It's not a hate crime because she's white, and it's Halloween "art".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
I'm still confused.

WHERE in the article did it say that it was a racially motivated act?

I'm NOT saying it was a racially motivated act... It's the hypocrisy of the situation that is ridiculous.

It's the idea that it would definitely be socially unacceptable to see an African American Obama mannequin hanged, but not a white Palin mannequin. Or you could even take the whole hanging situation out of it and say that in our society, it's more "acceptable" and common to poke fun (in this case hang...ridiculous...) Republicans. If you ever saw a Republican "mock" hanging a democrat it would be completely taboo and unacceptable. It's double standards (politically and racially) like that are totally backwards. It should be unacceptable to do a "mock" hanging of ANYONE...regardless of color. Yes, I understand how it strikes quite a different chord with African Americans, but you can't say that it's not ok to "mock" hang an African American, but "art" when it's a "mock" hanging of a white person. Regardless of history.

In America now a days, it seems like we're back in the 50's again to say that it's ok to do this to one race and not the other... regardless if it's a joke or not. Sorry, but in America, you don't have to only be black to feel bad when you see a noose or a fake hanging of anyone. As a white person, we were taught the same history and I'm just as disgusted. While it didn't happen to my ancestors I can still feel just as disgusted by it.


Well-known member
YouTube - Scary Obama ghost hangs from tree racist

YouTube - Spooky Palin Halloween display

Countdowns Keith Olbermann names Chad Michael Morrisette Worst Person in the World for dressing up a female mannequin in the likeness of Sarah Palin and hanging it with a noose from his roof. Morrisette also made a McCain mannequin to look like it was on fire in his chimney and called the display art in the spirit of Halloween.

YouTube - World's Worst - O'Reilly, Lieberman, Palin Noose Display

So see..... NOBODY NOT EVEN THE EVIL LEFT WING MEDIA IS CELEBRATING this Palin from a tree episode. Now there are definitely double standards in life and politics in specific. I thought it was a double standard that Palin got a pass on her daughter being pregnant out of wedlock. IF SARAH PALIN WAS BLACK ... they'd have kicked her off the ticket

I'm just sayin


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001

So see..... NOBODY NOT EVEN THE EVIL LEFT WING MEDIA IS CELEBRATING this Palin from a tree episode. Now there are definitely double standards in life and politics in specific. I thought it was a double standard that Palin got a pass on her daughter being pregnant out of wedlock. IF SARAH PALIN WAS BLACK ... they'd have kicked her off the ticket

I'm just sayin


a) I don't consider either side of the media evil. I consider them biased, therefore you have to keep the source in mind.
b) just because they exist doesn't make them right.
c) What?? I don't get your last statement at ALL.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
YouTube - Scary Obama ghost hangs from tree racist

YouTube - Spooky Palin Halloween display

Countdowns Keith Olbermann names Chad Michael Morrisette Worst Person in the World for dressing up a female mannequin in the likeness of Sarah Palin and hanging it with a noose from his roof. Morrisette also made a McCain mannequin to look like it was on fire in his chimney and called the display art in the spirit of Halloween.

YouTube - World's Worst - O'Reilly, Lieberman, Palin Noose Display

So see..... NOBODY NOT EVEN THE EVIL LEFT WING MEDIA IS CELEBRATING this Palin from a tree episode. Now there are definitely double standards in life and politics in specific. I thought it was a double standard that Palin got a pass on her daughter being pregnant out of wedlock. IF SARAH PALIN WAS BLACK ... they'd have kicked her off the ticket

I'm just sayin

More than likely yes. To true. Remember how up in arms the media got about michelle doing the knuckle bump with her husband lol..."is that a terrorist handshake?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TDoll
It should be unacceptable to do a "mock" hanging of ANYONE...regardless of color.

I agree.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
c) What?? I don't get your last statement at ALL.

I was being facetious with my comments about the media.

I was addressing TDolls comment that she doesn't like how double standards are applied when people decide what is and what isn't acceptable or unacceptable in our society.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
The Secret Service is going to be visiting many people.

Do you think they should. How is this situation different from the Palin situation?


Well-known member
The US is a white Christian nation? And only white Christians should be in power? hmmmm... I wonder if he thinks all minorities should "go back where they came from" as well. I'm hoping this guy was super old, at least that would explain some of his views on race/church relations. But sadly that probably isn't the case.

And ummm if you are bold enough to 1) put up the display 2) tell new crews that mess then why are you not bold enough to show your face? You obviously want your views to be known. And come on, anyone who lives nearby probably knows exactly where that is and will figure out who you are.

I really would like to see the type of interactions he has w/ non white and/or non Christian people.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
Do you think they should. How is this situation different from the Palin situation?

I don't think they should, but if the secret service is looking into cases like this then YEP pay this guy a visit too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TDoll
It's the idea that it would definitely be socially unacceptable to see an African American Obama mannequin hanged, but not a white Palin mannequin....It should be unacceptable to do a "mock" hanging of ANYONE...regardless of color.

*Sorry i cut some of your words out*

It IS socially unacceptable to hang a PALIN doll just as it is to hang an Obama doll. Clearly, it made the national news so it was socially unacceptable to someone. I really don't believe that most people said that "this is AWESOME let's go hang some more Palin dolls!!! Most people were offended by it, period. It's not being celebrated and just b/c the perpetrator of this display calls it art doesn't mean the rest of us do.

Even if there would be different context if it were Obama, does that make a huge difference if such a display is entirely unacceptable in the first place? Mock hanging of anyone is unacceptable. I personally don't particularly care why. Unacceptable is unacceptable.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
I agree, but in many ways it's almost forced people to discuss issues that you would never really consider taboo in 2008.

Originally Posted by PMBG83
So yeah Im pretty sure the makeup threads will start moving weight once this HISTORICAL event is over. By the looks of this site makeup fanatics seem to multiply daily.

My Gosh. I was referring to "everyone" in general. Not just this friggin' site. I meant I wish that everybody (media, friends, co-workers, etc.) would just learn to get along aside our differences.

I am very aware that this is a HISTORICAL event. I'm not mourning the loss of makeup talk, I'm sick of everyone in the world seeming to be at each other's throat over this election and I, personally, can't wait for the decision to be made and for it to be over.

It is just my opinion and it doesn't have to be accepted nor does it have to be praised. It is simply how I feel about it. And, no it doesn't mean that I don't see the historical significance behind the situation.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Could I just ask - is it possible that people have strongly negative and strongly positive reactions to Palin because she has a personality that comes through very clearly?

I strongly disagree with Palin's stances on quite a few things and fear how she could affect them. It has nothing to do with her personality, even though I'm tired of hearing about her "folksiness" (and wish that the media would come up with different words to describe her).

Honestly, I think all "crimes" are motivated by "hate". In this instance, I believe the "hate" was toward her political stance. I don't personally feel that this was racially motivated.

While that is probably true to some degree, a hate crime is a legal term AFAIK. I'm not sure how they necessarily determine what one is, but it has nothing to do with the individual and everything to do with some category that the individual belongs to. Hate crimes I believe get special treatment because of targeting a group, whereas other crimes target an individual.

Crimes against anyone hurt, though. But that's where I think the law is coming from.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
While that is probably true to some degree, a hate crime is a legal term AFAIK. I'm not sure how they necessarily determine what one is, but it has nothing to do with the individual and everything to do with some category that the individual belongs to. Hate crimes I believe get special treatment because of targeting a group, whereas other crimes target an individual.

Crimes against anyone hurt, though. But that's where I think the law is coming from.

I agree. That is why I said that all crimes, in my opinion, are motivated by hate. Because in my eyes you have to be quite a hateful person to rape, kill, steal, etc. But, I did not say I thought that this was legally considered a "hate crime". I absolutely agree with what your definition of a "hate crime" is. To me, although the legal definition of "hate crime" is quite clear, it doesn't mean that a crime committed by an individual whose criminal activity doesn't fall within the legal guidelines of "hate crime" can't be motivated by it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
Do you think they should. How is this situation different from the Palin situation?

Yes, these outward demonstrations of hatred with themes of violence towards candidates deem investigation for many reasons.

I think the situations have similarities and differences.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
My Gosh. I was referring to "everyone" in general. Not just this friggin' site. I meant I wish that everybody (media, friends, co-workers, etc.) would just learn to get along aside our differences.

I am very aware that this is a HISTORICAL event. I'm not mourning the loss of makeup talk, I'm sick of everyone in the world seeming to be at each other's throat over this election and I, personally, can't wait for the decision to be made and for it to be over.

It is just my opinion and it doesn't have to be accepted nor does it have to be praised. It is simply how I feel about it. And, no it doesn't mean that I don't see the historical significance behind the situation.

Well yes. If I meant it for a makeup site in the vast array of cyberspace I most certainly meant all over/IRL whatever. I threw the historical part in there not to hint at whether or not you didnt see the significance.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
I agree. That is why I said that all crimes, in my opinion, are motivated by hate. Because in my eyes you have to be quite a hateful person to rape, kill, steal, etc.

Off topic, but I did want to point out that not all crimes are committed out of hate. Some are committed accidentally such as manslaughter. Some are committed out of necessity like a homeless person breaking into a store just to go to jail to have a place to sleep or stealing food to eat. Some are committed b/c the person is just really really nuts etc, etc, etc.

I'm sure you know that though, lol.


Well-known member
^^^Yes, I understand. This is my problem with internet debates. I should think it is obvious that I meant most crimes that are committed intentionally (rape, murder, lynching, robbery),in my opinion, are hateful.

I am very aware that there are always exceptions to the rule. I was trying to make a point that in this particular instance the "hate" was not, in my opinion, directed towards race or gender, but towards political opinion. And for clarification, again, I am not calling it a "hate crime". I am saying the person who made this lovely work of "art", created it, most likely out of "hatred" for Palin and/or her beliefs.

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