People always ask for my _____


Well-known member
I thought that this could be an interesting thread. Working at a MAC counter or any make-up counter is almost like being a celebrity sometimes. You know how people bring in magazines & pics of a celebrity whom they want to be made up to look like or they want to copy certain colors they have used on their eyes or lips. But, instead of them wanting to look like a celebrity, they want to look like you. So what are your most requested features? Mine would be my lips & skin. One of my best friends who also works at the counter ALWAYS has people wanting her eyes. So what are your most requested features?


People always want to know about my skincare/foundation/concealer routine and also I get asked about my mascara at least ten times a day.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tvsnow
People always want to know about my skincare/foundation/concealer routine and also I get asked about my mascara at least ten times a day.

You must have amazing lashes!


Active member
When I worked for Estee people always asked about my skin and eyes. I love liner so I was always asked about that.



Active member
eyes, hands down. Especially when I wear greens. There is no telling how many pots of MAC Bitter and Humid and chartruese pigment I have sold for MAC!


Well-known member
i used to work at a cosmetic counter at an old time drug store - they sold stupid make-up that regular drug stores sell and perfumes and what not. but the owner wanted to be fancy

i was always asked about my lips. and it was a combo of stuff i used to wear, the liner probably being the key.


Well-known member
My face! They want my face! They cannot have it, I'm atached to it

I had one guy say I should donate my eyes to science
and I found somewhere else I had to be, quickly!

My nose, I can't say how many want to know my surgeon... the rest of my face matured, my nose rebeled.

My Cheekbones, thanks mommy!

I got a compliment on my eyebrow once, yep just the one... the other brow sucks.

I have porcelain skin so people always want to know my secrets..


Well-known member
I don't work at a counter either, but people always stop me about my eye make-up and I've noticed it's almost always when I'm wearing Falling Star--and people always ask me if I'm wearing false lashes, nopers-just Diorshow


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tvsnow
People always want to know about my skincare/foundation/concealer routine and also I get asked about my mascara at least ten times a day.

I'm intrigued now...what mascara DO you wear?? lol


Well-known member
my skin+ my eyeliner.

and i never give them the answer they want to hear, haha.. i work damn hard to have perfect skin (consistancy, cleanser toner moisturizer. mask+scrub twice a week. peel once a week.)... And as far as eyeliner, practice. I think they want to hear " well we have this magic $2 cleanser that I use. Oh and my eyeliner, we have these stickers...."...sorry loves, but it's not easy. I spend a shitload of money on skincare and I took art classes for a million years, so drawing a strait line on an eye-lid is gonna be pretty simple for me.

but i want to hear about your mascara too =)


Well-known member
I don't work at a counter but I'm constantly asked if I do (which is such a complement!!), and if my eyelashes/hair/lips are real, or false/extensions/collegen. Definitely makes for interesting conversation!