pads or tampons?


Originally Posted by NutMeg
Definitely tampons. I started out on pads, but once I discovered tampons I completely switched. It's so much more comfortable, and you don't have to deal with waking up in the morning and finding that your 'diaper' failed and you have to wash the sheets yet again.

^^ exactly!


Well-known member
My mom always told me it'd be easier to use tampons once I had sex lol. So after I lost my virginity, I tried tampons and it was scary at first, but then I got used to it. Once I started using tampons I couldn't go back to pads. With pads I can feel everything dripping out and it doesn't go anywhere, it just feels gross all day. UGH! With tampons I hardly even notice anything down there. My period's gotten really heavy though lately, so I have to wear both a tampon and a pad.


Well-known member
tampons. when i first started i used pads too but they too were the 'pillow sized' hah why are they so big?! not only were they long they were really wide too i dont think you got size options too lol
found they didnt really work anyway and didnt like having everything there to look at eww
or the 'rubbing' around lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fairybelle
Tampons for day, pads at night.

Same give "it" a rest


Well-known member
i forgot to mention some girl at my highschool died of a tampon because she left it in too long. something like toxic syndrome? i dont know.


Well-known member
Pads. Tampons always scared me, and I'd end up wearing both anyway because I'm crazy like that. My boyfriend calls them my diapers, but I deal.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
Tampons for sure. Just feels cleaner to me. My mom used to buy me pads that were pillow sized lol. I felt people could see a buldge at my crotch

Hilly you have me crying over here, I'm laughing so hard!! Thanks for the laugh girlie

Back on topic...Tampons only for me. The thought of blood just hanging out on a pad makes me feel gross.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xolovinyoo
i forgot to mention some girl at my highschool died of a tampon because she left it in too long. something like toxic syndrome? i dont know.

It's called toxic shock syndrome, and it's extremely rare. I'm not clear on the details but I'm sure you can Google it if you're curious.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by landonsmother
hey ladies! just wondering what do yall prefer; tampons or pads??

i've used pads all my life. i'm not comfortable with sticking plastic up there. LOL. i have a fear that there's a possibility of it getting stuck so i refuse to use tampons.

what do you guys use??

i'm the exact same, so my answers is pads


Well-known member
Instead cups during my heavy days. They don't leak,and they are not little toxic shock magnets either. Pads gross me out. I have a dog's sense of smell,and I can smell menstrual blood,even on a clean pad. Blood is an amazing medium for bacteria to breed-even better than sweat. Blood grows baceria out so well that we use primarily sheeps blood and agar (seaweed jelly) to grow bacterial cultures out in! (Although,things grow fastest of all in chocolate/agar)Sitting on a wet pad can also cause irritation.
I also wear tampons. The key to not getting toxic shock with tampons is to wash your hands before inserting the tampon. Your hands are full of staph,strep and God knows what else. Don't use the highest absorbancy if you do not have to. Also, don't use the lowst either. Changing tampons too frequently-like hourly,is another risk factor. The signs of toxic shock are flulike symptoms,with a brilliant rash on the palms of the hands.
Tampons can not get lost inside you,there is no where for them to go! The cervix is closed except for a pinpoint opening. The vagina is a tube just a little longer than your finger (in an unexcited state).
I have has a few women come to the ER,when I was an ER nurse,
with tampons they had forgotten inside them for a month. One young lady wanted to have sex during her period and put a tampon in there,her bf did not use a condom either,and she forgot the tampon after coitus,too. She came to the ER in terrible pain,doing the PID shuffle (pelvic inflammatory disease). When the doc and I got the decaying foreign body out from her during an exam,the smell was so bad some people vomited. She was lucky not to have gotten toxic shock,although she got other infections,and felt humiliated.


Well-known member
I use Libresse 2 in 1 liners (a cross between a liner and a pad). I have a very light period and don't menstruate during the night, so I'm fine with using 2 pads a day. I tried those mini Tampax but my period is too light even for the mini ones and I can feel it sitting there all the time, which was too uncomfortable for me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jot
Wow that must have been some sneeze!!!

Haha I know!
Actually thats one of the reasons that those cup things haven't become very popular. Coughing and sneezing have a tendency to make them leak with most women.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
It's called toxic shock syndrome, and it's extremely rare. I'm not clear on the details but I'm sure you can Google it if you're curious.

It's rare,but I have seen a number of cases,not just from tampons,but in post op patients and burn patients. It pressents with a high fever- I mean 104 ish! The person always looks sunburnt,they have a palmar rash,and they have very low blood pressure and tend to feel panicky and confused. That's how they present even before the labs. Often the labs show multi organ involement-kidney enzymes go up,etc. White blood cell count can be deceptive in some people. As shock gets worse, the temperature starts to fall. With blood pressure falling and electrolyte derangement,the kidneys begin to fail from lack of perfusion-that means circulation becomes limited. The heart beats very fast,and the pH of the blood begins to rise. The person begins to breathe very fast to keep up with metabolic demands. Before the infection can be treated, blood pressure will need to ba stabilized,the person will also need hydration,possible intubation,and a number of IV sites. This is a trip to the ICU. Toxic shock is serious.I had a classmate die from it,and my aunt spent some time in the hospital with it after a minor surgery.
We also have more virulant forms of staph now than ever before. The reason for the staph epidemics that are antibiotic resistant is because people tend to go to their doctors and ask for an antibiotic for things like colds and sore throats. ANTIBIOTICS DO NOT WORK AGAINST VIRUSES! Antibiotics treat bacterial infections.Some people bitch and moan and the doctor gives in,cause s/he does not like complaints. Two days later,the patient feels better and may or may not stop taking their drugs. Sometimes they get the not very bright idea of saving it for the next cold. They have just weakened their immune system.
You get a cold,a flu,shingles,viral pneumonia-rest,drink plenty of water,wash your hands,and it will go away on its own. Viruses are self limiting. They also use your genetic material to replicate. (Bacteria don't care about your ribonucleic acid or your DNA......they have little baby bacteria on their own) Your immune system and all its wisdom (if you haven't damaged it) will take care of the virus. A fever and the ick feeling means its making white blood cells. Those white blood cells are a powerful army of virus killers,and they eat them right up. In the hospital, we do not give tylenol till a temperature is over 101.5,and thats only for comfort reasons. Fever has a purpose-its an immune response. Start drinking more water,and that will help!

The most important thing you can do this flu season,shot or not,is wash your hands. Viral material can be waiting on the desk,the door handle at Starbucks,the sink knob,etc. Always carry alcohol gel when you have no handy sink (like when you are at a restaraunt,etc). Be happy and healthy this season!


Well-known member
Pads... I have bad cramps, and REALLY heavy flow, so tampons just don't work for me...
They are so thin and you have many different sizes, so there's no fear of it being seen through your pants lol
and they are easier to change...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
My mom used to buy me pads that were pillow sized lol. I felt people could see a buldge at my crotch



Well-known member
Originally Posted by xolovinyoo
i forgot to mention some girl at my highschool died of a tampon because she left it in too long. something like toxic syndrome? i dont know.

god, that' scary. that's one of the reasons why i refuse to use tampons as well.


Well-known member
^Yeah, I think if the right sized tampon is not worn, that can happen as well. So its not only about how long its in there, but about size as well..