MAC N Color Collection discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
they're ok. i just don't find the colors all that flattering. i just think they could've come up with more flattering nude colors. but it could just be the "smokey/color" side of me that doesn't like it.

i forgot the neutral pink shadow is kinda pretty. if i get it in gratis great, but i don't think i'll be buying any of this collection myself.

How did you like the Soft Ochre paint pot?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panther27
How did you like the Soft Ochre paint pot?

yuck! it looks kinda like base light paint. it is definately on the yellowish-cream side.


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Originally Posted by Winthrop44
I was wondering what all of the e/s were myself. The only ones I'm reasonably sure of are Nanogold, Neutral Pink and Dark Edge...and I suppose I could be wrong there too! LOL We will know soon enough.

Originally Posted by spendtoomuch
In the pictures of the new eyeshadows, does anyone know what the top middle one is. That is the one that looks like exactly what I have been looking for.

from my swatches i think they are:

nanogold, rich flesh, modest tone
remotely grey, dark edge, neutral pink


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
its more like swimming. it doesn't flake all over like honey lust does. it's not really gold either. its a duochrome. to me it is like retrospeck one way, and seedy pearl the other. thats how it swatched on me. i wouldn't classify it as gold at all.

i'm not feeling this collection at all. neither is the rest of my counter. im all about smokey eyes and a nude lip, but even the nude lips in this collection are disappointing. the only thing i like is the light flush MSF and the dark edge shadow (it will make a great smokey eye
). i think alot of people will be disappointed once they actually see the stuff in person. just my opinion.

I totally agree with u.. I had a preview of the line today and I am no longer excited.. The only thing that I know I am getting is the colored MSF. We will see as far as the eyeshadows. The nanogold was okay, but I have seedy pearl which it is kinda of similar too. Even the lipglasses were not anything to run in about.. I know I am definitely getting the Ochre paintpot. I really like it, much better than painterly, which make my eyes look as though I am dead..
I dont know we will see..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
*sigh* my bubble is slowly being popped. :/

LOL That is EXACTLY how I feel...oh well as we have become so fond of saying around here "More money for the other collections..."


Well-known member
If anyone has any actual pics or swatches that would be great! I just can't seem to wait for this collection to come out, and all the mixed reviews have made me all the more curious!! Thanks!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
*sigh* my bubble is slowly being popped. :/ too. I really had high hopes for this collection, but after looking at the pictures better and getting info from the wonderful erine1881 (seriously, you are so incredibly awesome!) I feel disappointed too. I sort of feel like the shades are really close to perm colors. Poo. At least there is Light Flush.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by newagetomatoz too. I really had high hopes for this collection, but after looking at the pictures better and getting info from the wonderful erine1881 (seriously, you are so incredibly awesome!) I feel disappointed too. I sort of feel like the shades are really close to perm colors. Poo. At least there is Light Flush.

aww, thanks! you're right, there is still light flush!

sorry ya'll are bummed.
but definately go and check out the stuff for yourself when it comes out. if you like neutrals, this might work out for you afterall. i just wanted to give everyone a little more heads up on the stuff.


Well-known member
erine I totally appreciate all your info!

Its good to hear that stuff isn't spectacular, or that there are similar things in the perm line (ie someones comment of Nano being similar to Seedy Pearl)--helps me save $$!

Of course we'll still check it out in person, but its prob better for me to go in with lower expectations, otherwise I'll be majorly disappointed like I was with the Originals.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigglegirl
erine I totally appreciate all your info!

Its good to hear that stuff isn't spectacular, or that there are similar things in the perm line (ie someones comment of Nano being similar to Seedy Pearl)--helps me save $$!

Of course we'll still check it out in person, but its prob better for me to go in with lower expectations, otherwise I'll be majorly disappointed like I was with the Originals.

that seedy pearl comment was mine too
. i'll try to get some pics of swatches or compare the colors to perm colors tmrw for everyone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
that seedy pearl comment was mine too
. i'll try to get some pics of swatches or compare the colors to perm colors tmrw for everyone.

Oh swatches & comparisons would be amazing! Thank you so much!


Well-known member
It's still going to be worth checking out, I think, but I am hoping my mac gift card I got for christmas will be able to be spread out over the year... the msfs will be a definate for me... maybe thats it. hee!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
*sigh* my bubble is slowly being popped. :/

Me too. This happens to me every.single.time. I kinda want to cry.


Well-known member
I think I want to see some swatches before I make any decisions on this! And to think I was looking forward to this more than the Fafi collection! 'Doh! Maybe I'll just wait till Fafi or Heatherette...but we'll see.


Well-known member
They still need to add the e/s into the color spectrum/alphabetical display of all e/s....I need to compare the colors to what I have! Not very tempted by the lip products at all after doing that...