Long Distance Relationship Support Thread


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
Thats why we have this thread here
Which I looove!

How do your parents see you moving to him? And how do they take it? Cause weel, as for me I told before - my Mom hates my bf. Did you meet him playing online too?

My mom is really supportive and happy that I found someone, I was a nerdy loner before him (yes I met him in an online game lol) so she's happy for me. My dad is neutral about it I guess.
My mom hasn't met my boyfriend, and it would be hard since she doesn't speak english but I've met his parents and I love them and they love me so things are going well


Well-known member
Oh I'm super happy for you the girl
My Mom doesnt speak english either, but yeah, she is less supportive. Its great you found a man who understands you and makes you feeel that happy, no matter where is he. Online games meetings for the win

Talking of all this - girls, Im so fucking nerveous. I'm going to my Man, but I told you, I gonan live in his beachhouse or his appartment, depending on whats going on there. In appartment I will be living with him and his Mom. She is a very sweet woman, he says she likes me already, but seriously, im afraid of meeting her. She is looking forward to meet me, also his aunt, his family is interested. And his Mom doesnt even speak english! (So as mine). I just want her to like me...


Alibi - definitely put in a lil bit of effort now to learn a few phrases in her language. She'll appreciate the effort. I hope it goes well for you - meeting the parents is tricky enough without a language barrier to cope with.... I guess at least there won't be any of that awkward small chat we usually have to endure

Well, I'm in a LDR at the moment. My partner of 8 years is in the Navy on deployment for 6 months in the persian gulf. We too have limited contact, so Caroline, I totally understand that frustration.

Its now month 4. I've been surprised at the emotions I've gone through and the conflict I feel. On one hand, I am proud of him, sad for him and loving him always. On the other, I'm mad at him for leaving, peeved that he's out there away from me just to protect oil (they are protecting iraqs offshore assets) and so deeply lonely without my best friend.


I just don't want to hear someone say 'oh, I don't know how you do it'. It's so frustrating... I don't do this by choice, I do it because the alternative is to break up - which is unthinkable.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Delilah
I just don't want to hear someone say 'oh, I don't know how you do it'. It's so frustrating... I don't do this by choice, I do it because the alternative is to break up - which is unthinkable.

Exactly, I don't have a choice, just like you because breaking up because of it never even crossed my mind.
I don't know why it seems like such a bizarre thought because my sister broke up with a guy she really like just because he moved about 2 hours further away.


Well-known member
I agree, it annoys me when people say they don't know how I do it. Well yes I won't deny that it's hard... But really, what are my options? Breaking up would leave me in a worse state than the LDR.


Well-known member
This thread has grown in the time I last left it!
I'm currently on holidays back home so I am spending almost everyday with my bf

I'm very happy, but I don't know how long this will last before my parents come back from holidays and don't like me going out anymore or won't let me see him

But for now, I'm just enjoying the peace!


Well-known member
I'm here, I'm here - I'm in NY!!! I had the best reunion with my baby at Newark, much to the amusement of the whole arrivals lounge!! Damn everybody was in our face as we hugged and kissed!! LMAO!!

I'm so happy to be back with him - even though I'm freezing my tits off here in NYC! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!


Well-known member
yaaaay blushbaby? WTF you doing online girl, arent you supposed to be in bed with him?

Keep us updated hun! Im soo glad everything went well with the flight and you are with him now!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
yaaaay blushbaby? WTF you doing online girl, arent you supposed to be in bed with him?

Keep us updated hun! Im soo glad everything went well with the flight and you are with him now!

LMAO - he's had to go to work, so Specktra and all the online stores will have to keep me amused til he gets home!! Immigration was a nightmare - it took over an hr and a half to get through that and then luggage so he'd been waiting over 2 hrs by the time I got through everything! I was going mad in that queue!!


Well-known member
Ah hun all what matters is that you are with him finally! When my bf was getting here, his final plane took 40 minutes just circling over the airport waiting for the line to land, and it took time to leave Madrid too, so in total it was about 1,5 hour late. It all doesnt matter when it comes to that hugging and kissing in the arrival lounge! DAMN BLUSHBABY!!! I cant wait to arrive to my man!
Have a GREAT time there! And since he is working, come poke us here time to time and tell how you are doing


Well-known member
ahh this thread has grown I need to update myself on all the stores!

Alibi, I know how you feel with the airport thing. The waiting time is horribleee! I have a love/hate feeling toward the airport, I hate having to say goodbye but at the same time I love seeing him walk out of the terminal. This time around his plane was delayed a day so that really drove me crazie.

I hope everyone is having a great holiday!


Well-known member
Oh man last time I was going to go see my man my flight was delayd 12 hours ONTOP of the original 6 hours between the flights.
18 hours of me frantically pacing back and forth, cursing everyone for stealing 18 hours of precious time from my man :p


Well-known member
Damn, I hope everything will be ok, I have 3 flights, and the 3rd final one is an independent company, so i really hope it will be in time!

I love airports though since I was a kid, it gives me an adveturous feeling


Well-known member
Hope you all had a great Christmas! (If you celebrate it that is) I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with my family and had Christmas dinner with my bf's family. It was awesome. His mom was talking about how they were surprised they didn't get company for Christmas dinner, and I was like "What am I??". I got a look from all of them, and his mom and sister both went "Family." It was cute.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Hope you all had a great Christmas! (If you celebrate it that is) I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with my family and had Christmas dinner with my bf's family. It was awesome. His mom was talking about how they were surprised they didn't get company for Christmas dinner, and I was like "What am I??". I got a look from all of them, and his mom and sister both went "Family." It was cute.

Awww that's so sweet!

We're going to my boyf's grandparents next week. It's my first time meeting them and I'm really looking fwd to it.

Christmas day was nice. I ate far too much and drank waaaaaaaaaaay too much homemade Pina Colada aswell as champagne and was pretty drunk but his parents and sister just laughed and called me a lightweight! There was way too much barcadi in that mix!!


Well-known member
Aw Meg thats so cute
Im so glad for you

Blushbaby druuunkard!
Im glad you are having fun there girl. Home made Pina Colada sounds yummmm.


Well-known member
GIIIRLS!!!!!! SO ok, tomorrow Im off to vacations! Im freaked out. In afraid of the flights, and we just saw that its very snowing in Europe, im very afraid for my flight to be delayed. Anyways, dont miss me THAT much, I'll be back in about 17 days!


Well-known member
Meg I have no idea whats up with me, im so scared here. I was imagining hundreds of times how I gonna go to him, and now I cant realise thats true, Im scared of flying, Im here in a real anxiety attack, my heart is beating like crazy, I cant sleep...

I'm in the state of not going and hiding under my bed for the rest of my life. Im very very afraid.

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