Interview this Friday - EXTREMELY NERVOUS


Well-known member
Ahh! So i submitted my app, resume, and bus. card over a month ago and finally received a call yesterday from the regional recruiter! I was working while she called, but when I went on break i listened to my voicemail and it was her! She wanted to schedule an interview with me either this friday, or next wk the 6th, 8th, or 10th. I didn't know what to do, i really wanna do it next wk, but in order to show her I REALLY want the job, I said it for friday. I called her back on my break in the bathroom, and she didn't answer so i left a msg. I miss her call again this morning! She left another voicemail saying my voice was terribly crackling in the msg i left her so she couldn't make out of what i was saying. But anyways she wanted to do a 12:30 interview this fri, but i sorta told her i wanted to be there on time and it's a lil far, (stupid me should appreciate i even got an interview) so she said is 1:30 ok? So i said yes.

So...interview this Friday...anyone wanna help me out??!

What should I wear? I wanted to wear a nice dress with leggings and some cool jewelry.

How should my makeup be? Any shade suggestions? Should I stick with bronzy/browns or do something bright? I def. wanna show my lining skills!

What do they ask??! I'm horrible at nerves show through so I feel like I'm gunna blow it up! One of my fellow coworkers just got hired with mac as well and i really want to go through the same positive experience!!!



Well-known member
You have an interview with Kim right? (I think that's her name). I interviewed with her in May I think, and I have never wanted to walk out more on an interview in my life, lol. She showed up almost 45 minutes late and tried to act like it was my fault I got there early (15 minutes early, usual interview procedure) because it meant I was done with the application early. LOL.

Anyway, I say wear black and do whatever you're comfortable with makeup wise. The questions are going to focus on customer service, though she'll most likely ask where you get inspiration from. Be prepared with an answer for the salary question, she will ask what you would ideally like to make. Other than that, just relax and be confident!

Just FYI- There is a McDonald's on the corner if you get there early and need a soda or something. I'd recommend getting there a few minutes early and grabbing a drink or something to help you calm down if you're nervous still.



Well-known member
Thanks so much hun! I really appreciate it. Wow, that's really bad...but she seems to be doing tons of interviews that day...the day before she had 3 or 3:30 available, then the next day we talked she said 1:30 is the latest she can give me lol. I plan on leaving extra early.

I have no idea how to get there, I'm getting there by train so yea lol.

The salary q..i really don't know how to answer that one eek..

BTW..hows your process going? Did you make it!


Well-known member
I can't offer any advice but i wish you the best of luck! I'm sure you'll do amazing and a lot of the time, you can make nerves work for you not against you

Keep us updated on how it all goes


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mslips
Thanks so much hun! I really appreciate it. Wow, that's really bad...but she seems to be doing tons of interviews that day...the day before she had 3 or 3:30 available, then the next day we talked she said 1:30 is the latest she can give me lol. I plan on leaving extra early.

I have no idea how to get there, I'm getting there by train so yea lol.

The salary q..i really don't know how to answer that one eek..

BTW..hows your process going? Did you make it!

I didn't get any further. I was so upset I think it was obvious, haha. It's ok though for me.

I think I took the Brown line down there. You're taking the CTA right? Use the trip planner on It will get you within a few blocks of the building.

She did tell me that in order to work at a store you had to work a counter first. As for the salary question, a pretty standard answer is that you are open to negotiating salary, and that you will take the benefits offered into consideration. I hope that makes sense, I haven't had my coffee yet, lol.

You will be perfect for them! I've seen your work, it's flawless! Speaking of, come do my makeup!


Well-known member

i've seen your work (on myspace lol) and you're amazing. I wouldn't worry too much. You should bring a portfolio maybe that can help! Good Luck!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eastsidesunset
I didn't get any further. I was so upset I think it was obvious, haha. It's ok though for me.

I think I took the Brown line down there. You're taking the CTA right? Use the trip planner on It will get you within a few blocks of the building.

She did tell me that in order to work at a store you had to work a counter first. As for the salary question, a pretty standard answer is that you are open to negotiating salary, and that you will take the benefits offered into consideration. I hope that makes sense, I haven't had my coffee yet, lol.

You will be perfect for them! I've seen your work, it's flawless! Speaking of, come do my makeup!

Aww im so sorry!! Did they give you a reason why they didn't take you? That's heartbreaking...i say go for it again!

Thanks for the help! Ahh im nervous!! Yes come visit me..i do makeup at my house as well. I work at Ulta on harlem & irving n do makeup there too =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
I can't offer any advice but i wish you the best of luck! I'm sure you'll do amazing and a lot of the time, you can make nerves work for you not against you

Keep us updated on how it all goes

Thanks! Yer so right..nerves work for me when im ready to move a lot though, like dancing...but talking..ugh i space out a lot lol

ill let u know!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dominicana90

i've seen your work (on myspace lol) and you're amazing. I wouldn't worry too much. You should bring a portfolio maybe that can help! Good Luck!!!

thank you hun! yes i am working on that right now actually =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mslips
Thanks! Yer so right..nerves work for me when im ready to move a lot though, like dancing...but talking..ugh i space out a lot lol

ill let u know!

Same here! and then I start to stutter
if I can get an interview I hope they can see past the nerves and more of the talent and determintation.


Well-known member
I know how you feel!
I was sooooo stressed out and worried bc im not the best when it comes to interviews lol. Once you get there your nerves will calm. Trust me for my demo I was so nervous but once i started applying the makeup on my model i started to relax. I think before the interview everyone gets so nervous but just try to relax and be the best you can be. Ive also seen your work and you are amazing!! Good luck hun n let us know how it went!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mslips
Aww im so sorry!! Did they give you a reason why they didn't take you? That's heartbreaking...i say go for it again!

Thanks for the help! Ahh im nervous!! Yes come visit me..i do makeup at my house as well. I work at Ulta on harlem & irving n do makeup there too =)

She didn't give me any reason. Just told me at the end of the interview that if they wanted to interview me again she would call, but otherwise I would get no phone call. Whatever, she was rude, lol.

I haven't seen you at that Ulta since the time I introduced myself, haha. I felt like such a stalker! Even more so since I took a look at your myspace looks a while back and noticed you know people from Notre Dame h.s. (my little sister goes there now), and I think I saw my sister's friend on there, haha. I wish I had an excuse to have you do my makeup!

How was your interview!! Tell us!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eastsidesunset
I haven't seen you at that Ulta since the time I introduced myself, haha. I felt like such a stalker!

Don't feel bad. I did the same thing. LOL. I will admit I felt crazy too. It's weird to walk up to someone you have never met and introduce yourself because you've seen or chatted with them online. I did the same thing was MelodyKat. Funny. But, I also haven't noticed her there recently.

I want to know how your interview went as well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
Don't feel bad. I did the same thing. LOL. I will admit I felt crazy too. It's weird to walk up to someone you have never met and introduce yourself because you've seen or chatted with them online. I did the same thing was MelodyKat. Funny. But, I also haven't noticed her there recently.

I want to know how your interview went as well.

I did the same thing with MelodyKat too! hahaha. I swear we should have a Chicago meetup!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eastsidesunset
She didn't give me any reason. Just told me at the end of the interview that if they wanted to interview me again she would call, but otherwise I would get no phone call. Whatever, she was rude, lol.

I haven't seen you at that Ulta since the time I introduced myself, haha. I felt like such a stalker! Even more so since I took a look at your myspace looks a while back and noticed you know people from Notre Dame h.s. (my little sister goes there now), and I think I saw my sister's friend on there, haha. I wish I had an excuse to have you do my makeup!

How was your interview!! Tell us!

Oh that was you that met me! Ohh dont worry about it lol!! that was funny though lol. And Latesha you didnt show up for all the events i booked you! lol!

Anyways I'm sorry you had a bad experience...she must've had a bad day. Got lost on the way there, but good thing i left an hr and a half early! I took such a long way trying to find not trust google maps (shitty directions)The interview went pretty good i guess, i mean i was nervous and stumbled a few times with her quick q's, but i brought my port, an extra copy of my resume and she said she'd like to have me back for a 2nd interview on the
24th!! I'm so preparing for it!

Yea i graduated from ND, yer sister just starting?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mslips
Oh that was you that met me! Ohh dont worry about it lol!! that was funny though lol. And Latesha you didnt show up for all the events i booked you! lol!

Anyways I'm sorry you had a bad experience...she must've had a bad day. Got lost on the way there, but good thing i left an hr and a half early! I took such a long way trying to find not trust google maps (shitty directions)The interview went pretty good i guess, i mean i was nervous and stumbled a few times with her quick q's, but i brought my port, an extra copy of my resume and she said she'd like to have me back for a 2nd interview on the
24th!! I'm so preparing for it!

Yea i graduated from ND, yer sister just starting?

Congrats on the second interview! You are a shoe-in!

My sister is a senior now. She's getting old, haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mslips
Oh that was you that met me! Ohh dont worry about it lol!! that was funny though lol. And Latesha you didnt show up for all the events i booked you! lol!

Anyways I'm sorry you had a bad experience...she must've had a bad day. Got lost on the way there, but good thing i left an hr and a half early! I took such a long way trying to find not trust google maps (shitty directions)The interview went pretty good i guess, i mean i was nervous and stumbled a few times with her quick q's, but i brought my port, an extra copy of my resume and she said she'd like to have me back for a 2nd interview on the
24th!! I'm so preparing for it!

Yea i graduated from ND, yer sister just starting?

Good Job!!!! What kind of questions did they ask you?


Well-known member
well she basically asked mostly customer service q's..i cant remember everything cuz it all happend so fast, but things like a bad experience a customer had n what you did to make it a positive experience, why you want to work for mac, if a customer would ask question your abilities, what would you say?, the salary q (hate that one), anytime any constructive criticism was given by a manager and what you did to better it, your experience, then she asked me a few q's that i had to rate punctuality, brush technique, skin analysis, color theory, and i forgot what else!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eastsidesunset
Congrats on the second interview! You are a shoe-in!

My sister is a senior now. She's getting old, haha.

oh whats her name? lol im 2 yrs ahead so i prolly seen her! yes a shoe-in! lol!