Please be VERY VERY Careful

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
No one just entering the workforce should complain about 35k a year, and if California is too expensive, you need to move elsewhere. Teachers are paid according to COLA.

35k is a pretty lame wage Shimmer. And not everyone wants to live in hickville.

Yes, teachers do get paid during holidays. Every month a teacher's check is the same. They take the salary, divide by 12, and then pay the teacher that amount monthly, as stated in their contract. This may only be in TX though.

Yes, this is why my Mom taught Summer school so we could pay our bills when I was growing up. My Mistake. Oh and she was lying to me when she said that money was getting tight towards the end of August because she hadn't been paid in 2 months.

I've never known a teacher who was struggling to live. They weren't living like kings, but every teacher I know from the time I was in school to the ones I'm friends wiht now lives extremely comfortably.

How long had they been teaching b4 you met them? If you can stomache the job, after 35-40 years you can make a nice wage. But starting salaries aren't nearly high enough to attract the talent needed to staff our schools.

No, I was never a "strait" A student. STRAIGHT A's? Eh. If I wanted to.
I didn't have to try. Learning comes very easily to me.

You knew what the intent was, you should know me by now, i'm not about to proof read when i'm typing 80 words a minute.

Kinda ironic how your parents seem to have been the same type of parents you despise now. "Learning came easy to me, i just didn't care, i wanted to party instead."

Then don't be surprised when your credibility goes down the drain with each "submit" click. You can put a mule in horse harness and polish him up, but he's still a mule.

And you can spell/gramamr check your posts all you want, but a bad position, is still a bad one.

HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Keep telling yourself that honey. You might eventually convince at least yourself, if no one else.

Chin up hun, you dribbled a little. Lemme get a napkin and wipe it for you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
I dont think we are world power on sheer luck. We dont have one of the best armies on sheer luck, or strong economy on sheer luck.
Its our people that have made it what it is with the hard work, and yes even takin from other countries, but not sheer luck.

Had appeasement not been the global policy of Europe prior to the rise of Nazi Germany, or had the governments of the world not been so bent on punishing Germany for WW1, things would be a lot different today. It was luck.

also there are ppl who can hardly afford to pay food n rent nevertheless expensive everyday items.
alot of people do buy cheap items, because they cant afford any better and not all cheap price items are in terrible condition.

I think ppl would rather pay their rent n food then to buying
expensive everyday stuff.

I agree with you. I thought, "The popularity of Walmart is an indication of the financial status of the majority of families in the United States." was a pretty clear admission that poverty is a huge problem in our country.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
But now we don't have that will. But it is because everyone is undermining everything and I will agree one day we will no longer be a super power if nothing more because the parties in washington can't get their act together, they are always trying to undermine something in order to get votes and not what is best for the country, the government has too much power and has no idea what to do with it and because americans see this of course we're not going to do what we can to help the country so yeah it will collapse unless somebody has the guts to stop it.

Perhaps if people were more interested in things other than Gay Marriage or other pointless political topics, things that matter might have a chance to get noticed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
35k is a pretty lame wage Shimmer. And not everyone wants to live in hickville.

Do your research. DFW and its suburbs are hardly "hickville".

Yes, this is why my Mom taught Summer school so we could pay our bills when I was growing up. My Mistake. Oh and she was lying to me when she said that money was getting tight towards the end of August because she hadn't been paid in 2 months.

I said IN TEXAS or did you miss that part?
How long had they been teaching b4 you met them? If you can stomache the job, after 35-40 years you can make a nice wage. But starting salaries aren't nearly high enough to attract the talent needed to staff our schools.

Lets see, Stephanie just started, Jo's been teaching for several years and makes closer to 60K for what works out to just short of 9 mos a year of work. Craig's not suffering, neither is Nancy, Joe, Judy, Tricia, Kurt...
Yeah. They all started at the bottom and were making meh wages and within 5 years were making comfortable wages. And THAT is in hickville. A teacher in Dallas starts out at 50K no questions asked.
You knew what the intent was, you should know me by now, i'm not about to proof read when i'm typing 80 words a minute.

Your laziness isn't my problem.
Kinda ironic how your parents seem to have been the same type of parents you despise now. "Learning came easy to me, i just didn't care, i wanted to party instead."

Actually, no.
I didn't "party". I've never been, except while in the military, a "party" person. I simply took the knowledge as it was given, devoured it (I finished my history book f-s years before the 2nd week of school.), and chose to regurgitate it when necessary. I'm admittedly mercenary.
And, I love my parents, but I don't deny they made mistakes.
And you can spell/gramamr check your posts all you want, but a bad position, is still a bad one.

Glad you recognize your stance.
Chin up hun, you dribbled a little. Lemme get a napkin and wipe it for you.

Sweetie, you're not now, nor will you ever be, woman enough to "give me" any kind of medicine. I assure you of that.
Your insults are amusing, granted, but fall desperately short of hitting their mark.
Remember, you may grab the tiger by the tail, but the other end has teeth and claws. I'll never meet you in the real world, however, eventually, you'll find someone in your day to day life similar enough to me, and they'll hand you your ass. I wish I could be there to see it, because it would be a humorous decimation of an overstated and highly self inflated ego, but that would mean actually knowing and being around you, and I don't hang with people too vapid and unmotivated to form their own conclusions about life without having actually experienced any of it.

Now, if you can make a point that's rationally thought out and isn't the most repetition of whatever pundit happened to be on the radio this morning, by all means do so. Raise a valid point, and gladly, it would be considered.
Talk for the sole purpose of seeing letters beside your name and seeing your post count go up?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Perhaps if people were more interested in things other than Gay Marriage or other pointless political topics, things that matter might have a chance to get noticed.

This is absolutely correct.


Well-known member
I agree raerae....

and that takes us back to the education and hollywood and whatnot.

Hollywood has taken the more - and this isn't the best term to use but I'll say it anyway- less important topics (Gay marriage and what not- which shouldn't be dictated by the federal government anyway but by state government) and brought the huge outcry for the feds to take care of it.

Again- they don't know who to go to they go running over and whimpering to big brother to fight their battles for them- and since they have the money in hollywood.....guess who gets the most attention?

And then you have the schools (again federally mandated except private schools) teaching that (and this is just me paraphrasing) that private property doesn't exist and that its acceptable to listen to hollywood and watch American idol and what not.

Going back to the public schools and the educational system I found this on 8/11/03

There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him. -- Robert Heinlein

This would be the Monday when school starts across the nation. This will also be the Monday when your precious little rug rats will get their annual leftist indoctrination against basic property rights.

I hit this particular topic every year about this time. To really get the point across I like to focus on first-graders – the first year in a government school.

About a year ago I wrote a column for World Net Daily detailing your child's first day of school. Here is part of what I had to say then. It's just as true, if not more so, today:

Do you remember those weeks before school started for your first grader? There you were, you and your proud new student walking the aisles of the local Costco with your list of school supplies in hand. You checked off the pencils, a ruler, a compass, paste, construction paper, a pencil holder, notebooks and erasers. At home, your first grader takes the supplies into his room and spreads everything out on the bed. Arranges them this way – then that way. Pencils next to the erasers, glue and construction paper lined up over here, compass and ruler lined up over there. These are his supplies. His! Do you hear? And tomorrow he is going to take them to school. He couldn't be more proud.

Finally, the first day of school arrives. The night before all of the school supplies are packed, repacked, unpacked and repacked again. Then, that morning, just one more unpacking and repacking to make sure everything's still there and undamaged. OK! It's off we go to school! Apprehension mixed with pride. Your young man or woman is taking another grand step toward adulthood! What could go wrong?

Plenty. Remember, it's a government operation.

The students are seated, the bell rings. As fast as you can say the Pledge of Allegiance without the "under God" part, the indoctrination begins. The government teacher steps in front of her virtual hostages and promptly delivers the first raw lesson in the power of government. The students are instructed to bring all of their precious school supplies – their property – to the front of the classroom and put them into a huge box. They are told that the supplies belong to all of the class now, and the teacher will assume the responsibility of distributing the supplies as they are needed.

"Whoaa! Hold on a minute here! These are my supplies. My daddy bought them for me. You can't have them! They're mine!"

Nope. Sorry! They were yours. Now all those supplies belong to – guess who? The government!

There's a method to this madness. Your child is being taught that there are some severe limits to the concept of private property. It is perfectly OK, for instance, if the government just steps up and seizes your property if there are other people who might need some of your stuff. After all, it's just not right for you to have something that other people don't have or can't share in, is it?

This whole "dump your supplies into this box" is not an innocent exercise. Your child's teacher might not even be aware of it, but this lesson in government power is a time-honored method of introducing your child to the concept that there is something basically wrong with owning private property – but everything will be OK if you just let your superiors even things out a bit by taking some stuff from you and giving it to someone else.

How did Marx present this concept? I think it was something like "From each according to his ability; to each according to his need."

Day number one, lesson number one: Your rights to your property exist only so long as government will allow, and it's just not fair to have more stuff than someone else.

And this is just the first week! More surprises in store! Wait until you get that call from your child's teacher with vague, dark hints of a better world for your child if only he was on Ritalin.

So that being shown the attention wont be deverted because at a young age we already start thinking in terms of words like "Common Good"

Again this is from 10/17/06 and I do not agree with him attacking the democrats on this but I do agree with the point he is trying to get across:

The Democrats have now rolled out their catch phrase for the 2008 mid-term elections. You'll be hearing it time after time after time from Democrat spokesmen and candidates from now until election day. It's a phrase that does nothing less than lend support to the identification of Democrats as nothing less than big-government socialists.
The Democrat's catch phrase is one that will surely bring smiles to the faces of Marx and Lenin in whatever corner of hell they now occupy. The word --- or two words, if you will -- for the Democrats is now "common good."
Well, at least the Democrats are being loyal to their socialist roots. "Common good" was a catch-phrase for the communist movement for decades, now it is being officially embraced by the Democrats. No real surprise here. Democrat icon Ted Kennedy announced the war on individualism -- using those very words -- many years ago.
The idea of the "common good" is completely contrary to the concept of individualism. You either support and promote the idea of individuality, or you ignore the rights of the individual for the good of the whole .. for the common good.
So .. here we have the Democrats telling you just exactly who they are, and who they think you are -- not an individual, just one element that makes up the masses.
These people and their socialist "common good" theme are dangerous to freedom, liberty and the very concept of the individual. If you're looking for a reason to vote for the free-spending, big-government Republicans, the Democrats and their "common good" theme would be it.

So this is a huge thing with the american public. It's not even the really small issues it's a huge thing that at a young age we're taught the common good is most important and then we divert our attention to hollywood and whatever they tell us to think- because the american public is very stupid and we are sheep we automatically do it.


Well-known member
along the same lines, my dad was at a gas station recently and someone approached him and said "hey, i notice you're wearing glasses...mine fell in the backseat and i cant see to find them, will you help me?" my dad obviously said no.

be careful of that too, ladies


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I agree with you. I thought, "The popularity of Walmart is an indication of the financial status of the majority of families in the United States." was a pretty clear admission that poverty is a huge problem in our country.

Yes it is. Poverty is a problem in EVERY country.
At least here we have enough help that where people look or ask for help they can get it. There are shelters, and churches that give food out to the needy. There is also welfare, and when you get old there is social security.

In other countries such as mexico, ppl dont have that kind of help.
they make their houses out of sticks, and I have seen this first hand. In mexico ur either rich or poor. there is no middle class.
because the government there isnt like ours.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer

Now, if you can make a point that's rationally thought out and isn't the most repetition of whatever pundit happened to be on the radio this morning, by all means do so. Raise a valid point, and gladly, it would be considered.
Talk for the sole purpose of seeing letters beside your name and seeing your post count go up?


Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Do schools seriously redistribute stuff you bought your kids? What happened when I was in school was that everyone was free to bring whatever they like, but the school would also supply stuff like a few pencils, erasers, and some crayons. It wasn't glamorous stuff compared to other people's but it sufficed.


Well-known member
In my school system (and see being that I actually worked with the school system and studied under about 3 other school systems before I got my teaching degree and then getting so disgusted with it I said to hell with it and changed majors)- Yes


They do.

Everytime on the first day of school.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Do schools seriously redistribute stuff you bought your kids? What happened when I was in school was that everyone was free to bring whatever they like, but the school would also supply stuff like a few pencils, erasers, and some crayons. It wasn't glamorous stuff compared to other people's but it sufficed.

ohhhh yes.
They certainly do, and will try, if you let them.
They also demand specific brands of supplies and will send nice little notes home with your child stating you purchased the wrong brand, please return these and get XXXX brand.

Indeed they do.


Well-known member
Nope. They just don't Devon feeling bad about himself because Susan is using Crayola, and his parents bought him Rose Art.

And, when they dump the supplies all together, they want them to all be the same brand.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
That's the dumbest thing I ever heard of. If they wanted everyone to have the same thing, the school should just supply it. Do your kids go to school in uniforms, too?

I'm curious if this is something that happens everywhere or is just something that happens in the south. I seriously have never heard of this happening, but my youngest cousin is 13 now. I'm going to ask some friends who are familiar with schools in the north about it.


Well-known member
I've had friends move to places in MT and CO and a friend of mine from ID tell me the same thing. Definately find out about it.

Yes, it is stupid- but it's all in the name of the common good.

And it's just one more way the government is changing out thinking abilities and refusing to let us think our way and distracting us with what hollywood has to tell us.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
good grief. a man from neighbour hood watch just alerted Mom to watch out for a fat guy in uniform with a Forged ID, and the man claims that he's a gas checker so he can get in your house and steal stuff.

my area has the most alert neighbour hood watch but still there's burgalries happening, gah. someone down the road had their spanking new $30,000 mini nicked (got it back though)
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