MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


Well-known member
I got Love Thing (...................... If you are very quiet, you can almost hear Audrey and Elegant-one snickering at me in enablers joy =) )

LOVE ITTT! love thing is my new love thing. hehehe.


Well-known member
I ADORE LOVE JOY. I've been using one per day so far. And I LOVE Love Joy! So beautiful and just enough drama than Nuance and Dainty. Wow, I'm in love! Used it with Magnetic Fields, Woodwinked, Naked Lunch and Black Tied on my eyes.


Well-known member
Just a prediction.. Which 6 blushes from the sonic chic collection do you think will be the ones that get repromoted later during the year.

1. Dainty
2. Warm Soul
3. Merrily
4. Gentle
5. Plesantry
6. LoveThing

... just a guess


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Well thats aggravating...can you track it? Sounds like what Susanne went Germany too.

What colors did you get?

Very aggravating. I got Merrily, Nuance, Pleasentry and......I think Gentle. Haha. Yeah Gentle!
Hopefully today is the day.

Yeah poor Susanne and I. LOL.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Karen_B
It was the same in Stockholm, Sweden... at least last week. Gothenburg apparently has Sonic Chic though, so I don't know what's up

I dunno either.

Originally Posted by Susanne
Some counters in Germany already have Sonic Chic. The others should get it at the end of July. HTH.

The end of July? Nooooooo. Maybe I should check here in Belgium then.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
Just a prediction.. Which 6 blushes from the sonic chic collection do you think will be the ones that get repromoted later during the year.

1. Dainty
2. Warm Soul
3. Merrily
4. Gentle
5. Plesantry
6. LoveThing

... just a guess

Those are my guesses for the keepers too xxManBeaterxx!

Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I don't have the 187 or 188, but I have been using the Flirt! Featherduster Skunk Brush. You can get them at Kohl's for $6.-$8. I think it is working perfectly with Love Thing especially, because it is not nearly as dense as the 187 or 188 so it only deposits a tiny amount of color. More often than not, I have to put on a second swipe, even of Love Thing. I think if I was using a denser brush, I'd get too much, and that would require alot of buffing to make it wearable. Using the brush from Flirt!, I don't have to buff at all, unless I add a highlighter.
Hope that helps!

Thanks Audrey, that's a huge help. I have a little synthetic skunk brush from Alima that's alot less dense than the 187 that I think would work then! Thanks for singing the praises of Fresh Green Mix early on too. I like it much more on myself than any other light greens I've ever tried.

Dani California

Well-known member
I hope Dainty and warm soul are repromoted.....I wanted to get them, but ya know.......enough blush for now hehe!!

I kinda hope Nuance is as well, as bought that one and love it!!

It'll be interesting anyway!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Julie5
I feel like such a Blush and eyeshadow whore
.!!!!!!!! I bought all of these except Merrily cause i thought it wouldnt look good on me,now I may try it and I bought all but 2 of the Electroflash eyeshadows and all the other eyeshadows from the last 7months of collections!!And them
I bet this is what my husband wants to tell MAC
with my name on the sign!!!

LOL! My DH feels the same way! He's also not too crazy about Specktra, lol! My final tally is 7 Sonic Chic Blushes (didn't get Love Joy and Nuance) and 6 MES!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
I got Love Thing (...................... If you are very quiet, you can almost hear Audrey and Elegant-one snickering at me in enablers joy =) )

LOVE ITTT! love thing is my new love thing. hehehe.

Told ya, told ya, told ya!!

Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
Just a prediction.. Which 6 blushes from the sonic chic collection do you think will be the ones that get repromoted later during the year.

1. Dainty
2. Warm Soul
3. Merrily
4. Gentle
5. Plesantry
6. LoveThing

... just a guess

I agree! Those seem to be the most popular
Those are all of the ones I want!

Originally Posted by stv578
LOL! My DH feels the same way! He's also not too crazy about Specktra, lol! My final tally is 7 Sonic Chic Blushes (didn't get Love Joy and Nuance) and 6 MES!

I want to get the same blushes you have gotten. I have 3, so only 4 more to go!
I am thinking about more MES too - Polar Opposites, Pink Split and Love Connection. I have money for Starflash, but if they don't wow me, I'm going back for more Electroflash and Sonic Chic!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole

I want to get the same blushes you have gotten. I have 3, so only 4 more to go!
I am thinking about more MES too - Polar Opposites, Pink Split and Love Connection. I have money for Starflash, but if they don't wow me, I'm going back for more Electroflash and Sonic Chic!

LOL - I usually don't order online often, but I ordered Pink Split today
Next week I will visit the pro store here and will pick up blush Love Thing as well. I love my Pleasantry and Gentle!!


I have mixed feelings about Pleasantry and Love Joy... will Pleasantry be too pink and Love Joy too dark? I am NC/NW 15-20...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DeweyAnn
I have mixed feelings about Pleasantry and Love Joy... will Pleasantry be too pink and Love Joy too dark? I am NC/NW 15-20...

You can apply Pleasantry really soft with a kabuki brush and it won't look too pink


Well-known member
I am wearing Warmed MSF with Pleasantry over it today, both applied with a kabuki brush
This is THE perfect summer look!!


Well-known member
YAAAY! I finally got my package about 10 minutes ago.
Wow. Pleasentry looks soo beautiful!!!! I'm surprised how dark Merrily is but I love the color so far. Gentle seems like it would be something I would normally pass but I still think its pretty. I love trying new things I normally wouldn't go for. A last but not least is Nuance, very pretty also but I will have to play with that one to see if it actually works for me. So far they all look great in the pan, but lets see how they will work on my cheeks!


Well-known member
I have finally received my order of goodies and am surprised at how nice pleasantry looks on. I have never tried pink blushes but this one is beautiful!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thelove4tequila
YAAAY! I finally got my package about 10 minutes ago.

I'm so happy for you!!!!!!
It sucks so much waiting around. I felt so bad for Susanne while she was waiting for her Cool Heat. It makes me sad.
Pretty ladies deserve their pretty products!

On a side note-My freaking 182 (the one I always bitch about) completely fell apart during my last wash. I was washing it and the entire head of hair came out in my hands. WTF?????????? I'm so pissed b/c it was so soft and buffed out my colors so well. I am hesistant to get a new one b/c of the constant problems I had with shedding and, oh yea, the ENTIRE brush falling out in my hands. I am also hesitant to get the 181 b/c I'm afraid it won't be as soft. What do I do?????????


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
I'm so happy for you!!!!!!
It sucks so much waiting around. I felt so bad for Susanne while she was waiting for her Cool Heat. It makes me sad.
Pretty ladies deserve their pretty products!

On a side note-My freaking 182 (the one I always bitch about) completely fell apart during my last wash. I was washing it and the entire head of hair came out in my hands. WTF?????????? I'm so pissed b/c it was so soft and buffed out my colors so well. I am hesistant to get a new one b/c of the constant problems I had with shedding and, oh yea, the ENTIRE brush falling out in my hands. I am also hesitant to get the 181 b/c I'm afraid it won't be as soft. What do I do?????????

Omg I can't believe it did that on you! I was soooo scared last night when I was washing my brushes, especially the 182 that it would fall apart on me b/c it does shed quite a bit.
I bought the 181SE but I haven't tried it yet and I don't think I will b/c I have no need for it. It is very cute though and SUPER SOFT! Great for buffing blushes.
I only bought it b/c it was cheap at my CCO.
So I might sell the set it comes in (Novel Twist Pearlizer).


Well-known member
^^^I know, I always get panicky when washing this one in particular. I thought maybe I had a jacked up brush b/c whenever I complain about the shedding, it seems like I'm the only one with a problem. I'm glad I"m not crazy!!