. I hope he does bring about change


Well-known member
I tutor non-native English speaking exchange students, and believe you me, it was very hard talking to them about it. I was happy to see that they were very excited, but at the same time many of the speakers used words that the kids didn't understand so they wanted to
1) know what he said
2) get all of their homework done within the tutoring session.
It wasn't easy, but that's when youtube becomes your friend

I know one of them wanted to really talk about it because he loves politics but it was too late.


Well-known member
I think it's an outstanding time in our history, and I'm ecstatic I could be a part of it. I think he's a great man who will do great things for us.

I'm pissed that I had to work so I missed the inauguration, but I'm waiting for someone to sell it on DVD. I'm so there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hello_kitty
It'll be interesting to see what happens when the honeymoon is over and people stop worshiping him as the new cool, trendy celebrity.

Way to skim over the positives of such widespread national cohesion, brought about by common belief in the polictics of this individual and his staff.


Well-known member
I hope he lives up to the hype. The crushing disappointment maybe more than many can handle, if he doesn't.


Well-known member
I don't think they are...I think right now they're desperately wanting something different, and if he fails to deliver, it's going to cost not only him but the entire political system. The Dems have a leader people are willing to follow, but if they don't capitalize on that and make good for all in the nation, it's going to be wasted, and the GOP just doesn't have that kind of leader.
I think many many people are looking at Obama and saying "Change it! CHANGE IT ALL!" and not really sure what they want to change it to.
That's all well and good, but also many people (and not low class or dumb people) really don't understand the processes that have to be gone through to initiate the changes.
The president isn't the be all and end all, and we don't live in a monarchy where he gets to 100% call the shots, so things he wants done are going to have to go through a legitimate process. That's going to be interesting to watch unfold.

I just don't think most Americans can handle the disappointment.


Well-known member
I think the man has been in office one morning....and everyone realizes it takes TIME for change and everyone realizes Obama is not GOD. I think a lot of people realize more than they are given credit for. I also feel that there are a lot of people that would love to see him fail even at their own countries expense. I am a positive person and I feel positive changes will come in time...But I am also realistic and I know it will take time to undo the mess we are in...It took many years to get us in this position and it will no doubt take many to get us out.

There is absolutley nothing wrong with people having hgh hopes for their President...He has a lot of power and we are all HOPING for a better economy and a better future for our children. It's not about Hype...It's about Hope.

On a better note...I wish Obama well...If he does well..we as a country do well!


Well-known member
I agree 100%. As soon as he doesn't "follow" the people's wishes - everything is just going to crumble down. Just imagine changing laws and other things that have been there for decades and what people are used to is hard. Plus he's not the only one with the input.

(P.S. About my previous note about everyone being hyped up - sorry I didn't include the words: "people over here" lol It's just because a few people think their lives are going to change the next day after his speech when he's not even our President. We don't even have a president - we have a Prime Minister & they don't even know who our Prime Minister is -_-)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I think the man has been in office one morning....and everyone realizes it takes TIME for change and everyone realizes Obama is not GOD. I think a lot of people realize more than they are given credit for. I also feel that there are a lot of people that would love to see him fail even at their own countries expense. I am a positive person and I feel positive changes will come in time...But I am also realistic and I know it will take time to undo the mess we are in...It took many years to get us in this position and it will no doubt take many to get us out.

There is absolutley nothing wrong with people having hgh hopes for their President...He has a lot of power and we are all HOPING for a better economy and a better future for our children. It's not about Hype...It's about Hope.

On a better note...I wish Obama well...If he does well..we as a country do well!

I think you're a very positive person who overestimates the collective acceptance of the American people. He has been in office only one day, and I've been watching these blogs and these news feeds etc. and people are fawning all over him.
Yes. History happened yesterday. It was fantastic on that aspect.

Hope is good, but you can't say he's not being hyped.


Well-known member
^Thank you. He cant do any worse than the last 8 yrs. I can only imagine how those felt who voted for whats his face! Personally I dont think hes being hyped.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I think you're a very positive person who overestimates the collective acceptance of the American people. He has been in office only one day, and I've been watching these blogs and these news feeds etc. and people are fawning all over him.
Yes. History happened yesterday. It was fantastic on that aspect.

Hope is good, but you can't say he's not being hyped.

And I don't personally see anything wrong with people getting Hyped behind or about their President....Lord knows people fawned over Bush and fought to get him in office only to our own personal detriment....So maybe we need to get hyped about someone completely different from what we have had.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
And I don't personally see anything wrong with people getting Hyped behind or about their President....Lord knows people fawned over Bush and fought to get him in office only to our own personal detriment....So maybe we need to get hyped about someone completely different from what we have had.

Exactly! I think the reason why there so much hype(really just hope), is because were so far down in the damn gutter! I like to think were not the laughing stocks of the world right now but after reading some international blogs! Curious did anyone see the biofilm where Josh Brolin(Hottie) plays bush?


Well-known member

I get what you're saying and to a point I agree with it. But things like "OMG IT'S A NEW DAYYYY!!!" and "We were dancing in the streets!!!!" That's not hope, that's hype.

I support the man, and I pray to God he can take the mantle of leadership and wear it well and serve this nation and give us what we need...but I'm not looking at him with worshipful eyes and positively ecstatic that we just have someone different in office.

I'm being realistic in my expectations of him and his presidency, and quite honestly, I can't see anything wrong with that.
Yesterday was to celebrate, today is to work. I'm looking forward to the work...but God help him if he doesn't deliver what everyone is expecting him to deliver.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer

I get what you're saying and to a point I agree with it. But things like "OMG IT'S A NEW DAYYYY!!!" and "We were dancing in the streets!!!!" That's not hope, that's hype.

I support the man, and I pray to God he can take the mantle of leadership and wear it well and serve this nation and give us what we need...but I'm not looking at him with worshipful eyes and positively ecstatic that we just have someone different in office.

I'm being realistic in my expectations of him and his presidency, and quite honestly, I can't see anything wrong with that.
Yesterday was to celebrate, today is to work. I'm looking forward to the work...but God help him if he doesn't deliver what everyone is expecting him to deliver.

Which you should be realistic no doubt(I mean hell I was realistic of bush the whole time he was in he did everything I expected him to do including messing up a soup sandwich) but SAYING things like OMG its a new day...Well it most certainly is. So thats true, new day new moment new placement in history etc. Now dancing in the streets I would suppose any other time could be hype maybe even cause for a possible arrest, but imo opinion I CAN say no it wasnt hype at all. It was hope on many different levels! Also I doubt Ive ever looked at anyone with worshipful eyes(well ok except maybe my dad when hed buy me a new doll or take me to the merry go round, well good times).


Well-known member
i watched it! i thought the amount of people that turned up for it was amazing! his family are lovely...when it showed his daughter with her digital cam i was like "awww!" he seems like a great man with good intentions. i wish we had someone with a backbone like him here instead of gordon brown!

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