MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


Well-known member
I am excited to see the coming soon sign on the site as well but a bit deflated with the price!! $25 for the blush and $22 for the electroflash eyeshadow I will have to pick snd chose the ones I think I will really use


Well-known member
I've tried some on this afternoon and my favourites are Pleasanty, Dainty, Gentle and Warm Soul, but I do love them all. I'll just have to be very careful not to use too much on the darker colours like Merrily.

I'm trying to do swatches but it's so hard!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zeroxstar
hi ladies
i have a question for anyone who can answer it....
from the swatches it seems like Dainty looks just like porcelain pink MSF - does anyone know if they are alike, or even have swatches of them?

I'm NC15, I use Porcelain Pink all the time as blush, and I love Dainty as well. The two colors are not the same, PP is much softer/sheer than Dainty. Dainty has more coral to it. Here are some swatches. Click to enlarge. Left to right and top to bottom, Dainty and Porcelain Pink.



Well-known member
I just did a live chat... the model in the Sonic Chic promo image is wearing Love Joy blush on and above the eye, and Love Thing, lightly under the eye.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I just did a live chat... the model in the Sonic Chic promo image is wearing Love Joy blush on and above the eye, and Love Thing, lightly under the eye.

*off to watch the promo pic*


Well-known member
The MAC site swatch of Love Thing, looks absolutely beautiful!

Their swatch squares appear a little better this time, especially of the Electroflash eyeshadow duos.


Well-known member
Ok, there I was thinking I was not a blush person.

So I went back today and had a better look at them.
And what I got was Dainty (lovely colour), Gentle (will probably be my favourite) and Warm Soul.

I loved Nuance, but when I tried it on it was just glitter on me.

Like jasminbarley said before Gentle is a bit purple, but not really on me. An amazing colour. Really great.

Pleasantry was too pink for me and one of the other colours, cannot remember the name, was a bright orange on me.

And I got the baby kabuki brush.

I think those colours are really great and choosing was not easy. They are not as strong as I expected them to be.

Thanks to CantaffordMAC and trollydolly.


Well-known member
Dainty, Gentle & Warm Soul seem to be the 3 that most are choosing...hmmmm, interesting. Those 3 are my first picks too.


Well-known member
Do any lighter toned ladies plan on getting Love Joy? I am NC25 and wonder just how brown this is. It is hard to tell from swatches. In some it looks really brown and in others more reddish. Any thoughts?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by starz
I am excited to see the coming soon sign on the site as well but a bit deflated with the price!! $25 for the blush and $22 for the electroflash eyeshadow I will have to pick snd chose the ones I think I will really use

Talk about raining on my parade! I was thinking of getting three but at $25CDN, with the number of blushes I have and some of these coming back, I'll cut down to 2, maybe even one. Oh the pain!

Deciding between: Gentle, Love Thing, Merrily. But waiting on swatches requested (w/ Lovecrush and Apple Red) before finalizing things. GAH!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mollyv6
Do any lighter toned ladies plan on getting Love Joy? I am NC25 and wonder just how brown this is. It is hard to tell from swatches. In some it looks really brown and in others more reddish. Any thoughts?

I am NC 25 and for me Love Thing looks more brown than peachy. I will pass it.

EDIT: Sorry, I mean LOVE JOY here.


Well-known member
Bummer...I just saw on nordstrom's websie you can order online & pick up in store for electroflash, so I decided to call & order it through a person instead(after adding everything I wanted to my cart to make sure my local store had it in stock) Anyhow, when I called the MA said they are not selling anything from the collection until the 10th. Boo

oops...I should have put this in electroflash topic!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
I am NC 25 and for me Love Thing looks more brown than peachy. I will pass it.

Thanks for the heads up!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
I am NC 25 and for me Love Thing looks more brown than peachy. I will pass it.

Susanne, do you mean Love Thing or Love Joy? ok MAC, just confuse us even more...a zillion collections & then name them similar


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Susanne, do you mean Love Thing or Love Joy? ok MAC, just confuse us even more...a zillion collections & then name them similar

Oh, sorry!! I want LOVE THING and will pass Love Joy!!!