MAC - Colour Craft Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne

I still love my stuff from Sonic Chic and Electroflash last year. This is enough for me. I don't think I need more mineralized products, but fall quads and bright e/s....

I agree Susanne
I use my Sonic Chic and Electroflash stuff at least once a week and I love it, but this collection just isn't thrilling me at all. I might get some more MES from the permanent line instead. I know I'd get much more use out of those.


Well-known member
Fashion Patch and Girlish Romp for me! First the MES Duos, the Trios and now the MES Quads! I'm starting to fall for the MES again after they released Electroflash last year.


Well-known member
Am I normal? I'm not excited about the MES at all

The only thing that I"m excited about are the MB and that mysterious #130 brush.


Well-known member
^ haha, yeah. Sadly, MAC came out with something that resembled the shape of the Bitch Slap (AKA ladybird) paint wheels.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
^ haha, yeah. Sadly, MAC came out with something that resembled the shape of the Bitch Slap (AKA ladybird) paint wheels.


yeah i was a bit surprised when i saw those e/s and that they look exactly like the mac ones coming out


Well-known member
Well I do not have my hopes up at all anymore for this I too expected to buy it all. I will get a brush though, and I will POSSIBLY MAYBE pick up one or 2 MSF's since I only own the BBR and SS ones and they raised the bar high lol. The MES are all a skip for me. And I'm most likely going to skip the MB's also but I will wait and see those too just to say I looked and passed lol. I have my beloved Grand Duos blushes so unless their unique from what I own I will not get them. But it may look like I could just skip it as well. Oh well wallet happy dance!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkishstar
And as for the MBs, I want any of the ones that say CORAL in it.
Like: -Improvise MB

I'm waiting to see the corally one's as well. A girl only needs so many pink blushes!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
The MES remind me of things you'd see in the Counterfeit MAC subforum.
There's something kinda tacky looking about them. :/

Natural Flare MES looks gorgeous. Too bad I already have enough neutrals.

LOL! They do! But I will probably snag 2 anyway.


Well-known member
I wonder if the MBs are going to be even better than the Grand Duos (most of which have become some of my fave blushes ever).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stv578
I'm waiting to see the corally one's as well. A girl only needs so many pink blushes!

Me too
I`m set for life with pink blushes( one regret though I missed the blonde MSF) and only looking into peach-corally-bronzey ones


Well-known member
sorry but the MES look a hot mess! not even slightly appealing looking...pass. I may get Sunny By Nature but maybe thats easily dupable ??


Well-known member
I'm willing to get another MSF, but as for the MES--no way! I'm trying to get rid of my "Earthly Riches" one now....*sigh*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dreamer246
I wonder if the MBs are going to be even better than the Grand Duos (most of which have become some of my fave blushes ever).

I'm skeptical! I have a bunch of the original MB's, and really prefer the Grand Duo's over them! But I hope these will at least be just as good! July is a long way away!


Well-known member
yeah im passing on the MES
last years electroflash's MES were soooo much better!
speaking of which, arent we supposed to have like an electroflash anniversary this year?