MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stv578
Love Warm Soul too (thank you again to Elegant-One!). It's the perfect blush when I only have 5 minutes to throw on some colour. I wore it today without any foundation, and I rarely do that!

lol, I'm loving how these beauties are affecting our get-ready routine, even if temporarily. Me with my bad hair, you without foundation... and I'm seriously thinking of walking out the door with just mascara, liner, powder and one of these blushes, ie no eyeshadow! *gasp*

Now if I can just figure out how to apply it as beautifully as GlamYOURUs... you're smokin' hot in that pic!


Well-known member
hey jenntoz & elegant-one....

thank u so much for ur support...

i went today to fave mua was there...she is really sweet..and give me some samples....she dont know when we will get here sonic still waiting....she said that maybe at the end of july????so late??? o no!!!

hope u all are doing fine with ur blushes
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Well-known member
I'm NW20 and wore Dainty the other day. It looked orange on me.
I hope it was just the lighting I was in... I'm scared to use it without a pinky blush now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by andreacvbb
hey jenntoz & elegant-one....

thank u so much for ur support...

i went today to fave mua was there...she is really sweet..and give me some samples....she dont know when we will get here sonic still waiting....she said that maybe at the end of july????so late??? o no!!!

hope u all are doing fine with ur blushes

You're a total Doll!

That's too bad that it is taking them so long to arrive
Did they know why? Well, you'll love them all the more when you finally get them.

Still loving the blushes
They're so skin enhancing that i just quit wearing any foundation with them...just buffed them into my skin..heavenly


Well-known member
Soo I just got back. I was eyeing Gentle, Love Thing, and Merrily. The nice MA suggested Gleeful, Merrily, and Warm Soul. Warm Soul was gorgeous. Merrily does have a peach base. I already spent a lot on clothes, so I just bought Merrily
. If Warm Soul it still available at my counter next month or next launch I will snag it! Perhaps backup of Merrily too... I got darker, so I had to get a new foundation color. I am a NC20. (hmm nc.. i figured nw was wrong)

Click for bigger picture.
I know, no eyebrows!


Well-known member

Ugh I'm kinda peeved for two reasons:

1) I was sooooooo SO excited to finally see these in person on Monday but the store I usually go to (in Germany) didn't get Sonic Chic in!!! Electro Flash? Yes. New View? Um yeah they had that too. But noooooooo Sonic Chic in sight.
The MA said she had no clue if/when they will come. Poop.

2) Even though I have already placed my Sonic Chic order (without seeing them in person) on 7/9 directly from MAC, I STILL haven't received them in the mail.
I was really really hoping to come home to beautiful baked blush goodness last night

Sorry girls but I had to vent a little.

The waiting game continues.........


Well-known member
I'm so sad! I've been reading this thread and all the rave reviews and was going to go pick some of these up today...but I got a horrible stomach ache and had to turn around!

First thing tomorrow I plan on heading out to snag them!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thelove4tequila

Ugh I'm kinda peeved for two reasons:

1) I was sooooooo SO excited to finally see these in person on Monday but the store I usually go to (in Germany) didn't get Sonic Chic in!!! Electro Flash? Yes. New View? Um yeah they had that too. But noooooooo Sonic Chic in sight.
The MA said she had no clue if/when they will come. Poop.

2) Even though I have already placed my Sonic Chic order (without seeing them in person) on 7/9 directly from MAC, I STILL haven't received them in the mail.
I was really really hoping to come home to beautiful baked blush goodness last night

Sorry girls but I had to vent a little.

The waiting game continues.........

Well thats aggravating...can you track it? Sounds like what Susanne went Germany too.

What colors did you get?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by clslvr6spd
I caved and got Nuance....

Love love loooooooooooooove it

My thought my #1 pick (Gentle) would be getting used a lot but its Nuance that keep going back for and I've been using straight for the last 3 days. It looks fierce over bronzer.


Well-known member
I received the new July J. Crew catalog in the mail today & in it are some beautiful examples of that youthful fresh cheek & lip combos that I think the Sonic Chic blush personifies. I've been wearing this look so much this summer. Very little eye makeup...thats why I loves just a lil Polar Opposite on the eye. They show it on all skin types...very, very pretty. Its a little bit hard to get used to looking at yourself without all the heavy eye makeup, but once you get used to it, its fabulous.

There are bright pink cheeks with pink lips, rosey reds with berry lips & burnt reds with kind of a reddish-orange stained lips.

heres a link, but they're much better to actually see in the catalog.

Women shirts Daisy eyelet tunic top


Well-known member
idk if someone said something like this already, but what are your opinions for the best colors for nc40? already getting love thing, but i'm not sure if that would look nice. it looks a little darkkkk ..


Well-known member
Calling Audrey and other pale easy are you finding it to apply Love Thing? Does it require tons of blending out (something my sensitive face could never tolerate) or have you figured out a way to dust a tiny amount over the area you want it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Winthrop44
Calling Audrey and other pale easy are you finding it to apply Love Thing? Does it require tons of blending out (something my sensitive face could never tolerate) or have you figured out a way to dust a tiny amount over the area you want it?

I don't have the 187 or 188, but I have been using the Flirt! Featherduster Skunk Brush. You can get them at Kohl's for $6.-$8. I think it is working perfectly with Love Thing especially, because it is not nearly as dense as the 187 or 188 so it only deposits a tiny amount of color. More often than not, I have to put on a second swipe, even of Love Thing. I think if I was using a denser brush, I'd get too much, and that would require alot of buffing to make it wearable. Using the brush from Flirt!, I don't have to buff at all, unless I add a highlighter.
Hope that helps!


Well-known member
Right now I'm about nc25 and I apply Love Thing with the MAC 187 brush. I do apply it lightly. I don't have to blend out too much but I do like pigmented blushes especially for evenings. It's a pretty berry color on me and I love it. I've gotten many compliments. Love Thing and Gentle are my faves so far.

BTW I'm thinking about going back to check out the others I haven't gotten...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thelove4tequila

Ugh I'm kinda peeved for two reasons:

1) I was sooooooo SO excited to finally see these in person on Monday but the store I usually go to (in Germany) didn't get Sonic Chic in!!! Electro Flash? Yes. New View? Um yeah they had that too. But noooooooo Sonic Chic in sight.
The MA said she had no clue if/when they will come. Poop.

2) Even though I have already placed my Sonic Chic order (without seeing them in person) on 7/9 directly from MAC, I STILL haven't received them in the mail.
I was really really hoping to come home to beautiful baked blush goodness last night

Sorry girls but I had to vent a little.

The waiting game continues.........

It was the same in Stockholm, Sweden... at least last week. Gothenburg apparently has Sonic Chic though, so I don't know what's up


Well-known member
Love Thing and Gentle should be here Friday/Saturday.

I cant afford much else, sadly. I really hope Merrily is still there in a few weeks. Budgeting sucks.


Well-known member
I feel like such a Blush and eyeshadow whore
.!!!!!!!! I bought all of these except Merrily cause i thought it wouldnt look good on me,now I may try it and I bought all but 2 of the Electroflash eyeshadows and all the other eyeshadows from the last 7months of collections!!And them
I bet this is what my husband wants to tell MAC
with my name on the sign!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thelove4tequila

Ugh I'm kinda peeved for two reasons:

1) I was sooooooo SO excited to finally see these in person on Monday but the store I usually go to (in Germany) didn't get Sonic Chic in!!! Electro Flash? Yes. New View? Um yeah they had that too. But noooooooo Sonic Chic in sight.
The MA said she had no clue if/when they will come. Poop.

The waiting game continues.........

Some counters in Germany already have Sonic Chic. The others should get it at the end of July. HTH.