Interracial relationships.. whats ur opinion?


Well-known member
I'm black and Filipino soon to be married to a Mexican!
Anyone who objects can totally go choke on themselves..Race is no matter..I found happiness in love. The (asian side) of my family has always wanted me to date a lighter person than me so my kids aren't dark, which is poppycock! Their comments never stirred me the wrong way and even though they don't fully approve of me marrying my fiance, I'm fully content and more than happy in doing so. I will prove them all wrong and have beautiful kids!! We're in love and that's all that matters. =)


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i see nothing wrong with it. our generation now is a lot better about than i've heard about how it was from my mum and other family members.
it's a little hard for me though and i don't know why. i guess some of it is because of my friends. i'm 5'9" and (i think) pretty heavy, and i keep crushing on guys that i think are my opposites (white and really skinny etc...) and my friends seem to confirm my confusion. one of them said it would be to weird and she wouldn't really see me the same if i did go out with a guy like that. her exact words were something like "no you can't! we have to find you a really tall black guy!"


Well-known member
I'm all for it... I've dated all races. I guess I'm lucky that I've never had issues with people making comments about who I'm with or get weird stares... Or maybe I've just never noticed. But race doesn't matter to me. So long as he's a good guy. My fiance is half white & half Vietnamese, but he looks mostly white and I'm filipino... Its weird cause I've noticed with him and with other guys I've dated that were of another race... I looked at them like they were like me (filipino). Like I'd forget they were even another race... and that were the same. That's pretty much how I look at everyone. Does anybody else see things that way???


Well-known member
I know what you mean stellarx, I often find myself forgetting what people look like. It just doesn't seem to matter.


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We're all one race, Human!

Seriously, I think people who have problems with interracial dating/marriage need to get some perspective. What's more important than finding someone in your life to love? Who cares what the color of their skin is?

All that being said, I'm sure it is more difficult in our society to be a part of an interracial relationship and that may put an added strain on the couple that homogenous couples don't have, but if they can deal with it then more power to them. As XTC said in The Ballad of Peter Pumkinhead: "Any kind of love is alright".


Active member
I am all for interracial relationships . Love is color blind. If you have chemistry with that special someone regardless of race go for it. Plus interracial couples make pretty babies. My daughter is 5 and she is half asian and half black.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macgirl1979
I am all for interracial relationships . Love is color blind. If you have chemistry with that special someone regardless of race go for it. Plus interracial couples make pretty babies. My daughter is 5 and she is half asian and half black.

This statement is so damn ignorant!
I especially cringe when a black person makes an inflammatory statement like this. When I see your picture and when I read your post, it makes me think we, the black community, (assuming you're the black half) will never get past this damn skin color/shade level and hair issue. Babies are pretty period. Some sad people really think if their black child is lighter or biracial it makes them automatically cuter. I don't know if that's what you meant, personally I hope not.



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Originally Posted by leslie
I've never really dated Filipino guys because to me they seemed conceited and I wasn't really attracted to them. Hispanic guys always caught my attention.

UGHHH I CANNOT STAND people who say this ^$%#&@&. It's great you are in an interracial relationship and all but it doesn't give you the right to demean your own race by making general, IGNORANT statements. Remember, we are all INDIVIDUALS. Have SOME pride girl!


Well-known member
Hey as long as people love each other-cool! My parents have an interracial marriage of a half century.
The only thing creepy is when people have racial fetishes. I have seen a lot of white men come to Hawaii and advertise or only date Japanese women. Especially the military guys. When they use the word "exotic" or something similar-run.


Well-known member
I'm so for interracial relationships!
I'm Asian, Taiwanese to be exact, and my boyfriend's Mexican, the sweetest guy in the world. =)
And I usually don't see this very often... so I dunno... I don't look at it any differently than if I were dating an Asian guy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Larkin
This statement is so damn ignorant!
I especially cringe when a black person makes an inflammatory statement like this. When I see your picture and when I read your post, it makes me think we, the black community, (assuming you're the black half) will never get past this damn skin color/shade level and hair issue. Babies are pretty period. Some sad people really think if their black child is lighter or biracial it makes them automatically cuter. I don't know if that's what you meant, personally I hope not.


Um....I think you are reading a bit too much into this. I understood that comment as, she thinks that interracial babies are cute because they have a unique look to them, because it's not as common to see a half-Asian half-black baby (or whatever other mix!), as it is to see a baby that is only of a single race (be it white, black, Asian, etc.) That doesn't mean single-raced babies are less cute, it just means that mixed raced babies are more unique and they seem to draw maybe more attention.

I don't think it has anything to do with trying to give your children lighter skin. I also think mixed race babies look really interesting, sometimes more interesting than all white babies. It has nothing to do with skin colour, it has to do with the interesting features that mixed race babies sometimes have.



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Originally Posted by amoona
I don't see anything wrong with it, but I honestly probably wouldn't do it. I'm way too involved in my culture to be with someone who doesn't share the same culture as me. I've never been with someone who isn't Arab and I will never be with someone who isn't Arab. My culture shapes a lot of my life: politicial views, social life, morals, ideals ... all that stuff.

The thing is though that race does not always mean a certain culture. In many cases it does, especially in the Arab community perhaps, but in many countries where the population is as diverse as it is today, there will be people of differing races that share the same culture. For example, a black person who grew up surrounded in Western culture, probably feels closer to that culture than his African roots.

But I do agree that a cultural difference makes things harder. I was once together with a man who was Muslim, and although he wasn't a strong believer or anything, he did have certain views that I just could never agree with. It was definitely a main reason why we broke up, because although we shared many commonalities, the cultural difference was too vast. I don't think it had much to do with his race though.


Well-known member
I often joke with my best friend that interracial relationships are evil, her being black-more high yellow really-and her boyfriend being white-or so we suspect, he was in fact adopted and doesn't know about half of his heritage. All in good fun though, as I'm sure she'd rib me if she ever got wind of my love of black and hispanic men.

However, being a product of an interracial relationship myself, I am all about it. From an American perspective, there isn't much purity left as far as ethnicity, so I say why bother. People can have their preferences all they want, but at this point, it's getting harder and harder to discern what from who, and I love it.


Well-known member
I wouldn't be surprised if i ended up with a guy outside my race. I think its really okay and actually kinda cute to see interracial couples. my dad is black, danish, and isreali-jewish, while my mom is black and portugese. so, if it wasn't for all that mixing i'd be a different person,


Well-known member
I'm Filipina/white and my boyfriend is white. A lot of people think I look hispanic though. We went to the gas station one day and these Mexican girls were working and they were like "uh what nationality are you" when they saw me and my blue eyed, freckled boyfriend and I was like filipina and white and they were like oh you look mexican.. and i was like yea i get that a lot.. I guess we do look totally different but whatever.. he's hot, amazing, smart, funny and everything else so whatever. im not ashamed =) love who you want, you only have one life to live.


Well-known member
I am Latina ( Puerto Rican ) and my boyfriend of 5 years is Caucasian ( Irish ). I have no problems with interracial dating! My boyfriend and I do not get stares because I am paler than he is hahaha (NW 15). My cousins are half Scottish and Puerto Rican. My other cousins are half Arabic and Puerto Rican. I am proud of who I am and will never forget my culture and traditions. I follow my heart and love who I love.


Well-known member
on my mom's side I'm dutch, irish and and my dad's side is greek, irish, black but that doesn't make me who I am. I am plain and simple just me.

my husband's dad is irish, and I forget what else. his mom is japanese

but when I look at him I don't see the mix of what his parents and grandparents were. I see him, the man that I love. I don't see what the point is in viewing people like that, people are people and if you connect with somebody different then you then cool, you learn something new and about them and thats it. race doesn't make a culture anymore, its your parents and the way you were raised.

my children will be beautiful because they are my children it doesn't matter what race they are.

when we were children we were racial blind, your best friend was just that.. your best friend their background didn't matter. you just had fun running around and playing on the swings and on the slide playing in the grass, they were just a child and it didn't matter because you weren't yet told the differences by society and people around you. and thats how I plan on teaching my children, that it is just another child it doesn't, you still love and feel the same. maybe we should all be children again it would make the world a better place.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kuuipo
Hey as long as people love each other-cool! My parents have an interracial marriage of a half century.
The only thing creepy is when people have racial fetishes. I have seen a lot of white men come to Hawaii and advertise or only date Japanese women. Especially the military guys. When they use the word "exotic" or something similar-run.

Well said! I feel pretty much the same way. I'm African American and have dated various races of guys. I just think it's weird and creepy when people have ethnic fetishes and will date someone purely on race and not who they are or what they're about. I'd never date a guy just because he's always wanted to shag a black girl... I'd feel like a tool. But hey, it works for some people I guess.


Well-known member
I don't think there is a problem with dating a person who doesn't share the same heritage or color as you. But I think the main thing for those relationships (heck... in any relationship for that matter), is whether you share common values and compatible cultures.

In the USA, people can come from all different ethnic backgrounds, but still share a similar 'American' culture. A Samoan-American man on the West Coast, and a Russian-American woman on the West Coast may have a lot of values and cultural aspects in common... perhaps moreso than the Russian-American woman may have with a man who is actually from Mainland Russia.

It's all about compatibility.

I am Black, and married to White man, and it works because we have the same value system. Color has nothing to do with it unless you make it so.

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