MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
I had such a blast & I'm still hyped up from my Vanilla Latte
It just doesn't get any better than MAC & a Latte does it

Maybe MAC and a margarita?

Originally Posted by erine1881
DON'T stand it on end to dry. all this does is let all that water drip down inside the handle, ruining the brush.

Guilty! I always stood it up on end. Duh! That makes sense. Thanks, Erine!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bis
I was sooo hoping the counters in Munich have them already, but they do not

I wanted to have a closer look at the "darker" colours like Merrily and Gleeful, but I want to do this with my fav MA. Maybe they are around next week?

Come on MAC, speed up a bit. We are waiting here and changing our minds every day. Deliver the goods now.

I already have them
This time my part of Germany has been faster than the rest of the country
It is just fair, you had Cool Heat and Electroflash earlier.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Aww...I want to go shopping for MAC with you darn it!

Wow, Dainty or Warm Soul...that is a really tough call cause I really like both, but prolly Warm Soul is the more unique of the 2, but I would see how you like it on you first.

I will come to you one day and we will go shopping for MAC!

I will pick up the bronze and peach shades in fall. I really think about picking up a back up of Pleasantry together with Love Thing if I go to the pro store next week.
Until now Springsheen has been my all day love blush, but it could be Pleasantry now!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
But I don't know which one(s) to get. I initially wanted Nuance and Warm Soul. And maybe even Love Joy.

First of all, I must say that I think you are absolutely FABULOUS!! I love looking at your FOTDs to get ideas, as we have very similar skintones, even tho anything you do would look great on anyone
. Merrily is so on my list now after seeing your FOTD using it.

I don't have eversun, so I can't help much with that. But we seem to be very similar skintones, and I originally thought out of those three that I would want warm soul. But when I went to the counter and swatched them, warm soul just blended right into my skin, nice shimmer but was the exact same color as my skintone. However, I LOVED Love Joy and Nuance. For me Love Joy gave me a perfect bronzed glow. I didn't think I would like Nuance, but I love the peachyness in it. HTH!

Hope I didn't mess up the quote, never used that function before.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipglass_junkie
First of all, I must say that I think you are absolutely FABULOUS!! I love looking at your FOTDs to get ideas, as we have very similar skintones, even tho anything you do would look great on anyone
. Merrily is so on my list now after seeing your FOTD using it.

I don't have eversun, so I can't help much with that. But we seem to be very similar skintones, and I originally thought out of those three that I would want warm soul. But when I went to the counter and swatched them, warm soul just blended right into my skin, nice shimmer but was the exact same color as my skintone. However, I LOVED Love Joy and Nuance. For me Love Joy gave me a perfect bronzed glow. I didn't think I would like Nuance, but I love the peachyness in it. HTH!

Hope I didn't mess up the quote, never used that function before.

Thanks Doll
Do you happen to have Hipness from the Fafi collection? B/c I have that and I wonder if Nuance is anything like it. I hate having similar colors. lol
Also, what is your color in MAC? I am NC35. During the winter I am inbetween NC30 & 35.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
I will come to you one day and we will go shopping for MAC!

I will pick up the bronze and peach shades in fall. I really think about picking up a back up of Pleasantry together with Love Thing if I go to the pro store next week.
Until now Springsheen has been my all day love blush, but it could be Pleasantry now!

Awww, Susanne - that would be awesome! I just love ya

I agree with you guys, Pleasantry is pretty! It's much softer on than it looks in the pot.


Well-known member
No problem! I actually don' own hipness, but from pictures Hipness seems to be much more of a coral, while IRL nuance seems to be a more subtle peach. I haven't tried it on my face yet tho, so I may be wrong. I actually wasn't really into blush at all until last month. Since then I've picked up 4, 3 of them mineralized, and I'll probably pick up 2 more. Before that I was running my Cubic into the ground.

I think I'm NW35, but that is what I was matched in concealer, so I'm not sure if that's my true shade. I don't wear foundation yet, so I don't know what my foundation match is, I assume somewhere near my concealer match

(in response to GlamYOURUs' post)


Well-known member
I wore Merrily today and I love it soo much. It's gorgeous
! Although some were hoping it would be a Stereo Rose dupe, I think it's prettier than Stereo Rose =X My 188 brush looks like it was dipped in red roses. I hope it becomes permanent in the fall


Well-known member
These are SO gorgeous! I went in with the intention of only picking one up, but after I started swatching them on my arm I fell in love! I ended up with Gentle, Dainty, and Pleasantry. So so so pretty!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mariecinder
These are SO gorgeous! I went in with the intention of only picking one up, but after I started swatching them on my arm I fell in love! I ended up with Gentle, Dainty, and Pleasantry. So so so pretty!

I got those three as well. I am still debating love thing. I really need to save my money for the fall collections with all of the eye shadows. I am not really a blush girl but these blushes are the best blushes I have ever tried. It is hard to not want to get them all!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
I will come to you one day and we will go shopping for MAC!

With Audrey, of course


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
I don't even remember what Gleeful looked like. lol I am thinking of getting Love Joy though. Its a bit dark but its probably a great shade for the summer.

It's not too dark at all. One sweep of Love Joy is good enough for me then I blend it out. It's a brown that has plum undertones on me for some reason. Which would look amazing on your skin, in my opinion.
And probably with Mellow Mood lipstick, but I'm talking outta my butt now. xD BUT point is, Love Joy would look great on you.
It'll be a great shade for fall too.

And Gleeful is a berry color with a touch of coral to it. It's a hard shade to describe, but I chose Gleeful over Merrily and Love Thing. My MA told me that Merrily would basically be a darker version of Gleeful to me because I'd have to use Merrily with a light hand, so I might as well just get Gleeful. I'm sure there's a subtle difference, but if you have Merrily, you'd probably be able to skip Gleeful. (I just thought I'd mention it to you, because it WOULD look pretty on you.


Well-known member
Cannot wait for pleasantry to arrive, even though ive never seen it i just KNOW i'll need a backup, im a sucker for gorgeous pink blushes (absolute weakness), and all the swatches and FOTDs look gorgeous

REally thinking about dainty too


Well-known member
I think out of the four I got, I like Nuance the best so far. I have only used Gentle and I think its pretty but not OMG amazing. Pleasentry is still sooo pretty but I have yet to use it one my cheeks. Yaaay!

I'm still kinda bummed I haven't seen these in person yet. Now that I have had a taste of them, I want to see them even mooooooooore!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blacktulip
Do you think gentle and dainty will be repromoted? I hope so, I don't have enought money right now

yes...i think so!


Well-known member
Just got my Merrily. The color is deceptive in the pan
It is beautiful on! But wow, it has to be the most pigmented of the bunch. I think one would last a lifetime.

It did not turn orange on me at all. I think that the reason its not turning orange is because it actually has a rose/pink base to it even though it doesn't look like that in the pot. If you wipe it off your face with a tissue, you'll see the pink.

I compared it to Serenely BPB....Although they are both in the same color family, Serenely is much lighter, more peach. Merrily is more coral/pink/peach & several shades darker with more of the gold pearl.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one

I compared it to Serenely BPB....Although they are both in the same color family, Serenely is much lighter, more peach. Merrily is more coral/pink/peach & several shades darker with more of the gold pearl.

Thats what I said as well in a previous post! I exchanged my Serenely for Merrily. Just b/c I find Merrily more wearable and I love the gold pearl in it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Just got my Merrily. The color is deceptive in the pan
It is beautiful on! But wow, it has to be the most pigmented of the bunch. I think one would last a lifetime.

It did not turn orange on me at all. I think that the reason its not turning orange is because it actually has a rose/pink base to it even though it doesn't look like that in the pot. If you wipe it off your face with a tissue, you'll see the pink.

I compared it to Serenely BPB....Although they are both in the same color family, Serenely is much lighter, more peach. Merrily is more coral/pink/peach & several shades darker with more of the gold pearl.

It will be mine, hopefully tomorrow!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
It will be mine, hopefully tomorrow!

hahaha You know, when I saw the picture of the bride wearing it, I just could not figure out why they would use a 'burnt' color on a bride
So after seeing it on, its def. the pink/rose base

MAAAAN is it ever pigmented
I'm so excited for you to get it Audrey