MAC - Colour Craft Discussion


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Originally Posted by Shypo
I hate to sound like a novice (I'm not), but how do you ladies wear porcelain pink? I haven't yet been able to make it look right - I'm NW25. Suggestions?
Thanks very much in advance!

I am NW15 and it is a very subtle highligher on me. I've heard that if you spray your brush with fix+ and then use Porcelain Pink, it makes it a bit more obvious. I love it because it is SO subtle. Nothing glittery or pore enhancing, just a slight baby pink glow. I have one from the Amuse release, and it is almost gone.


Well-known member
Iheartmakeup, I have to say; I really appreciate the lengths you go to in order to bring us the scoop. I cannot imagine how costly it must be for you to purchase all of these products, and I know we all really appreciate these sneak peeks you provide us with

Im not overly impressed with this collection at the moment, I need to see the collection in its entirety I think


Well-known member
Iheartmakeup, thanks so much for the pictures and info!!!
So far I want Sunny by Nature! It looks smoother then the other ones. And I hate glitterry stuff.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iheartmakeup
Susanne you were right!!

warm blend

smooth merge

triple fusion


sunny by nature

cheeky bronze


porcelain pink. I already have this but I wanted to see if it was different from previous releases cos I'm an idiot!


madly creative

swatches coming soon!

AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of the MSFs are going to be mine!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I am NW15 and it is a very subtle highligher on me. I've heard that if you spray your brush with fix+ and then use Porcelain Pink, it makes it a bit more obvious. I love it because it is SO subtle. Nothing glittery or pore enhancing, just a slight baby pink glow. I have one from the Amuse release, and it is almost gone.

Thank you AudreyNicole - I will try the fix+ and continue to work with it - I'm probably being too heavy-handed with it. Will try it using the 184 fan brush I think.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jungleland
Sunny By nature seems very nice!
I only will get the ones which I can use as blush and without glitery chunks!
I loved the texture of the ones in the Sugarsweet collection, I'm dissapointed this new ones are not as smooth.

I'm a bit disappointed too! They all look similar in color really. I was expecting more of a difference overally. Triple Fusion especially is disappointing, it looks too similar to the BBR MSFs!

Originally Posted by FemmeFatale
Thanks Iheartmakeup!

I have to say I am disappointed. MAC needs to start pushing the envelope with some new colors and creativity
I was expecting to want every single one. Oh well, I still want Triple Fusion and Smooth Merge. I will be picking up Porcelain Pink because I missed out on it last time and I have heard amazing things about it for Fairer complexions.

They seriously need to! All I see is them just coming up with new gimmicks for products, like all they do is just change how they make the MSFs, like with these stripes and stuff. I bet next they'll make the MSFs like how they made the MES this time, into quadrants and stuff. Meh.

I want to see a RED MSF and a RASPBERRY MSF. (Like an entire MSF the color of the middle stripe of Smooth Merge!!)
And a CORAL MSF. I want a coral one to be truly happy, Cheeky Bronze isn't coral enough to my liking.

Originally Posted by dreamer246
Hmm I am kinda disappointed by what I see so far too, but my wallet does the happydance.
I guess it's a hidden blessing that this collection is so disappointing though, I had initially thought that I would be buying almost all the products in this collection (MSFs, blushes, lippies, brushes....), and I'm definitely glad and relieved that I can cut down my list significantly.

I also think that when we get super excited, we then to over hype the collection in our mind, and then when it really comes down to it, just because it's MSFs doesn't mean it will be a super awesome collection. But yeah, my wallet is happy too.


Well-known member
Yeah, I think the only one I really want it Cheeky Bronze because it looks smooth and shimmery. I DO like the looks of Smooth Merge and Warm Blend, but they seem so glittery in their swatches compared to Cheeky Bronze and Sunny By Nature. And if that's the case, then I don't want them.

But YES, if I end up getting just ONE MSF, I would be so happy.

And I definitely want Eccentricity, it looks like something totally up my alley, it's PURPLE.

And then, I can't wait to see swatches and pictures of the blushes!!!! Those I'm excited for, hopefully they're not glitterbombs either and are as nice as the ones from Sonic Chic and Grand Duos. But if not... more money saved!!!!!

(Of course I have hopes for the coral ones.


Well-known member
wow! thanks so much for the pictures! just what i needed to cheer myself up today!! i love the look of smooth merge! and the lippie is super hot!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
Warm Blend does look gorgeous. I want a MSF that is entirely the color of the middle stripe (aka, Metal Rock). MAC are you listening!

LOL, I was thinking the same thing!! Warm Blend is hot and I will be all over that one for the middle stripe alone!!
Thanks iheartmakeup for the pics!!


Well-known member
I just looked at the swatches and I can so see myself buying Warm blend, Smooth Merge, Sunny By Nature, and Cheeky Bronze. I hope they turn out to be as hot on my skin as they look!!


Well-known member
the plan was just to get the new LE brush.
thank iheartmakeup, you help me to stick to my plan because i'm disappointed with these MSFs.
i'll come back in a few weeks to see if we get info about the new LE brush.


Well-known member
After seeing these. I only want 2 of the MSFs. I like Cheeky Bronze and Porcelain Pink. I have already decided to skip the MES and MB. I guess this leaves more money for other collections.


Well-known member
#130 Brush - Flat tapered face brush w short natural hairs and long synthetic fibres

Sounds as if this brush is a brother of the 188 and 187. But why is the number so different? I'm excited


I believe that the shape will be similar to the #129 but with synthetic bristles as well so naturally #130 makes sense.

I'm soooo looking forward to pics on this collection!


Well-known member
Hahaha, I guess I spoke too soon and totally missed the pics! Thanks Iheartmakeup for the highlight of my day!

I need to limit myself to 2 msfs so this will be tricky narrowing it down. I'm thinking Cheeky Bronze and Triple Fusion but I'll have to see.


Well-known member
from what Ive seen... I want
warm blend
smooth merge
triple fusion
cheeky bronze
procelain pink

I dont buy MES... so those are a NO go... and I was so not impressed with the last MB's from Sonic Chic (this was after having them for a few weeks)

I now use them for freelance but never on myself.

But I love the degrade MSF's, I use redhead and brunette all the time still, and my mom uses blonde everyday.


Well-known member
This is why i love Specktra, people like you Iheartmakeup and Erine along with every single person that takes time out of the lives to make swatches and take pics for the rest of us!! At the end of the day you could of kept that information to yourself and not shared and teased us all and been smug that you had a heads up by having the products but no you took the time to take pics and make swatches for us all, and for that i'm so grateful. Thank you


Well-known member
Well after seeing the swatches I have to also concur that they're disappointing. Too close in colour and glitteriness to each other. warm blend looks the most unique, but other than an eyeshadow, I don't think I could pull it off, and I refuse to pay $33.50 for an eyeshadow.

I'll have to wait and see how the MBs swatch out, there are a couple of those that sounded interesting, but after seeing these MSFs, I'm not optimistic.

At least my wallet will be happy.