MAC - Starflash Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
I use it with Top Hat, Talent Pool, Lotusland, Paradisco or Nylon. HTH!

never thought to pair it w/ paradisco I must try that out! Sounds pretty!


Well-known member
.......I'd like to apologize for the sheer detachedness of this next entry. It is in no way connected to the previous discussion on Sunset B. e/s and the possible bases with which one could use it. Please regard it as my way of sharing my utmost excitement with fellow ladies of Spectra.......

I don't know if this info is gonna be useful to anyone but the MAC store in Istanbul has received the eyeshadows and just 1 hour ago I saw them with my own eyes!!!!!!!! - For those who already have started using their e/s, of course, this piece of info is useless but for poor sods like me who are waiting for their orders via their lazy and tardy but loyal friends in the States, this is actually veeeeerry exciting!!!!! I saw all of them! Smoke and Diamonds is the SHIT!!!!! I LOVEEED IT.. I can't wait to play with my shadows - Damn why is my friend taking so bloody long to ship them???

They couldn't sell any of them to me because they couldn't confirm the prices of the shadows (duh I could have told them!!!) but told me to check them later when they could do some sort of presale to me!! I can't I can't I can't WAIT to get my hands on these!!!!


Well-known member
I mentioned the other day that I thought glamour check was similar to choc brown, coco beach & copperbeam, I had a chance today to swatch a few so I put them in the starflash & overrich swatch threads. The only thing that is different is the finish...GC is a little shinier IMO.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenntoz
I mentioned the other day that I thought glamour check was similar to choc brown, coco beach & copperbeam, I had a chance today to swatch a few so I put them in the starflash & overrich swatch threads. The only thing that is different is the finish...GC is a little shinier IMO.

thank you for doing this. I'm still on the fence whether or not to order a few more of these. I hate duplicating things that I already own and love.


Well-known member
I caved yesterday & ended up getting Bold & Brazen and Glamour Check when I stopped by MAC yesterday. (I only needed brush cleanser - but of course, I ended up dropping almost $100!!!)

Anywho... love love love B&B. It is definitely similar to Expensive Pink on me (NC25) but like Winthrop (I think it was you!) said, it doesn't have that salmon iridesence that EP has. Very wearable.

I love Starflash! I still haven't had a chance to use Sunset B or Lotusland though.... I'll have to dig out a pink or purple shirt to wear tomorrow


Well-known member
I'm so stressed right now. I usually never buy back ups b/c I rarely ever get through a pan. Since I've purchased S&D, I've used it every friggin' day along with Feline. Now, S&D is off of the web. That means I actually have to bring my lazy ass into a store to see if they have one left.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
thank you for doing this. I'm still on the fence whether or not to order a few more of these. I hate duplicating things that I already own and love.

You're welcome

I'm the same way, thats why I've been comparing so many thing I have to avoid getting new things that look exactly the same. I must say though, I do love Grand Entrance, the texture is so nice & it blends so well. Even though I have so many pigments that are so similar to it I still keep telling myself I need a backup, lol. At least I have talked myself out of a full jar of then I think OK, well, now if I don't get copperbeam I have a few extra bucks for a backup of GE
Ugh, I know rationally I don't need it, but then I think about running out or dropping it & it breaks, that would suck. Also its nice & easy to use compared to a pigment cause it won't spill. I have a good argument both for & against it(Geez, I sound super bi-polar, lol)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
I'm so stressed right now. I usually never buy back ups b/c I rarely ever get through a pan. Since I've purchased S&D, I've used it every friggin' day along with Feline. Now, S&D is off of the web. That means I actually have to bring my lazy ass into a store to see if they have one left.

rbellaaaa, sweety, didnt you and I have a conversation that you werent going to buy ANNYYYTHIINNGG?? from starflash :p hehehe.

Watch out ladies, rbellas going in for the backups, you know shits gettin' serious when that happens.


Well-known member
rbella has no willpower.

Yes, yes, I do vaguely remember discussing this. Unfortunately for me and my wallet, I chose to completely forget that conversation.

***I'm in trouble with Blindpassion***oops.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
rbella has no willpower.

Yes, yes, I do vaguely remember discussing this. Unfortunately for me and my wallet, I chose to completely forget that conversation.

***I'm in trouble with Blindpassion***oops.

hehe ohh now now, you could never be in trouble with me for buying beautiful MAC products :p

I say, as long as you're using 'em, good on you.

Which ones did you end up getting anyways? are you enjoying them? (who am I kidding!? of course youre enjoying them)


Well-known member
Thank you sweet twinkle. I'd be so sad if you were disappointed in moi.

I got S&D, BB and GC along with Feline. I use them all the time. I seriously have never loved shadows so much in my life. I cannot believe I almost skipped these. Now, how can I justify skipping anything???????????


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
Thank you sweet twinkle. I'd be so sad if you were disappointed in moi.

I got S&D, BB and GC along with Feline. I use them all the time. I seriously have never loved shadows so much in my life. I cannot believe I almost skipped these. Now, how can I justify skipping anything???????????

well im glad you like them!
The only one I purchased was Top Hat, and I do love it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shypo
If you're still interested, Sunset B. looks awesome over Blackground p/p or Strut from's also quite pretty over Cash Flow believe it or not. And I LOVE it over Constructivist!!!

You are not the first person on this board who uses what I would normally consider as "unexpected" colors over Constructivist! I'm definitely going to check this combo out, thanks!


Well-known member
I was looking at B&B again today and compared it to Expensive Pink. They very much look the same. For some reason I expected B&B to be a copperish colour. Why, I have no idea.
Now after reading the thread I think I should re-think B&B as pinkish colour.
Need to look at it again


Well-known member
Mink & Sable is my first mac eyeshadow. Hehe, so excited. Well anyways, when I swatched it, it was beautiful, but when I got home I had diffculty applying o_O It surprised me that the colour payoff didn't turn out that great (maybe because I'm a total noob at eyeshadow lol). Any suggestions?

Oh and also, I got desperate and swatched with my finger, and it turned out more gold than green (but it could be because of my dark skin tone). I tried to take a picture but colour payoff was hard to see on camera. o_O If I get it dark enough I'll post it on swatches ^^


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAChostage
You are not the first person on this board who uses what I would normally consider as "unexpected" colors over Constructivist! I'm definitely going to check this combo out, thanks!

LOL! I'm pretty conservative in my 'look', but I love to experiment with colors. Sometimes I end up with a muddy mess, but that's what eye makeup remover is for!! Constructivist is one that I wasn't using much, so I was determined to find 'something' to do with it.

I also have good luck with many different colors over Artifact.

I had not originally been much of a fan of my Blackground p/p, but with these shadows I'm finding that the 'non-brown'-toned ones look really cool - Lotus Land looks great over it, as do Talent Pool & Top Hat. But then again, I like Electra over it too......needless to say I'm probably going to need to replenish it!

Hope you enjoy your experiments!
I'm not sure if this has been said already or not, and I don't feel like going through 69 pages to look for it. If one of you could be so kind to answer if these will be permanent or not?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by animecute
Oh and also, I got desperate and swatched with my finger, and it turned out more gold than green (but it could be because of my dark skin tone). I tried to take a picture but colour payoff was hard to see on camera. o_O If I get it dark enough I'll post it on swatches ^^

On me Mink & Sable is more green than gold

Is it just me ?

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