MAC - Starflash Discussion


Well-known member
^^^hahaha..too cute

My guess is...these will be perm. I hope you love your new colors!


Well-known member
^ LOL thanks for that picture, it's gorgeous.

And these better! I can't imagine them releasing this wonderful new texture just to forget about them after they've sold out. All the colors may not be back but this new Starflash finish mustt, it just mustttt.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VDUB*BELLA
not as creamy as Smoke&Diamonds but its just that perfect crease purple

Overall thoughts with this collection... As Borat would say "Greeeeeat success!"



Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Ouch. Ouchhhhhhhhh I was hoping you'd like Sunset B....when i first swatched mine, I fell in love. But later I tried it over beigeing shadestick and it wasnt as great. I want to put it on my eyes NOW....I really like this shadow?

I did Sunset B. over Rubenesque p/p and it made me go friggin gaga

Im sure it would have the same effect if not better over Fresco Rose p/p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bella1342
I got my package a few hours ago, and I can't put them down. I rarely can say I have to have a backup of a shadow, but I just placed another order for a backup of smoke and diamonds. It is so gorgeous. I'm going to my Macy's counter tomorrow to get my sister one for her birthday because I know she will love it too.

I ordered all of the shadows and my favorites were smoke and diamonds, sunset b., lotusland, top hat, and go.

My talent pool was smashed but of course MAC is second day shipping me a new one. It is such a pretty color as well. I have waternymph, parrot...big t, every blue green shadow you could think of, and there is something about this that I love it so much. I'm guessing it's the texture because they are so, so smooth.

Grand Enterance was really beautiful too. The only one I don't really care for is Dreammaker, and that's because the texture kind of sucks on mine. It's not nearly as smooth as the other shadows.

I also got 2 feline pencils, my HG pencil.... totally love it, does not smudge on me at all.

Hi NIcole!!!

I"m glad you liked your stuff! I'm still waiting on mine
Tomorrow is the big day. I hope my Dreammaker isn't bad
I liked that one.

I can't wait to play tomorrow with all my goodies!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VDUB*BELLA
I did Sunset B. over Rubenesque p/p and it made me go friggin gaga

Im sure it would have the same effect if not better over Fresco Rose p/p

Sadly, I'm not a paint pot user. I tried one and didnt like it. I cant imagine having so many different colored bases (I'm broke, btw), thats why I just use UDPP, because its neutral and goes with everything. I wish i could afford all the different colored bases out there. Oh well


Well-known member
Ok hightailed myself to the store:
I got :
  • Mink & Sable (which is greener and darker than Sumptuous Olive)
  • Glamour Check (I guess what BeautyBurst should have been)
I like Bold and Brazen, but it reminded me of Socialite from TooFaced, which I love and adore!!

Smoke & Diamonds is a nice shadow, but I have enough taupes to last me 4 lifetimes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
I was first person to swatch those gorgeous e/s this morning!
My MA was like "Yeah, I just put those out..." She was probably thinking "oh- oh this crazy one, again!"
she's awesome.
All of them are pretty, finish is gorgeous but I didn't get as much as I tought I would.

I got "Top hat"- gorgeous purple, really gorgeous... I love it.
"Lotusland"- beautiful lavanda, I see it with Top hat...mmmm...
and "Mink and sable" - so pretty!
I liked all of the other ones as well, but I just couldn't justify buying them... they look too much like stuff I already have, or colors just don't work for me (like, say "Sunset B"- pretty pink, but eh, nothing special I know I wouldn't wear it)

I got there @ 10.05
I made all the e/s not "VIRGIN" anymore bc I was #1 who touched them.... Yohoo!! It's so early, even the MA gave me the carts (they are in product swatch). Anyway, I got Glamour check, Top Hat, Bold & Brazen, Grand Entrance, Smoke & Diamonds, Lotusland. They are all so beautiful!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACForME
Good Morning!!
I thought I'd share my EOTD with these new colors.. I love them. There really is a great color payoff!
Lower lid done in Mauvement Paint, from crease to brow is Bare Study Paint Pot. I used LOTUSLAND on the lid, with TOP HAT swirled into the crease & Outer V. I did use SHIMMERTIME Pigment for my browline highlight. Smoke&Diamonds on the outer upper/lower lash..

I found that LOTUSLAND gave a fabulous payoff and wasnt sheer! I was worried that I'd have yet, another gorgeous in the pot, crap on the eye color (think Idol Eyes, pretty to look at, BLAH to use!) TOP HAT has a this great color, look at it one way, its smoke, another way, its purple.. How cool is that..

I hope these shadow finishes are here to stay or MAC will develop them for the permanent line. I really feel these are my absolute favorite.

Speaking of Mauvement pigment, does Smoke and Diamonds look like that?

I am so tempted to Smoke and Diamonds,
, after all my talk of not getting it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Speaking of Mauvement pigment, does Smoke and Diamonds look like that?

I am so tempted to Smoke and Diamonds,
, after all my talk of not getting it.

You may be thinking of Sweet Sienna p/g.


Well-known member
So I went to Macy's for my Starflash haul cause I'm broke as a joke, but I do have a Macy's card! Bwahahaha!
I wound up getting so much more than I expected to because these shadows are gorgeous. The finish on most of them is really excellent, nice shimmer & great pigmentation. I got Bold & Brazen, Smoke & Diamonds, Mink & Sable, Top Hat, Talent Pool & Glamour Check. Initially, I was sure I would get Grand Entrance & Dreammaker, but Grand Entrance was pretty but very frosty (it reminded me of a frostier, chalkier version of Evening Aura) and Dreammaker didn't stand out to me. For me, the standouts are Glamour Check, Bold & Brazen, and Talent Pool. I literally gasped when I swatched Talent Pool, it's so beautiful!
I don't have Parrot so I don't know how similar they are but TP is a gorgeous color, blue-green with a goldish sheen. Glamour Check is a beautiful shimmery deep red-brown color and Bold & Brazen is a lovely pigmented coppery color.

I also got 3 of the liners, Feline, Mystery and Raven. I didn't get to swatch Feline because the tester was missing, but I got it on the strength of the rave reviews from y'all! Mystery and Raven are beautiful. Mystery is a gleaming deep turquoise and Raven is a shiny rich burgundy. Orpheus was nice, it was a bronze color. It would probably be lovely on someone else, but it was just alright on me. All in all, I have to say that I am really happy with this collection.


Well-known member
I got

Top Hat
Talent Pool ( got for free from B2M)
Glamour Check

I wanted to get Smoke and Diamonds but it looked way to much like Smut e/s so i passed, and Star and Night looked way to much like Blue Flame

and then i got two kohl eyeliners .. I lovveee kohl e/l

Orpheus and Raven am i the only who finds them to be the coolest e/l ever !! lol im planning on going back for Feline and a lustre Twin. I really wanted to get mystery e/l but it looked way to much like Tealo



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Speaking of Mauvement pigment, does Smoke and Diamonds look like that?

I am so tempted to Smoke and Diamonds,
, after all my talk of not getting it.

Someone on another forum compared to Mothbrown, only less complex. I don't care, I ordered it anyway, because it looks soo purty in the swatch thread.

me - the person with two Mothbrowns and more taupes than you can count.


Well-known member
Ok, did anyone use their "Lotusland" yet? Is it just me or does it have like sparkles in it... glittery particles? And it didn't want to show up on my eye...
Maybe it's just my base or brush I was using, but I was kinda sad


Well-known member
My Starflash order should be here tomorrow, but I won't get to play with it until very late evening or Saturday. BUT, I just discovered that I'll be at a mall with a MAC counter tomorrow after dinner! Maybe I'll go test shadows while my sisters spend an hour in New York & Co. I definitely will test out the ones I didn't get. I also must see if the Sephora has any new UD stuff out.

I'll also spend the whole morning stalking the tracking on If the package is delivered before 1 pm I'm headed home at lunch to bring it in and do some very quick swatches! I don't think it's likely, though, UPS usually doesn't hit my neighborhood until late in the day. Better than Fedex, though, I once got a delivery at 8:30 pm!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
Ok, did anyone use their "Lotusland" yet? Is it just me or does it have like sparkles in it... glittery particles? And it didn't want to show up on my eye...
Maybe it's just my base or brush I was using, but I was kinda sad

No you are not the only one. The Lotusland for me has some miniature silverish sparkles. And the texture to me is just like Sunset B. Chalky.......and when I swatched those two colors on my hand, I had to swipe MORE than a few times to get it to show on my hand. That is not worth it to me. I think I have been spoiled by my recent crazy haul of Stila e/s.

Man, I should have just stuck with Top Hat and call it a day.

*hangs head low*

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