Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
Have a child and raise it first before you attempt to "clarify" anything pertaining to being a mom.
At no point has anyone in this thread claimed that girls who wear slutty clothing are the only ones being sexually active. I have stated more than once that the correlation between AGE INAPPROPRIATE clothing and AGE INAPPROPRIATE actions is what we are discussing. It wasn't commonplace for 9 year olds to be giving blow jobs on the back of school buses 15 years ago and if you don't see the relationship between that and the fact that many, many mainstream clothing companies are offering slutty clothing to small girls, it is probably a good thing you aren't raising children.
The data I provided indicates otherwise. If you'd like to offer data that shows something different, I would love to see it. Just because a nine year old gave a blowjob on the bus doesn't mean that 15 years ago 9 year olds weren't giving head in the bathroom at recess. The frequency of sexual activity hasn't changed, if anyting it has gone down.
Your statement does indicate that teens are less inhibited with regards to visibly displaying sexual activity today, than they were in years past. This i completely agree with. Perhaps this is where the confusion is? These are two completely seperate topics. While sexy clothing (sex in media etc) statistically doesn't increase the frequency of teenage sex, it does increase the visibility. I think the media has done a fine job in desensitising the general public (especially the young) to the taboo of sex. So while teens 15 years ago thought that giving head in the bathroom was risky behavior, now that doesn't seem risky at all.
Thats typical behavior though. Every generation gets more risky in it's behavior than the one before it. Thats only normal, as once you get used to something it loses it's shockvalue, so the envalope gets pushed a little farther the next time. Eventually though, there will be a breaking point and trends will swing back the other direction.