MAC - Colour Craft Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Preciouspink
yeah im passing on the MES
last years electroflash's MES were soooo much better!
speaking of which, arent we supposed to have like an electroflash anniversary this year?

This is Sonic Chic and Electroflash anniversary
Mineralized e/s and blushes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACGIRL68
Fashion patch from Trend a supplement to W magazine, June 2009

Thanks soo much for posting!I for one am really really looking forward to this collection,I think the mes are gorgeous


Well-known member
i am so excited by this
on my list to check out is: cheeky bronze msf, fab-dabulous and improvise mineralize blushes. anything with coral in makes me so happyy!


Well-known member
I really like the four colors that are in fashion patch but I am sure that I could create a dupe with my other Mineralize eye shadows. Have to save money for the MSFs!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
This is Sonic Chic and Electroflash anniversary
Mineralized e/s and blushes.

Lol that makes sense!
Im such a ditz! I was wishing there were going to be MORE mes in the future!!


Well-known member
After seeing the pics...I'm starting to think that the colors in the MES are somehow dupable. Maybe not texture-wise, but more towards the colors.


Well-known member
hey girls!
am i the only one that are really looking forward to the entirely collection?
i am soo exited...cant wait for the msf's!!! this is gonna be huge..also i think erin commented that the mes are soft and goes on like butter...i trust her 100%.

my wishlist:

girlish romp mes
fashion patch mes
all mf's.. (maybe i dont get triple fusion if its a dupe for blonde)
and maybe just 3 mb...want to see pics of them NOW!

first i want it all except for the glosses and lipsticks...
and i need to cut down more for the upcoming fall collections..


Well-known member
...I am usually weak for mes (have all but one fr last yr) but.....I dont think i can get over the fact 4 diff colours are touching....once you really wear them down, the duos get messy. 4 small sizes of colors in a quasi-triangle? *gasp* As of right now I'm skipping these!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigglegirl
...I am usually weak for mes (have all but one fr last yr) but.....I dont think i can get over the fact 4 diff colours are touching....once you really wear them down, the duos get messy. 4 small sizes of colors in a quasi-triangle? *gasp* As of right now I'm skipping these!

I agree, I think these would be a PITA to work with, without mixing the colors. That plus they kind of look, dare I say it, tacky.


Well-known member
I for one will reserve judgment till I see them in person!
I will be getting a few 226 brushes and a few MSF's


Well-known member
I can't wait for the pink & coral blushes
so excited. come on July!

I have eccentricity e/s, I think there's enough room to get your brush on every colour and I think it would be kinds nice to mix the colours at the edges too for some of them.


Well-known member
I have the feeling I might pass the MES if we get news about the fall quads and fall e/s finally

I hate waiting sometimes...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
I have the feeling I might pass the MES if we get news about the fall quads and fall e/s finally

I hate waiting sometimes...


I hate waiting as well.. I hate waiting for pictures of the new face brushes and mineralize blush!

I'm sure we'll see them soon. we're a week away from June... and July 9th is around the corner. this year is going by fast!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by alka1

I hate waiting as well.. I hate waiting for pictures of the new face brushes and mineralize blush!

I'm sure we'll see them soon. we're a week away from June... and July 9th is around the corner. this year is going by fast!

It is going fast! I thought it was just me.


Well-known member
I am always intrigued by collections that seem to offer lots of color.
I am SOO tired of washed-out beiges.
I'm glad to see Most Popular repromoted; I talked myself out of that one with Hello Kitty, and now I get another chance!
BTW, anyone know if MAC's going to do its usual early summer boatload-of-pigments collection?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cno64
I am always intrigued by collections that seem to offer lots of color.
I am SOO tired of washed-out beiges.
I'm glad to see Most Popular repromoted; I talked myself out of that one with Hello Kitty, and now I get another chance!
BTW, anyone know if MAC's going to do its usual early summer boatload-of-pigments collection?

somebody did mention in the upcoming collections thred that yes there will be new pigments! however we don't know when yet! hopefully soon because i'm a pigment whore! also there is talk of very bright eyeshadows!