MAC - Colour Craft Discussion


Well-known member
Thanks for the great review, Adina! Can't wait to check this out in person. I think I've finally been able to narrow down my list! ;-)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
Just posted my review and swatches on my blog. Gotta run but will come back tonight to post it all on here as well

Thank you, you helped me choose what I'm getting LOL. I'm only getting Cheeky Bronze and Natural Flare as I have NO money to spend and shouldn't even be buying those LOL. But after looking over the swatches, reading reviews and going back and forth between all of them those are the only two things I'm getting.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lindsey251
Any MSF rec's for NC35?

Best would be to go in person to swatch them , but by the looks of it . CHeeky iif you want a bronzy shade , triple fusion if you want a neutral peachy highlight . smooth merge if you want some color and u dont have petticoat bec from the swatches it looks very similar to petticoat which i have . HTH


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lindsey251
i just called my local mac store and my mac counter, their both releasing july 9th -_-

Even my counters are releasing it on 9th . booo what if it comes online earlier i wont be able to resist since i almost have my list ready ...


Well-known member
So, today I went to my Macy's counter, because one of the MAs there said they were getting Euristocrats. They didn't, only the freestanding store got it here. But, to make up for her blunder, she pulled out Color Craft for me. At first, I was thinking I wouldn't like this collection at all, but OMG. I loved loved loved what I saw. While I was looking over the shadows, one of the other MAs broke a tube of Funky Fusion. I got to try it on and play with it over the lippies. Instant love over Trimming Talk. I must have that combo. I love the marbled lipglasses. I didn't like the layered ones that came out with Sugarsweet. They annoyed me, but these are great! Awesome colors, especially Funky Fusion. Also, the MSFs are SO much better in person than in their pictures. I will have
Smooth Merge and Triple Fusion. They were my faves. Overall, Color Crafted was my fave lippie, but I will also buy Made With Love and Most Popular. I was wearing Lychee Luxe when I went in, and I swear Made With Love is its lipstick dopleganger. As for the MES, I'm still not sure I need more...but if I do give in and buy any it will be: Fashion Patch, Girlish Romp and Odd Bits. They were the ones that stood out to me. I can't wait for next week now! SO excited! Ooooh, and I swatched my lips after putting on Funky Fusion. Some of it had rubbed off by the time I took the picture, and my lips are pretty pigmiented.



Well-known member
I've decided not to get any of the blushes or MSFs...too sparkly/frosty for me. I will get the 131, possibly Eccentricity, maybe a lipstick and/or gloss -I'm waiting for some more swatches on the lip products - but all in all it looks like I'll escape this one with my wallet in good shape.


Well-known member
The collection is online in Germany now

I will get Smooth Merge and maybe l/g Crazy Haute tomorrow. My counter did not get the brushes
so I will order the 131

I will pass the rest of the collection and Naked Honey - my list for fall is long!!


Well-known member
I really wish that the 131 and the 226 were not LE.
I really need to cut my list down but I am having a hard time doing so.


Active member
I thought I was going to get the 226... but now that it's almost here, I'm just not feeling it. My wallet is thanking me so hard!


Well-known member
Here is my review, reproduced from my site for your convenience
Long story short, this collection didn't rock my world. There were some nice pieces, but in general it was a dud.

Lipsticks: These are really nothing to write home about. Like with every collection, there are shades to please everyone. None of them were unique enough to warrant me bringing them home with me.

Madly Creative (Frost)- Frosty light pink with gold/champagne tones. Fairly pigmented, just not at all unique unfortunately.

Ever Embellish
(Lustre) - Sheer plum. Being that its a lustre, it is a bit too sheer for my tastes.

Made with Love (Lustre)- Surprisingly pigmented, a bright pinky coral.

Colour Crafted (Frost) - Frosty milky pink. This color is a bit too 1980's for me, not a fan.

Trimming Talk (Frost) - Frosty bright fuchsia pink. Bright, but not overly so.

Most Popular (Lustre) - Pinky mauve with strong purple tones.

Marbled Lipglass: These are made up of 3 colors that are meant to be mixed together. I was actually pleasantly surprised by these glosses. Unlike the travesty that was the colorless tricolor glosses from Sugar Sweet, these actually have pigment and a beautiful pearl. If I didn't already have a million lipglosses, I would have gotten a couple.

Pretty Pattern - Warm beigey neutral with lots of sparkle. I would imagine this would instantly add dimension to a nude lip.

Crazy Haute - Midtone cool pink. zzzz

Nice Mix Up - Burnished orangey bronze. Very pretty, and very summer

Funky Fusion - Medium warm pink, very pigmented.

Eclectic Edge - A lovely shade of lilacy purple. This is what I wanted Ever So Rich creamsheen glass to look like.

Miss Marble - Mauvey pink, pigmented with minimal glitters.

Mineralize Skinfinish: You know how we all love ourselves some msf's. Three of these are solid, while the other three have three different stripes of color. The textures between all 6 of them vary, but most I noticed to be fairly frosty, without having glitter chunks that some mineralized skinfinishes tend to have. Out of the 6, my favorites were Smooth Merge, and Cheeky Bronze.

Sunny by Nature- Deep orangey bronze. In the pan I could tell it had a significant pink pearl to it, but in swatches it ended up looking more like a muddy brown on me

Cheeky Bronze - I ended up picking this one up. It is a soft bronzed peach and absolutely gorgeous. Not as chunky as some of the other msfs, and with subtle sparkle. Definitely pigmented enough to be a blush on me.

Porcelain Pink - Soft pinky coral with subtle gold pearl- A lot of folks are very excited for this particular repromote. Now don't throw rocks at me, but I wasn't a fan of how this swatched on me at all. I found it too chunky in the glitters, and severely lacking in the pigmentation department. Honestly, if I want a highlight I will use something not so chunky.

Triple Fusion - Left: Soft champagne gold / Center: Soft golden peach / Right: Rose pink with
gold nuances
. Swatched as a pink champagne shade. This one to me was a bit chunky in the glitter department. No bueno.

Smooth Merge - Left: Soft champange pink / Center: Deep rose / Right: Pale cool pink
. Swatched altogether as a frosty raspberry. This was my favorite of the bunch! Smooth and frosty with no chunky glitter, and the color was divine!

Warm Blend - Left: Antique gold / Center: Mahogany Bronze / Right: Copper- Warm brown/bronze. Pretty color, but I just didn't need it. This also had a bit more glitter than the others.

Mineralize Eyeshadows: Each mes comes with four colors in a circular quadrant grid. In each shadow, 2 of the shades are glittery, while the other 2 are more frosty. While I really liked the concept, I did not like some of the color combinations. I also wan't a fan of the glitters in some of the colors.

Assemblage - White with silver pearl / Deep grey / Black with silver glitter / Warm yellow gold
. This one seems to be best suited towards soft smoky eyes. It is pretty, but it is neither unique nor pleasantly textured. The black did not swatch well at all.

Odd Bits - Mid-tone silver grey / Dusty rose with gold pearl / Dark burgundy/ Peachy bronze
- This one almost came home with me, but it was the dusty rose that killed it for me. Like with some of the other shades in these, it was just too frosty!

Fashion Patch - Ice blue / Off white / Black with silver glitter / Light white pink
- I originally thought that this one would come home with me, but I did not like how frosty the colors looked in my swatches. The combination is fun, but it would have been better in a different eyeshadow finish.

Eccentricity - Rich gold / Light violet / Deep plum/ Rich bronze
- This was another one of my favorites out of the bunch. The combination of colors were lovely, and the only slightly chunky shade in this is the gold.

Natural Flare - Copper / Yellow orange / Mid-tone brown / Rich gold
- This one actually ended up being my favorite of the bunch. Both the copper and the yellowish orange shade swatched very pigmented, and I imagine this will be awesome for the summer months!

Girlish Romp - Mid-tone violet / Yellow white with gold pearl / Light pastel coral / Mid-tone pink
. All pastel shades, all very frosty. Not really my cup of tea.

Mineralize Blush: I will preface this review by saying I am not a fan of mineralize blushes. I find them too glittery, and not at all long lasting. I am afraid these are just like all the other mineralize blushes mac has previously released in that regard. The colors are gorgeous, with Style Demon being my favorite, but the formulation just turns me off. Gimme my beauty powder blushes MAC!

Hand-Finish - Peachy gold pink. Fairly glittery, not very pigmented.

Fab-dabulous - Another nice shade gone wrong with the finish, a warm burnt coral

Daft Pink - Bright, Deep cool pink. Too frosty for me.

Improvise - Corally peach meets golden brown. Also fairly chunky in the glitter department.

Cheek & Cheerful - Mid-tone bronzey brown with yellow gold veining

Style Demon - My favorite of the bunch, a deep brick red with copper pearl.

Brushes: I am so thrilled to see a repromote of the 226. It is an amazing crease and outer v brush, and I am very happy to be able to pick up a couple. The 131 is brand new, and I think it will be a fantastic cheek brush. It is dual bristled, and has a flat head, making it just the right shape to soften contours as well.


Well-known member
I just got back from Mac Pro (Downtown Toronto) and of course, they always launch products early.

My Haul:

Cheeky Bronze MSF
Porcelain Pink MSF (I know this is a very light pink sheer shade but I can't resist the hype)
Smooth Merge MSF (Love the red center stripe)

Daft Pink Blush (love this pinky shade)
Fab-Dabulous Blush ( This is A MUST HAVE!...this is like a lighter version of gleeful but with gold sparkle in it) A BEAUTIFUL DARK CORAL SHADE!

Eclectic Edge Lipgloss (Another gorgeous lavender/lilac shade to my collection)
Funky Fusion Lipgloss (This is like a bold hot pink with a lil' coral lipgloss to me and the name says it all...It's quite funky)
Miss Marble Lipgloss (A pretty light pink colour that should suit all types of skintone...probably would be my everyday pink lipgloss)

Natural Flare MES (I b2med for this=FREE) Love all the golden/coppery shades!

The bad thing about the lipglosses are the doe foot applicator. You don't get that much product out with the applicator. It totally sux but I love all the colours. I guess it's the packaging that holds it in. The lipglosses are pigmented when applied with an actual lip brush.

I swatched Redhead Msf and Triple Fusion Msf side by side at the store and they were VERY alike.

Ok so...(Women of Colour) Ladies...There is no point in calling Improvise a blush would just be a peachy gold highlight for us. We're better off getting Cheeky Bronze MSF. Most of the other blushes seemed quite glittery.

I also skipped the new brush...nothing so special about it. The 188 will work just the same.

I didnt like the lipsticks either. Not a big fan of lustre and frost lippies.

This is just a quick lip swatch of Miss Marble on pigmented lips. NC 42/43

I'll probably make swatches later on.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
It is The 4th of July and mostly everyone has tomorrow off but MAC you don't see fit to release this in all the stores early when people are going to be packed in the malls

I want my crap this weekend, goteffindammit.

uh, i don't know how it is in michigan, but here in indiana, no one is gonna be in the mall this weekend. no one!


Well-known member
Yeah same here for my neck of the woods, since our mall cancelled the fireworks show/festival this year (a 20 something year tradition cancelled cuz of the economy...) I'm sure it would be a ghost town for sure! Everyone will be too busy outside enjoying their families and stuff...meanwhile I'm locked inside


Well-known member
i'm stuck inside too!
on saturday AND sunday!
we're open til 8 on saturday and its gonna be a long, slow day for sure. i closed last year too and there was NO ONE in the store.

i'd rather be having a bbq, but noooooooooooooooooooo. i've gotta work when some people manage to get all the holidays off or the opening shift all because they use their kid as an excuse for needing those shifts!

sorry. needed to vent.

edit: oh, i price checked the 131 and it is $40.


Well-known member
My list has changed yet again! (big suprise there)

I'm definitely getting:

Cheeky Bronze
Daft Pink (I swore no more light pink blushes, but i looove the gold, it's mine!)


Girlish Romp MES (I also swore I wouldn't touch these, but I'm loving the colours in this)
Funky Fusion l/g (if I can b2m for it)

So not so bad me thinks. I'll pass on the brush, not that I don't want it, but I also hauled some Becca products Monday. Oops!