MAC Give me Liberty of London Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
Tina, you are so gorgeous! BL is fantastic on you!

Thx purrty! I love Blooming's a great light purple-ly pink on Gaga (which I didn't get). The amplified texture is awesome!

Originally Posted by elegant-one
Ohmygoodness - dang you're gorgeous! Please don't just lurk

I want my eyes to have the beautiful wide almond look to them like yours


Heee heee! Thx Elegant! That is sooooo sweet!!

I think ur eyes r gorgeous! I do have a lot of lid space to work with it's fun.....shhhh...don't tell anyone but my lids are UNEVEN! One is hooded and one is regular

Originally Posted by Hypathya
Welcome to the posting world!!!

Thanks so much for those pics!!! Elegant is soo right, you're absolutely gorgeous!!! Please keep posting!!

Thx Hypathya!
I post on here on the FOTD board mainly...and then I lurk and read all the great chatter u guys have LOL LOL


Well-known member
Elegant, I've missed you too... and all the laughter you bring to my days!!!

Originally Posted by elegant-one
btw - I've been wearing the new lip pencils - even if I'm cleaning the toilet

I know what you mean!!!

Yesterday, I couldn't resist more, and finished my spring cleaning with Electric Fushia on my lips!! I felt like Cindirella


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I love when I find a MAC who has one or a drag queen working because they have no qualms about telling what will or won't work. It's so refreshing! I've been talked into stuff that I would never have tried, and talked out of things that I was dead-set on getting. And they insist you try stuff on, too! I've met too many MA's who acted like it was an imposition to try anything on.

Amen to this! I don't care whether you are animal, vegetable or mineral - if you know makeup and know how to put looks together, that's all that matters.
Originally Posted by coachkitten
tthelwell you are stunning! You need to post more!!

I agree! I've seen your FOTD's and you're just genius, on top of being gorgeous.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tthelwell
Thx Hypathya!
I post on here on the FOTD board mainly...and then I lurk and read all the great chatter u guys have LOL LOL

Oh I know, I'm a major fan of your looks!!! Back in the days when I spend lots of time here (last month
) I used to look and post at every single one you posted!!!

I'm such a drama queen!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
I know, I wore HK Tippy blush yesterday - first I hadn't worn the ombre too

still love Tippy blush

Oh, I agree - I was just over on the HK and KK Part II thread talking about Tippy - I was able to get a backup at a CCO a few months ago - so glad I did! Happy not to have to worry about running out of a fave blush now!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tthelwell
So I always read these posts but I never join in...just a lurker...

But I wanted to share my swatches of my goodies so it may help someone else...

I got Bough Grey and Birds 'n' Berries e/s and Blooming Lovely and Petals 'n' Peacocks l/s....LOVE! My Bough Grey has a definite green tint...maybe it has to do with ur undertone? or what u pair it with?

I also added pics of me wearing Blooming Lovely for a look...just to show that ladies of color shudn't be scared of it at all (I'm NC45 for reference)....






Girl, those are some gorgeous lips.....and your whole 'look' is amazing! Quite the talent you have! Can't wait to see your other FOTDs!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tthelwell
Heee heee! Thx Elegant! That is sooooo sweet!!

I think ur eyes r gorgeous! I do have a lot of lid space to work with it's fun.....shhhh...don't tell anyone but my lids are UNEVEN! One is hooded and one is regular

Thanks doll!

I think mine are small - I would rather have yours. Can I make my eyes look like that, other than plastic surgery
can I fake it with the makeup...I would love to see a tutorial on this. Thanks!


Well-known member
I finally got around to trying most of my LOL items. Blooming Lovely and Every Hip are both amazing lippies. Ever Hip doesn't look at all like it does in teh tube, just a gorgeous light coral colour, the perfect coral I've been looking for. Blooming Lovely is pretty too, but like Gaga, I can only apply this lightly.

Finally, I tried Birds & Berries. This is a really pretty dusty teal blue shade. It's definitely a lot more wearable for me than the brighter teals, like Parrot or Cool Heat, but still very much a teal.


Well-known member
I made a visit to my counter, and they are selling out of everything!! The lipsticks are all sold out, as are the glosses, except for A Different Groove...Both beauty powders, and Prim and Proper...also, Bough Grey and B&B are gone as well!! My MA said that they are not going to get more LOL either...
They still have plenty of Spring Colour Forecast stock though...I just bought a backup of Ripe Peach today. They had both, Ripe Peach and Azalea Blossom. I don't recall seeing anything with a sold out sticker except for the quad 4.

I really wanted to get Blooming Lovely, but I ended up buying thier last Gaga instead!


Well-known member
^ I went to a MAC today and they had two Azalea Blossom testers and a Ripe Beach tester with the Sold Out sticker beside them. Oh how sad

I pretty much stuck with my initial list. The 3 lipglasses (PHS, FF and EA).
I love them all. PHS even more so than I thought.

I swatched a few of the e/s but didn't want to pay attention to them as Shell Pearl was calling me!!

The MA applied it on me and then with Well Dressed blush over top. We looked in the mirror of the part of the store with 'the best lighting' and I was in awe
But whenever I looked in a compact mirror I felt like I could really see my pores. I never seen this sight before lol. At home now it's not as bad. I will have to try it on again

Bough Grey, while I do sort of want it, I will wait for Gazette Grey. Oh well. And Birds and Berries, as mentioned, it may be able to be duped with the Urban Decay Book of Shadows Vol. II...not sure yet.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Civies
^^ everything except peachstock! You look lovely in everything else.

& cougargirl, stop apologizing for everything when you're so gorgeous
. I love that glow on your cheeks it looks so healthy.

Originally Posted by bis
cougargirl, I love the combo on you! Cannot wait for Primp & Proper to arrive

Originally Posted by Winthrop44
Cougargirl that cheek combo looks great on you. I'm also NC15 and very happy with them too...I also feel the same as you do about the lip products in this collection. Of the ones I thought could possibly work on me...Frankly Fresh was just plain ugly (my pigmented lips may be the problem there), Blooming Lovely was downright laughabe, and Ever Hip was ok but I much prefer similar-but-different shades like Made With Love. They all look great on you though only1angel, tho I agree with everyone including you on Peachstock not being the best....I've never been a fan of that one on myself either.

Originally Posted by purrtykitty
Funny, Scene is purple-grey on me! look gorgeous in all those lippies, but I agree, Peachstock isn't doing much. I think you can do better!!

Cougargirl...that cheek combo is gorgeous on you!

Thank you ladies for all the kind words! They are much appreciated. I am really enjoying all my new goodies. I even ordered some more to go along with them. I decided to pick up Bough Grey and Dame's Desire since I am apparently weak as of late. I am also now seriously considering Summer Rose. It looks so pretty, and I've seen so many paler ladies rave about it. Maybe I am missing out.......


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MelodyAngel
I made a visit to my counter, and they are selling out of everything!! The lipsticks are all sold out, as are the glosses, except for A Different Groove...Both beauty powders, and Prim and Proper...also, Bough Grey and B&B are gone as well!! My MA said that they are not going to get more LOL either...
They still have plenty of Spring Colour Forecast stock though...I just bought a backup of Ripe Peach today. They had both, Ripe Peach and Azalea Blossom. I don't recall seeing anything with a sold out sticker except for the quad 4.

I really wanted to get Blooming Lovely, but I ended up buying thier last Gaga instead!

Wow they still had AZ and RP?!? Whoa...

Originally Posted by TeresitaMC
^ I went to a MAC today and they had two Azalea Blossom testers and a Ripe Beach tester with the Sold Out sticker beside them. Oh how sad

I pretty much stuck with my initial list. The 3 lipglasses (PHS, FF and EA).
I love them all. PHS even more so than I thought.

I swatched a few of the e/s but didn't want to pay attention to them as Shell Pearl was calling me!!

The MA applied it on me and then with Well Dressed blush over top. We looked in the mirror of the part of the store with 'the best lighting' and I was in awe
But whenever I looked in a compact mirror I felt like I could really see my pores. I never seen this sight before lol. At home now it's not as bad. I will have to try it on again

Bough Grey, while I do sort of want it, I will wait for Gazette Grey. Oh well. And Birds and Berries, as mentioned, it may be able to be duped with the Urban Decay Book of Shadows Vol. II...not sure yet.

Don't feel alone girl! I skipped B&B and I will wait for Gazette Grey also and not look back!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Missed you around here too - you happy funny gal!

btw - I've been wearing the new lip pencils - even if I'm cleaning the toilet

hee hee! doing it in style baby!

tthelwell you look AMAZING! you should post more
we'd love to see more from you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hypathya

I know what you mean!!!

Yesterday, I couldn't resist more, and finished my spring cleaning with Electric Fushia on my lips!! I felt like Cindirella

I'm at home with a bad cold, but I had to try only1angel's Silverthorn-look nevertheless - I spend the day either in bed or on the sofa, feeling rotten, but at least looking very pretty!

Yay for wearing make-up at home!

And, only1angel - that look is fabulous!!!!!!!!

Pinky & Poodle

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
I agree! I've seen your FOTD's and you're just genius, on top of being gorgeous.

Originally Posted by coachkitten
tthelwell you are stunning! You need to post more!!

And I would kill for lips like yours *sigh*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Anneri
I'm at home with a bad cold, but I had to try only1angel's Silverthorn-look nevertheless - I spend the day either in bed or on the sofa, feeling rotten, but at least looking very pretty!

Yay for wearing make-up at home!

And, only1angel - that look is fabulous!!!!!!!!

I'm so tempted to go and do my makeup, despite that I'm going to be at home studying all day. But I'm trying to resist, because I think I've noticed my skin looking better when it gets to "rest" from makeup for a while.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
So am I

It's really starting to get on my nerves - it just doesn't get better!
*passes box of kleenex*