In response to Makeupnewbie's post:
The FL MAs are upset w/MAC because they are losing their livelihood. What MAC is doing is approaching the fashion show promoters/designers etc., and offering their counter staff to work the shows, at little or no charge, in order to promote their products. All good for them, but the counter staff gets no credit for their work, and gets no extra pay (they get paid exactly what they would get paid if they were working a regular shift). So, everyone makes out well: MAC, the fashion people, the designers...everyone except the MAC MAs and the FL MAs (who used to be able to command big bucks to do a show). Remember, lots of professional MAs get free product from cosmetic lines (free promotion for the company), so their thinking is: if I'm not getting hired to do shows, why should I promote the line that's not giving me any work? Thus, the backlash against MAC...
As for other lines (like MUFE) trying to "copy" MAC, I have to disagree. MUFE is still a professional line (their professional line carries more products than MAC does), while MAC has gone more mainstream (with much success).
I happen to use a lot of MUFE products in my kit, because their quality is tops (yes, even their shadows). The Cirque du Soleil shows in Las Vegas use MUFE exclusively (although MAC is now providing their makeup in their traveling shows). Plus, they've been around since 1984 (just like MAC).
I'm not knocking MAC at all because I love working for them, and their products, for the most part, are good. But there are other good lines out there....that being said, professionally, I will use whatever I feel works the best on my clients, whether it be MAC, MUFE, or Wet & Wild (their #666 lipliner is the bomb!) The sad part about this whole thing is that big business, like in every industry, is undercutting the "little guy" in order to make more money. MAC is a business, and their bottom line is to make money.
Ok...enough of my rant...
Happy New Year, all!!