Let's have a "What the f**k??"-Ebay thread....


Well-known member
Damn, this is nuts. I know in years past I'd get them from Dillards & toss them away as junk mail! hahahaaa


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mona971
In response to your post about my auctions for postcards, I would just like to point out that the last lot of postcards that I sold ended up going upwards of $120US per postcard (which for most of them was over the BIN by at least $50).

I have decided that I don't want to keep my square cards anymore and people seem to be paying those prices for them. If people are willing to pay those prices it is not fair to call me greedy. I watched eBay for a long time and based my starting price on what other square cards were selling for over the last few weeks. If the are going to be bid up to over $100 what is the point starting them at 99 cents? I may as well start them at a price that I would be happy to get for them if only one person were to bid.

I am always happy to swap my extra cards and in I have in the past sent them FREE to people who needed some so I really do think it unfair of you to judge me greedy when you don't know me.

I know I'm one of the first to point out "CRAAAAZY" stuff on eBay, and I could never spend that much on a postcard, but I'll be damned if I won't stick up for you! I thought your BIN's were very reasonable, given what they have been going for. Those cards have been going for a lot, and if marex/marezx whaever her name is bids on an item, every other bidder can pretty much give up any chance of winning it. With the BIN, if the other bidders really want it, they can snag it before she does!


Active member
Originally Posted by mona971
In response to your post about my auctions for postcards, I would just like to point out that the last lot of postcards that I sold ended up going upwards of $120US per postcard (which for most of them was over the BIN by at least $50).

I have decided that I don't want to keep my square cards anymore and people seem to be paying those prices for them. If people are willing to pay those prices it is not fair to call me greedy. I watched eBay for a long time and based my starting price on what other square cards were selling for over the last few weeks. If the are going to be bid up to over $100 what is the point starting them at 99 cents? I may as well start them at a price that I would be happy to get for them if only one person were to bid.

I am always happy to swap my extra cards and in I have in the past sent them FREE to people who needed some so I really do think it unfair of you to judge me greedy when you don't know me.

I totally agree with you. I'm a bit tired of people judging people who sells on ebay. Afterall, ebay is a place to make money, not a charity place. If they don't like the price, then just don't bid on it. Unless the seller is selling fake stuff or try to trick people and such, I really don't understand what the big deal is.

It's a simple rule of demand and supply. If anyone here has an extra postcard that you don't need/want and u know it will sell for $50, would you sell it?? Just my opinion.


Well-known member
Yep, Ebay is capitalisim at its best. The buyer selected to pay that amount, nobody is forcing her to spend that much. I think it is great for anybody who has a high sought after item to be able to make a little extra money on Ebay.

And, OT, but I have swapped with Mona for postcards before, and she sent a few extra. It was one of the best swaps I have had.


Well-known member
A couple years ago I sold my original Kitschmas on ebay. I started it off at $1, the bidders ran it up to $128. Towards the end I got several nasty emails from people who were watching the auction. Greedy was one of the nicest things they called me, lol.
Ebay is as simple as this, don't spend more than you are comfortable with on an item.
It does get crazy, and fun to watch some items that ppl pay ridicolous prices for. I don't think you can fault the sellers for the prices, when there is a market out there for those collectables that are willing to pay that crazy high price. There are some older e/s that I would love to have, but will never get because others are willing to pay more than me. I can live with it, and I can't be mad at someone else for making money. That's what ebay is about.


Active member
Thanks to Alliswan and Femme Noir. I think the bottom line is sellers are not responsible for how much buyers are willing to pay.

I posted in another thread "MAC should... make all cards available everywhere and charge $1 for each card and donate it to their AIDS fund and it would remove all the crazy eBay bidding and the AIDS fund would benefit.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bluegrassbabe
A couple years ago I sold my original Kitschmas on ebay. I started it off at $1, the bidders ran it up to $128. Towards the end I got several nasty emails from people who were watching the auction. Greedy was one of the nicest things they called me, lol.
Ebay is as simple as this, don't spend more than you are comfortable with on an item.
It does get crazy, and fun to watch some items that ppl pay ridicolous prices for. I don't think you can fault the sellers for the prices, when there is a market out there for those collectables that are willing to pay that crazy high price. There are some older e/s that I would love to have, but will never get because others are willing to pay more than me. I can live with it, and I can't be mad at someone else for making money. That's what ebay is about.

i totally agree...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mona971
Thanks to Alliswan and Femme Noir. I think the bottom line is sellers are not responsible for how much buyers are willing to pay.

That's true, but then again, I am just as entitled to my opinion as anybody else. I'm usually on the side of the seller in cases like this, (such as with gigi's Pretty Twisted eye shadow), but in this case I still think that starting the auction at $19.99 for a single postcard is greedy. That's not the same as allowing bidders to decide they want to pay $19.99 and bidding it up that high. I know marezx has been paying outrageous prices for postcards recently, and now everyone is trying to get a piece of it, but rarely have I seen anyone except that particular buyer pay $50-75 or more for a single card.

Maybe I'm just bitter because I can't afford a card that I've wanted for ages, (and I'm very selective about the cards I'm even looking for, due to the insane prices people ask for them. It's not like I have a huge collection), but it just seems excessive to me.


Active member
Last time I checked eBay was an auction site so therefore I am allowed to decide what I am happy getting for an item that I own. If it doesn't sell for that then I am out approximately $1.50 and I will keep the card but I am not going to list something for .99 if I wouldn't be happy getting that price for it just to please buyers that want to pay less.

By your logic then anyone who has something for sale at a price that someone else can't afford (or doesn't want to pay) is greedy and that doesn't make sense.


Well-known member
No, that's not how my logic works at all, but if that's what you want to believe to make yourself feel better, feel free. I'm not going to grovel and back-track now you've appeared here to defend yourself. I still think that starting an auction for a postcard at $19.99 is greedy. I'm sorry you don't like my opinion, but nevertheless, that is my view.

And yes, you are entitled to decide what you'll sell your item for, but that fact still does not change my view that starting the auction at $19.99 is greedy. I believe I am just as entitled to my opinion as you are to decide what you will sell your card for.

Edited to add:

There are plenty of things on eBay I cannot or will not pay the list price for, but rarely do I consider the seller greedy. I couldn't have (and would not have) bought Gigi's Pretty Twisted for over $100 but I was on her side when others attacked her over the final price, so by suggesting my logic states that everything must be sold for a price everyone can afford, it's you that's making no sense. The difference between Gigi's situation and this one is that Gigi's item had some inherent value as it was a retail item and Gigi decided to let the market dictate its own value by starting within the reach of everybody and letting the price rise by itself.

This also just doesn't seem to fit well with the spirit of Viva Glam either.


Active member
Apparently you are mistaken about my reasons for posting, it was not to defend myself as I feel I have no reason to it was to exercise my right to express my opinion regarding your post.

Who are you to decide what is within reach of everyone and where does it state that auctions have to be started within the reach of everyone?

I say good for Gigi for what she got for her e/s and if she was comfortable with it possibly selling for .99 cents (if that was her starting price) then that is great. As I stated I would not be happy with my auction ending for that price so I start it at a price I would be happy getting for it (taking into account what I may have paid for it in the first place)


Well-known member
Sorry to butt in, but I think the trick to getting the best bids is to start the auction at .99 and/or have very low or free shipping. The majority of the time, your bidders are going to drive up your price for you. To protect yourself, set a reserve.

I saw a 15-pan MAC e/s palette filled with 15 MAC eyeshadows. The seller started the bid at .99. The winning bid was something like $293! The e/s alone cost $142.50. She made a huge profit!

Just my humble opinion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mona971
Who are you to decide what is within reach of everyone and where does it state that auctions have to be started within the reach of everyone?

Where did I say it was my decision and where did I state that they must? I don't remember saying either of those things. In fact, checking back, I didn't say either of those things, so appently it's you that is mistaken, again.

You can try and argue with me all day if you like, I have the free time at the moment, but you will not change my opinion that starting an auction for a single charity postcard at $19.99 and having the clear expectation of getting $50 for it, and $75 for others, is greedy. Good luck to you though. If it were my auction I would be concerned that the starting price and BIN would put people off, (as it has put me off), so I wish you the best of luck.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hikaru-chan
This is a joke, check it out:


It's not even BN and she's starting the auction at such an high price.

Hmm that's strange especialy when she has this in the description: "THIS IS EXTREMELY SOUGHT AFTER, ESPECIALLY BECAUSE IT WAS A FREE PREVIEW SAMPLE, BUT I'M STARTING IT AT A LOW PRICE, ONLY 99p."


Well-known member
Further investigation shows that this particular item is listed four times as item numbers 5624854207, 5624854220, 5624854013 and 5624853999. Many of the vendor's other limited edition items are duplicated too. Does anyone else smell a rat?

View seller's other items

Another caveat is that although the item description says "Standard Purchase Protection Offered." you can't claim because this item is ineligible due to payment only being accepted by MoneyGram, Western Union or wire transfer. In other words, you have no safety net.

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