Kids? Too much too fast too soon?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
yeah. I was referencing your post about

and being somewhat sarcastic. I forgot the
on there.

LOL, I *thought* I read sarcasm but then I wasn't sure. I am so bad at reading people on the internet.


Well-known member
It can be a challenge at times.

If I forget a smiley to make it more apparent it'll really knock things out of wack.


Well-known member
I still dont buy the line that kids are being more sexually active at an earlier age...

I DO think that people are more open about it now though. So it may appear people are more active, but in reality they just dont feel the need to hide it as much.

GOSSIP is not the truth!

GO here! Get Informed...

In actuality, rates of intercourse have DECREASED since 1991 according to the Center for Disease Control, which I think is a bit more accurate than Mom Gossip. And has remained unchanged since 2003.

If anything I would attribute the decrease in youth's engaging in sexual intercourse to the increased awareness. Young boys and girls are more likeley to not engage in riskey behavior if they are more educated on the consiquences of their actions. And also less likeley to engage in riskier behavior like not using a condom (condom use has increased amoung active teens) due to education and being less embarassed to buy one because it's not as big of a deal to see a teen buying a condom now, as it was in years past.

It's an easy assumption to assume that because sex is less taboo now due to media, that it's happening more. But in reality it just appears to be happening more because those that are doing it (less kids than 10+ years ago) are more visible now.

Realistically... Due to our longer lifespans, humans are probaly having sex at the latest that they ever have had, if you get get some historical statistics. You figure when people only lived into their 20's and 30's, maybe 40's, having "teenage sex" was fairly common. Since people were already married, and having families in their teens. So back then, "teenage pregnancy" was the norm, not some shocking new trend.


Well-known member
As always, your logic is unfailing. Thank you for sharing your experiences raising children with us. I will of course remember as I'm taking care of my children that "mom gossip" is a poor source of information and after all, none of the mothers I know are intelligent enough to seek out relevant information regarding the raising of their children.

Thanks again, RaeRae, for showing us poor uneducated bored makeup board mommies who are focused on makeup and girlstuffs the light and allowing us insight into truly taking healthy steps to raise our children.

Your knowledge, logic, and experience is truly astounding, and your application of your logic and experience is once again, mind boggling.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
In actuality, rates of intercourse have DECREASED since 1991 according to the Center for Disease Control, which I think is a bit more accurate than Mom Gossip. And has remained unchanged since 2003.

and it's absolutely unheard of for a teenager to be creative about the truth, to their parents, friends or on a survey.

seriously, those studies aren't the best indicator. people lie on surveys, people lie because they're scared that someone they know will found out what they said if they tell the truth.

hands up, how many of us lied to our parents when we were teenagers? raerae, you've admitted to sneaking clothes out of the house so you could wear them, so I'm assuming you aren't innocent either.

you can't rely on the stats because people won't be totally honest about something like that. teenage sex is also something that most teenagers would lie about, even to their friends.


Well-known member
This is all true but let's not forget about the toys they put out for "little girls". Those Brat dolls look like hookers and so do some of the Barbie's. I just can't believe it, no wonder why kids wanna look a certain way, their dolls do so why can't they. Ridiculous!!! I can imagine what kinds of dolls will be out by the time my daughter is scarry!!


Well-known member
There is always a margin of error in any survey. It's not the truth, but it's not a lie eigther. Yes there are going to be kids who say they have had sex when they didn't, just like there will be those who said they didn't when they did. And there will also be kids who said they did, when they did.

Go take a statistics class. As long as the population included in the survey is large enough you can limit your margin of error, and get a more accurate picture of what is really going on. I'm just amazed that everyone here thinks that just because a girl wears a thong b4 she is a sophmore in highschool that she's sleeping with the boy nextdoor.

Every generation has said that the kids they are raising was worse than they are and doing things they woulnd't have dreamed of. Yet according to:

Birthrates to teens are DOWN.

Amazing? Hardly. The previous statistic from the government says rates of sex are down, and magically teenage births are down as well.

And Shim, lets try to keep the tone civil, no need to start attacking me.


Well-known member
I never attacked you.
I merely asked that you continue to enlighten us, as we are obviously lacking in experience raising children, researching things pertinent to their raising, and applying them in our daily life as well as theirs. Your wisdom could quite possibly be what we need to draw us forward into the 21st century.
Limits? Boundaries? What ever were we thinking with implementing those with our children?

Do continue. It's most interesting, really.


Well-known member
Teen pregnancy does not equal various sex acts. I didn't mention teen pregnancy for a reason. Young children, children who aren't even teens, are out there experimenting with oral sex. If you don't think that's related to the sexualization of pre-pubescent girls then your head is in the sand.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ~LadyLocks~
This is all true but let's not forget about the toys they put out for "little girls". Those Brat dolls look like hookers and so do some of the Barbie's. I just can't believe it, no wonder why kids wanna look a certain way, their dolls do so why can't they. Ridiculous!!! I can imagine what kinds of dolls will be out by the time my daughter is scarry!!

Interesting you bring this up. I was at the store the other day and I saw a row of barbies, So i took a peek ( I loved the Barbie dolls when I was little.. I still have all of mine tucked away in good , then I took the doll over to my boyfriend and said ... "is that a tatoo on barbies stomach????" what!! (not saying tatoos are bad,Dont get me wrong ,tattoos are cool.. for adults)

A tattoo around her belly button. way to go Matel . A few years ago they said they "redesigned"barbie to be more atomically correct. . Now her body is the same size. but her head is HUGE! hahaha.. cuz all us humans have unnaturally large heads.


Well-known member
Nicole Richie and Kate Bosworth have large heads.

wait wait, no, it's their bodies that have diminished. My bad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Nicole Richie and Kate Bosworth have large heads.

wait wait, no, it's their bodies that have diminished. My bad.

. Agreed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I never attacked you.
I merely asked that you continue to enlighten us, as we are obviously lacking in experience raising children, researching things pertinent to their raising, and applying them in our daily life as well as theirs. Your wisdom could quite possibly be what we need to draw us forward into the 21st century.
Limits? Boundaries? What ever were we thinking with implementing those with our children?

Do continue. It's most interesting, really.

Sarcasm is so becomming of you.

I never questioned your ability to raise your kids. I merely provided information counter to your Mom gossip that every girl in a miniskirt is blowing the boy nextdoor.

Teens and tweens aren't as dumb as you seem to think they are. And many of them are a lot more informed than you seen to give them credit for. If anything those stats should be a welcome relief that teens are making BETTER decisions about sex now, than they were 10+ years ago. Maybe more girls are saying no to pressure from their boyfriends, maybe more teens aren't afraid to go buy a comdom now, and now have protected sex when 10 years ago they would have had unprotected. Maybe because it's becomming less of a taboo thing, less teens feel the need to have teen sex because it's not such a big deal anymore. Who knows.

Stop getting so defensive.


Well-known member
Who's defensive? Certainly not me.
I'm drinking in your experience and knowledge.

Seriously, do continue. Please do not continue to work under the assumption that we collectively "believe Mom gossip that every girl in a miniskirt is blowing the boy next door." though, as that would be incorrect.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I never attacked you.
I merely asked that you continue to enlighten us, as we are obviously lacking in experience raising children, researching things pertinent to their raising, and applying them in our daily life as well as theirs. Your wisdom could quite possibly be what we need to draw us forward into the 21st century.
Limits? Boundaries? What ever were we thinking with implementing those with our children?

Do continue. It's most interesting, really.

Please enlighten me to where i ever gave you advice on limits and boundaries. Or even gave an opinion on raising children. Your understanding is flawless as usual.


Well-known member
Now all that after it is said and done-I have to agree with you Raerae.I actually mentioned something in the beginning of the thread and it was largely overlooked.

I mean if we look at history it's just the way the pendulum is swinging and it's always been there. Biologically it doesn't make sense with the medicine extending life to 70-90+ years but it does make sense with puberty.

There are many factors which we could take into account but I think you hit the nail on the head. Puberty happens between 10-15 (maybe more) and that's when horomones go crazy. It's always been around whether we like it or not-it's just becoming more and more updated in the news and people are realizing it by bringing more dolls and the parents are trying to help the in crowd etc. It's nuts.

I think it's happened since the beginning of time but in the US we are so sexually restrained that we like to hide things-blame it on the puritans etc. I think it happened a lot more than we know of but nobody has really said anything about it.


Well-known member
Please enlighten me to where i ever gave you advice on limits and boundaries. Or even gave an opinion on raising children. Your understanding is flawless as usual.

Your cognitive understanding and memory are impeccable enough that you should have no problems understanding my statement and my interest.
If you have no opinions on raising children, I do question your motive for posting in this thread. Why, one would almost be able to conclude with confidence that this is more of that "arguing just to argue" you've stated you like to do so much.
And, surely if that were the case, you wouldn't have the temerity to state each opinion you're posting as fact and leave out the possibility that your data is flawed, while insulting the members on this board by stating that their experiences are little more than "mommy gossip".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
Now all that after it is said and done-I have to agree with you Raerae.I actually mentioned something in the beginning of the thread and it was largely overlooked.

I mean if we look at history it's just the way the pendulum is swinging and it's always been there. Biologically it doesn't make sense with the medicine extending life to 70-90+ years but it does make sense with puberty.

There are many factors which we could take into account but I think you hit the nail on the head. Puberty happens between 10-15 (maybe more) and that's when horomones go crazy. It's always been around whether we like it or not-it's just becoming more and more updated in the news and people are realizing it by bringing more dolls and the parents are trying to help the in crowd etc. It's nuts.

I think it's happened since the beginning of time but in the US we are so sexually restrained that we like to hide things-blame it on the puritans etc. I think it happened a lot more than we know of but nobody has really said anything about it.

To a point I can agree that puberty and hormones have weight however they are not relevant in regard to the fact that a ten year old doesn't have the maturity to handle sexual experiences, to include oral sex.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Your cognitive understanding and memory are impeccable enough that you should have no problems understanding my statement and my interest.
If you have no opinions on raising children, I do question your motive for posting in this thread. Why, one would almost be able to conclude with confidence that this is more of that "arguing just to argue" you've stated you like to do so much.
And, surely if that were the case, you wouldn't have the temerity to state each opinion you're posting as fact and leave out the possibility that your data is flawed, while insulting the members on this board by stating that their experiences are little more than "mommy gossip".

I'm not arguing just to argue. Again your understanding is flawless.

I merely contested your point regarding parents who allow their children to wear revealing clothing leads to increased sexual activity. Which in your attempt to be cute in your last few posts, you completely ignored.

Originally Posted by Shimmer
Honestly y'all. My daughter wears Tshirts and jeans or shorts everyday. Sweaters in the cold, but otherwise, she's COVERED.
The ironic part is that these parents are surprised when they catch their fifteen year old daughter giving head on the back porch.

The data from both the government, and an advocacy group about teen pregnancy shows that even though more children wear more revealing clothing now, the rates of teen sex are NOT increasing.

I'm just clarifying your Mom Gossip which is blatently incorrect, and based on your biased opinion that somehow girls who wear turtlenecks and pants 365 give less head then girls in sphaghetti straps and mini's with silk thongs.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
To a point I can agree that puberty and hormones have weight however they are not relevant in regard to the fact that a ten year old doesn't have the maturity to handle sexual experiences, to include oral sex.

Did anyone in this thread say they did? Again, please point out that post from anyone that said, "I think it's perfectly fine for 10 year old's to give head."

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