It's not a hate crime because she's white, and it's Halloween "art".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Those students were punished.
Palin has been called fairly vulgar names, had her family publicly skewered, had her email hacked into and posted across the internet, been threatened, etc. and it's been okay, with the exception of accessing her private emails.
Those students were punished, I have to say that again, because the person who's decided to post this piece of 'art' HASN'T been punished.

Those students were punished for VANDALISM! It wasn't they're property Shimmer, and they were investigated because of the death threats that continue to be uncovered by the FBI. They didn't send the kids to Guantanamo because they did this stupid thing

Palin hasn't suffered anything the other candidates haven't experienced. I mean we all knew about Bush's coke and alcohol use he still got elected.I haven't heard of her life being threatened could you provide me a source for this?

Why are you so uptight? You gotta get it together girl. You've been sounding a bit irrational. The world goes on after this election. I disagreed with Bush TWICE I watched people do some seriously ridiculous stuff. But guess what the world didn't end.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
Those students were punished for VANDALISM! It wasn't they're property Shimmer, and they were investigated because of the death threats that continue to be uncovered by the FBI. They didn't send the kids to Guantanamo because they did this stupid thing

Palin hasn't suffered anything the other candidates haven't experienced. I mean we all knew about Bush's coke and alcohol use he still got elected.I haven't heard of her life being threatened could you provide me a source for this?

Why are you so uptight? You gotta get it together girl. You've been sounding a bit irrational. The world goes on after this election. I disagreed with Bush TWICE I watched people do some seriously ridiculous stuff. But guess what the world didn't end.

LOL @ the idea that I'm uptight. That's awesome.
Of course we all know about his coke use. That's not the same as racism is it?

Read any blog where there's a Palin post, someone comes out of the woodwork calling her a cunt, someone comes out of the woodwork saying the bitch needs to burn in hell. Someone makes it a point to call her daughter a whore, and call her family a bunch of rednecks.

That's okay?
You're going to tell me that that's okay?

For what it's worth, I don't think it's okay to do it to Obama either.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I said "Me" not "Palin".
I was citing a specific example that I encounter on a regular basis.

uhhhhh .... WOW

You get called a white bitch on a regular basis??????????????


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
uhhhhh .... WOW

You get called a white bitch on a regular basis??????????????

uhhh yeah.

But it's okay, right? I couldn't care less about being called a bitch, but the blatant hypocrisy of using race as an identifier then being offended when the shoe is on the other foot DOES offend me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
LOL @ the idea that I'm uptight. That's awesome.
Of course we all know about his coke use. That's not the same as racism is it?

Read any blog where there's a Palin post, someone comes out of the woodwork calling her a cunt, someone comes out of the woodwork saying the bitch needs to burn in hell. Someone makes it a point to call her daughter a whore, and call her family a bunch of rednecks.

That's okay?
You're going to tell me that that's okay?

For what it's worth, I don't think it's okay to do it to Obama either.

what types of blogs are you reading

crap I've seen 1 Palin is a c**t pic, compared 10-15 to Osama/Obama ones, most pro Obama anti McCain ones are mild compared to the pro McCain anti Obama ones I've seen.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lapis
what types of blogs are you reading

crap I've seen 1 Palin is a c**t pic, compared 10-15 to Osama/Obama ones, most pro Obama anti McCain ones are mild compared to the pro McCain anti Obama ones I've seen.

There's an LJ user with a "Sarah Palin is a fucking CUNT" icon floating around.
I read a variety of blogs.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Had it been an Obama like mannequin, the guy would be in jail.
But it's okay.
She's female.
And Republican.

This white family just hung up a little black mannequin with a noose around its neck in a few suburbs over from me and nothing happened to them. They display it pretty proudly too. Yes it did excuse me does have the name tag reading as Obama Osama. Now I guess since the neighborhood is mostly white its alright, havent been asked to remove it or nothing(like they would anyway).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PMBG83
This white family just hung up a little black mannequin with a noose around its neck in a few suburbs over from me and nothing happened to them. They display it pretty proudly too. Yes it did excuse me does have the name tag reading as Obama Osama. Now I guess since the neighborhood is mostly white its alright, havent been asked to remove it or nothing(like they would anyway).

I don't think that's anymore okay than the Palin display.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
uhhh yeah.

But it's okay, right? I couldn't care less about being called a bitch, but the blatant hypocrisy of using race as an identifier then being offended when the shoe is on the other foot DOES offend me.

What exactly is the "other foot" for using race as an identifier? Is that NOT using race as an identifier? Is that a identifying a different race? Just wondering. If you could please clarify a bit, I would appreciate it.

And I am definitely sorry to hear that you get called a white b**ch on a regular basis. That is highly unacceptable.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I don't think that's anymore okay than the Palin display.

But its still there and its a white family who has it displayed. I guess since theyre white(more than likely republican) and its a white neighborhood its art I suppose too...


Well-known member
Plus maybe not on daily basis but I cant even count how often Ive been called brown sugar by non ethinic guys, which is pretty damn old by now. Or assuming my sexual prowess is through the roof since Im a black women is completely annoying.


Well-known member
How about ...

lets just all agree, that white guy who hung Sarah Palin in effigy was WRONG.

All in favor ..... SAY AY!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by PMBG83
Plus maybe not on daily basis but I cant even count how often Ive been called brown sugar by non ethinic guys, which is pretty damn old by now.

Too funny! I get that all the time too!! Or I get ....Ohhh how would you like a lil cream in your coffee!! My response...I hate Coffee!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
So you don't think Palin was directly targeted, nor insulted, nor is hanging an act of violence....Hummm, interesting and WOW!

A hate crime is a CRIME that is directly motivated by some prejudice against a person or group of people. I concur that this was hateful and should never have existed. But according to the long arm of the law, there was no crime committed here. That isn't actually Palin hanging up there which would mean they would have physically assaulted and murdered the woman. The mannequin is not on someone else's property which would constitute vandalism. I believe that's why it says in the article, they are allowed to have their display. Just as anyone w/ displays that depict similar things against Obama are allowed to have them. It can't be called a crime if no crime is committed.

Now, if we want to get into what we feel should be a crime, that is probably another thread.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Too funny! I get that all the time too!! Or I get ....Ohhh how would you like a lil cream in your coffee!! My response...I hate Coffee!!

LOL are you serious! Because what Ive noticed its just american white guys here, not the european white guys that have come here. Ok this is hilarious, just the other day this italian guy says "umm i like hot chocolate" then i casually say(all like i dont know what hes talking about) "umm I like gelato and jewel has some on sale". Hes like "oh I didnt mean that type of hot chocolate", so still wide eyed I reply "well hun what type are you talking about then b/c I have absolutely no clue". He walked away confused. Mission complete.


Well-known member
You know, there are people across the board that are violent, racist, ignorant & some that are just completely socially challenged.
And some are all of the above.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PMBG83
LOL are you serious! Because what Ive noticed its just american white guys here, not the european white guys that have come here. Ok this is hilarious, just the other day this italian guy says "umm i like hot chocolate" then i casually say(all like i dont know what hes talking about) "umm I like gelato and jewel has some on sale". Hes like "oh I didnt mean that type of hot chocolate", so still wide eyed I reply "well hun what type are you talking about then b/c I have absolutely no clue". He walked away confused. Mission complete.


wait... didn't I say I wasn't posting in this thread anymore? Lol, so much for that.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
An action is considered a hate crime because someone attacks you for a reason like race, sex, etc. You didn't do a damn thing except you were born x, y, or z. For instance, if I punched Shimmer for being white. She didn't do anything to me, all she did was be white.

As for the language directed at Palin- Hillary Clinton also had vicious language directed at her. They occasionally aim that kind of language at men, but it's nothing against a woman.


Well-known member
I've been stewing on this for a couple of hours. I've finally pinpointed what bothers me about this.

Generally, when a racist piece of trash (or pieces of trash) hang someone in effigy, they don't turn around and deny they are full of hate. They don't claim that their vile actions are "art." This guy can swear blind that this is "art" and I will grant you that I can't say it isn't "art", but I can say that any belief that this "art" isn't rooted in hate, is laughable.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carandru

wait... didn't I say I wasn't posting in this thread anymore? Lol, so much for that.

I know I know. But I mean just some of the things that come out of ppl's mouth. I mean I dont know if they think theyre trying to break the ice among a cultural difference or what. Alas Ive found many of these moments funny, I can PM you my infamous laundry list dating from high school up to now. Oh man talk about some of them being hilariously gag-worthy.

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