MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
The Nordstrom counters in LA were both really nice and open to doing preorders and had plenty of LJ in stock today. My friend got one from the Glendale Nordstrom this afternoon and they still had some in stock she said and my husband picked one up at the Grove, although we had preordered from them. Sounds like the East Coast ladies Dealt with a lot of lying and games, unfortunately. If anyone is still looking try Nordstrom Grove in LA and Glendale. They take phone orders and don't lie!


Well-known member
I got to the store this morning at 8:30. I was the first person in the line. Not long after than people started trickling in in singles and pairs. By the time the store opened at 10 am there were maybe 20-25 people behind me. I already had my list written out and quickly handed it to the first MUA I saw. She put everything in a bag, I paid and left. Mission accomplished. The funny thing is I didn't get a thing from this collection for my personal use. Everything was for friends and family. I'm glad they were able to get their goodies.


Well-known member
I need a RESTOCK. I need another LJ and I haven't even wore the one that I have out of the house yet! The color is everything that I wanted it to be plus a bag of chips! PM me if there is a restock. I am spending the majority of my days in a hospital waiting room but we are past the worst period. I will find a corner to go online and snag another LJ!!!


Well-known member
Did anyone get the nailpolishes from this collection? I'm dying to see swatches of the blue and green. 


Well-known member
Dealt with a lot of lying and games, unfortunately. If anyone is still looking try Nordstrom Grove in LA and Glendale. They take phone orders and don't lie!
Thanks for posting this- its helpful for all of us when there are stores that offer great service. I contacted nordstrom via chat and before I even asked a question ,the rep was like hmmm I bet you are looking for the mac bao bao wan collection - lol... They are all soldout of everything from what I was told, if there is indeed a restock someone please come in here with arms flailing! Thanks :)


Well-known member
LOL So glad I got Sunset T.

I am sorry you ladies had issues with Nordies phone orders.

I called my Mich Ave store, and I now wonder if she was lying b/c I called at 1001, and she said they were out of stock. I called a Seattlet Nordies, and had NO issues. I called two and managaed to get two LJ's...
although I am still waiting on the receipt for the first one so I'm not sure it's coming.