with everyone's opinions.
Customers always give the employess a hard time. I know because one time this three ladies came in my work place laughig, giggling, joking around so loud that one lady knocked something over and it broke. It was a babyshower figerines that comes wit a baby bottle. It costs about $14.99 right? Well, the boss man was like you have to pay that since you broke it. She was like I didn't break anything and I'm like I heard something broke you know. My boss went to see what had broke and the baby head had entirely broke off the body.. It looked about funny too, but yeah back to my point. He first charged her $14.99 original price... My boss was like ok I'm just gonna charge you $12.00 and she still didn't want it. So my boss was like ok $10.00 and she still didn't want to pay so he was like you can't leave until you pay for it m'am. She was like I didn't mean to break it... It just fell..
wth right? So my boss called the cop and 2 cops cars came and guess what? She called her own cop too lol... That's why we had 2 cops that came... The cops was like she don't have to pay for it since it was an accident. My boss was like if she don't pay then im losing money and I have to put my own money out for something I didn't break you know.. Omg! It went on for like an hour so she
finally DECIDED to pay $10 after all.. Crazy huh?! before that she was like I only have $5 lol...
I caught two different ladies trying to get away from the mexican pedestals/pottery pricing.
First, this lady bought this flower vase thingy, and this swan thingy where you can leave flowers in there right? Well, when my boss rang her up $29.99 and I'm like that's not right... She was distracting my boss asking him questions.. She had the flower vase sitting inside the swan making it one WHOLE piece. So I know that she knew that he didn't ring her up the other 29.99 item so she was like mom hurry we gotta leave.. She left the store already.. Boss went to the bathroom so I rang the mother and asked her is she with you?! I'm like I think he didn't ring her up the other item she was like oh i don't know. So about 30mins later the mother came back and asked for me. She was like here's $32.00 for the other thing. I explained it to my boss and he was like Oh I thought it was together.. Im guessing the mother told the daughter that I asked her about it. LOL
This other lady bought a lot of stuff from my work place and she was like do I get discount and etc... My boss was like maybe on Mexican pottery only... So she went to grab something that was worth about 59.99, but then when came up to the register she gave me the price sticker and I'm like I know we don't price this we take a tag and tie them with a ribbon you know. I was about to ring her up, but I was giving my co worker the signal that go cut the tag and she was trying to cover the price haha.. Shit funny! We was like this is $59.99 not $29.99. BUSTED!!!!!!!!
She bought it still though hahahhaa...
I'll have more ASAP!!!