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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
No you didn't. You changed your position because your original stance was crumbling.

Crumbling to who? You? lol. Hardly. You make it sound like changing an opinion based on the persuasions of others is a bad thing. No wonder your threads typically dont ever go anywhere beyond, "agree to disagree."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
It's kinda hard for parents, who were given the same McEducation to teach their children, when they themselves are lacking education. The blind can't lead the blind Shimmer. Public school children are not getting a proper education when they are crammed 40-50 students into a classroom with 1 teacher. Who is going to help them learn when their parents dont understand the subjects they are being taught. There is a reason "Are you Smarter Than a 5th Grader" is such a funny show. But it clearly shows the education gap in this country. If the parents aren't educated on the subjects they are being taught, and the teachers dont have time to properly address the questions in their classrooms (it's a known fact the more students in a classroom you have, the more intimidating it is for a child to raise their hand to ask for help), how are they supposed to learn? Pretending it isn't a problem is not the answer. blaming uneducated parents for not helping their students isn't an answer.

Yeah, blaming those parents IS the answer, because those parents are adults who have the free will and capability to DO something about it and instead they choose not to.


It's also a fairly common fact that schools that have the money to take advantage of new technology, have a higher success rate of getting through to students. It's pretty ignorant to say, "screw technology, lets do it the old fashioned way." Your sounding like my Grandpa now, talking about "back in the day." We are not going to stay a superpower by ignoring technology and the ositive impact it can have on the classroom. You teach kids to value education by getting them interested in learning. Using out dated techniques that dont speak the same language as today's generation is not the answer.

Absolutely, however instead of sitting and wailing about what isn't there, take advantage of what IS there and make the most of what you have. That's the way of the world. I never said "take back to back in the day" but I did and will say that while those accoutrements are nice, they're NOT necessary.

Kids need to have parents that value the value of education. But when their parents never got a proper education, and their parents didn't have a proper education, it's up to the public schools to break the cycle. This is one topic I thought it would be a pretty much no brainer when it comes to agreeing. But you still find a way to argue against making positive changes to society.

I'm not arguing against making positive changes in society. I'm arguing against not taking action individually for the individual's shortcomings. It's YOUR responsibility to educate yourself. No one else's.
And I will take the time to correct my spelling and grammar when it matters. Personally I dont find the 1-2 minutes i spend giving you a response worth taking another few minutes to spell/grammar check. When as soon as I finish this, I need to get back to do other pressing things. Unlike yourself, I'm not a stay home mom with hours to spend on-line killing time while the kids play Wii in the living room. I value my education when it matters. It matters when money is involved. As i'm not being paid to present an argument, or being given a grade on making sure my thesis is perfect, i'm not in any hurry to re-read my post for the grammar nazi's.

Like I said, that's your argument. Its just teh internet, it dont matter neway.
And, regarding your commentary on my SAHM status, or what my children do in their spare time, again, your ignorance is showing. You haven't the first idea what goes on within my home, and you haven't the first idea what my parenting philosophies are. Again, you've shouted not only your ignorance but your insensitivity from the rooftops. Congratulations.

But we dont need a military Shimmer. Since you have a gun, you can just form a militia if we ever need protection.

Sure thing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Crumbling to who? You? lol. Hardly. You make it sound like changing an opinion based on the persuasions of others is a bad thing. No wonder your threads typically dont ever go anywhere beyond, "agree to disagree."

You never conceded that anyone had made a valid point. You simply changed your argument.


Well-known member
Well, he was stoned out of his mind AND drunk. So when I told him I just shut the door cause I had to go to the bathroom real quick and I'd be with him in a second, I guess he believed it and waited in my garden. he didnt hear them coming because he was to stoned/drunk to sit upright... so yes, they took him back to that mental home.
it scared the s*** out of me and slept with a light on for a couple of weeks. seeing your best friend with blood shot eyes, talking about what its like in a nuthouse and saying I escaped but they're after me... not fun at all.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
You never conceded that anyone had made a valid point. You simply changed your argument.

The tone of my position changed based on the arguments brought fourth by others. I dont need to pass out gold stars to people.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharyn
Well, he was stoned out of his mind AND drunk. So when I told him I just shut the door cause I had to go to the bathroom real quick and I'd be with him in a second, I guess he believed it and waited in my garden. he didnt hear them coming because he was to stoned/drunk to sit upright... so yes, they took him back to that mental home.
it scared the s*** out of me and slept with a light on for a couple of weeks. seeing your best friend with blood shot eyes, talking about what its like in a nuthouse and saying I escaped but they're after me... not fun at all.

That's seriously out there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Go overseas and see how the average person views our country because of the wannabe imperialism foreign policy we've been engaging in. And realistically, the freedom of average Joe America has never been in question, not in a long time. An invasion of America in the modern world would be near impossible for any of the countries we have invaded in the last 50 years. And the countries that *might* have the capabiity, we are too busy funneling our economy into because we want cheap Walmart prices. While blindly looking the other way as their military budget and technology are increasing at record levels every year.

The fact is, if the members of our military are so morally lacking that they would fire on their own citizens without question because they were, "following orders." Then the citizens of our country have a right to question the institution, and it's policies. There is more to honor than following orders without question.

The reason an invasion is nearly impossilbe is because of our militia and the way they are trained. Its not like just because other countries cant afford, or choose not to train their militia like ours we shouldnt either.
We have worked for what we have in this country it wasnt just given. THis safety from other countries is not given. It was worked for.
And Honestly I could careless the way another country views ours because we are world power for a reason. We have freedoms that without firearms and our militia we wouldnt have.

Everyone wants cheap walmart prices. Its all about demand and supply. People arent buying the stuff thats expensive so they have to find a way to make it cheap. Even companys that have nothing to do w firearms or anything outsource job because its cheaper.

its just the way it is. and if we werent tryint to fuel our economy then we wouldnt be where we are today.
Money is what makes the world go round.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Yeah, blaming those parents IS the answer, because those parents are adults who have the free will and capability to DO something about it and instead they choose not to.

Way to judge every family. Speaking of ignorance. Your just as guilty of using blanket insensitive statements as I am.

Absolutely, however instead of sitting and wailing about what isn't there, take advantage of what IS there and make the most of what you have. That's the way of the world. I never said "take back to back in the day" but I did and will say that while those accoutrements are nice, they're NOT necessary.

Take advantage of what? Out dated books because the school doesn't have the budget to provide new material? Ripped/Torn/Dirty text books because the school can't replace worn materials? What about lack of time for students to get answers to their questions. The larger the classrooms the more students that will have questions. It's not possible for every question to be answered when there are not enough teacher hours availible. How about less qualified individuals not wanting to go into the education field because the incentives are lacking? I make more money than all new teachers at public schools, and my job didn't require a college education. What incentive is there for people to want to grow up being a teacher. I once told my Mom (who's been teaching for almost 40 years) I wanted to be a teacher. She laughed, and told me that given what she knows now about the school systems, she would have never been a teacher.

I'm not arguing against making positive changes in society. I'm arguing against not taking action individually for the individual's shortcomings. It's YOUR responsibility to educate yourself. No one else's.

How about the massive influx of uneducated immigrants that enter our country every year. Who's teaching them to take pride in their education? The parents? Chances are they never got an education when they were growing up. How can you value something you've never had a chance at having? Let alone teach others that value? Take your head out of the sand Shimmer. Times are changeing, and were not doing enough to make sure were keeping up with them.

Like I said, that's your argument. Its just teh internet, it dont matter neway.

As long as I can understand the point of someones post, i'm not about to nit pick. And if I do have a question, i'll ask them to clarify. I'm not about to have the arrogance to assume that everyone posting on this board speaks english as a first language, or had a proper education. So i'm not going to give them a hard time. If you know enough to correct me, you knew what I was saying. In which case the object of the post, to communicate a point, was achieved, regardless of grammar, internet short hand, text speak, or whatever.

And, regarding your commentary on my SAHM status, or what my children do in their spare time, again, your ignorance is showing. You haven't the first idea what goes on within my home, and you haven't the first idea what my parenting philosophies are. Again, you've shouted not only your ignorance but your insensitivity from the rooftops. Congratulations.

The medacine is bitter when you have to take a spoon full of it isn't it Shimmer. For someone just as guilty of making assumptions, showing ignorance, and insensitivity towards everyone who doesn't agree with your points, you sure do complain a lot when your given your own medacine.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
The reason an invasion is nearly impossilbe is because of our militia and the way they are trained. Its not like just because other countries cant afford, or choose not to train their militia like ours we shouldnt either.
We have worked for what we have in this country it wasnt just given. THis safety from other countries is not given. It was worked for.

Actually, the reason were emerged a superpower is because we have an Ocean between us. Pearl Harbor anyone? Just a simple example of how unprepared the United States really was for war. Had the United States been part of mainland Europe, or had our carriers been docked in pearl harbor, things would have been a lot different than the are today.

And Honestly I could careless the way another country views ours because we are world power for a reason. We have freedoms that without firearms and our militia we wouldnt have.

Were a world power by sheer luck. And not caring about how the rest of the world views us, is a sure fire way to no longer be one.

Everyone wants cheap walmart prices. Its all about demand and supply. People arent buying the stuff thats expensive so they have to find a way to make it cheap. Even companys that have nothing to do w firearms or anything outsource job because its cheaper.

its just the way it is. and if we werent tryint to fuel our economy then we wouldnt be where we are today.
Money is what makes the world go round.

Not everyone cares about Walmart prices. Plenty of people avoid cheap, for the very reason that it's CHEAP. Low quality comes with low prices. The popularity of Walmart is an indication of the financial status of the majority of families in the United States.

And outsourcing weakens our economy, it doesn't make it stronger.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Way to judge every family. Speaking of ignorance. Your just as guilty of using blanket insensitive statements as I am.

I'm not judging every family.
Take advantage of what? Out dated books because the school doesn't have the budget to provide new material? Ripped/Torn/Dirty text books because the school can't replace worn materials?

Perhaps the children should take better care of their materials. Just a thought.
What about lack of time for students to get answers to their questions. The larger the classrooms the more students that will have questions. It's not possible for every question to be answered when there are not enough teacher hours availible. How about less qualified individuals not wanting to go into the education field because the incentives are lacking? I make more money than all new teachers at public schools, and my job didn't require a college education. What incentive is there for people to want to grow up being a teacher. I once told my Mom (who's been teaching for almost 40 years) I wanted to be a teacher. She laughed, and told me that given what she knows now about the school systems, she would have never been a teacher.

I'm all for paying people what they're worth, but when you think about it, for example, in my area, teachers have NO ROOM to bitch an moan. They get holidays, four day weekends monthly usually, they get a week off during the fall (they work an admin day the Friday prior to fall break, then take off the full week with the students), two weeks at Christmas, a week during the spring, a fourday in January (MLKday), a threeday in Feb (President's Day), spring break is in March, April they get bad weather weekend (generally TX doesn't use their bad weatherdays up so we get free days off), and, in May, the last week of the month, they're off 2.5 hours early. They work 1.5 weeks in June, then take the rest of June, all of July off, then go back to work midway through the first week in August.
They get excellent benefits, health, dental, vision, 401K, retirement, tenure. And, they start out at 35K a year.
That's NOT a bad deal. Not at all.
How about the massive influx of uneducated immigrants that enter our country every year. Who's teaching them to take pride in their education? The parents? Chances are they never got an education when they were growing up. How can you value something you've never had a chance at having? Let alone teach others that value? Take your head out of the sand Shimmer. Times are changeing, and were not doing enough to make sure were keeping up with them.

Deport the immigrants who arrived illegally and handle up on those who came legally.
FYI, most LEGAL immigrants to this country, the ones I've met, actually DID value their education, and were grateful to receive it. You'd do well to learn from them.
As long as I can understand the point of someones post, i'm not about to nit pick. And if I do have a question, i'll ask them to clarify. I'm not about to have the arrogance to assume that everyone posting on this board speaks english as a first language, or had a proper education. So i'm not going to give them a hard time. If you know enough to correct me, you knew what I was saying. In which case the object of the post, to communicate a point, was achieved, regardless of grammar, internet short hand, text speak, or whatever.

And, in communicating in the manner you intentionally choose to communicate, despite your protestations of education otherwise, you lose credibility.
The medacine is bitter when you have to take a spoon full of it isn't it Shimmer. For someone just as guilty of making assumptions, showing ignorance, and insensitivity towards everyone who doesn't agree with your points, you sure do complain a lot when your given your own medacine.

You didn't hand me any medIcine, my dear.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Were a world power by sheer luck. And not caring about how the rest of the world views us, is a sure fire way to no longer be one.

No matter what you say hereafter, the sheer idiocy of this statement negates any point you may make on this subject in the future.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
No matter what you say hereafter, the sheer idiocy of this statement negates any point you may make on this subject in the future.

Do you even know why we emerged a Superpower after WW2? Please, since you seem to know all the reasons, enlighten us.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Do you even know why we emerged a Superpower after WW2? Please, since you seem to know all the reasons, enlighten us.

Apparently we spun the roulette wheel and hit the jackpot.


Well-known member
Other than the fact we saved Europes @$$ in WW2 and then we dropped the bomb. And then the countries we rescued from Nazism started paying up what they owed us.

Not sheer luck. If anything we owe our becoming a super power (which really we became one after WW1) to Winston Churchill who initially was not going to ask us to Help England but he was a huge history buff. At that time he was really studying up on the Civil War and he said something along the lines of - When I first contemplated asking the Americans if they would come and fight, I was unsure since they were a relatively young country if they could stand up to the challenge and indeed be able to fight, but after reading about the civil war there is no doubt in my mind that Americans, indeed know how to fight.

Purely by accident? no. I think we were a super power in hiding (again looking at the history) and when it was revealed we began to shine.

Going back to the government school education- I'm only going to say this- I think that the government should stay entirely away from the school systems and allow the local government to regulate the schools. The federal government has made an embarressment out of our children and they are learning very little. We are lucky if they know how to add once they get out of school.

But then again, if I ran the country, the federal government would be out of many many things. Schools included.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I'm not judging every family.

Riiight. You sure didn't make any exceptions in your blanket statements.

Perhaps the children should take better care of their materials. Just a thought.

Yes, and tires dont wear out by driving on them eigther right? And regardless of the condition of text books, editions have to be replaced with newer ones. Teaching from outdated materials is a great way to educate people.

I'm all for paying people what they're worth, but when you think about it, for example, in my area, teachers have NO ROOM to bitch an moan. They get holidays, four day weekends monthly usually, they get a week off during the fall (they work an admin day the Friday prior to fall break, then take off the full week with the students), two weeks at Christmas, a week during the spring, a fourday in January (MLKday), a threeday in Feb (President's Day), spring break is in March, April they get bad weather weekend (generally TX doesn't use their bad weatherdays up so we get free days off), and, in May, the last week of the month, they're off 2.5 hours early. They work 1.5 weeks in June, then take the rest of June, all of July off, then go back to work midway through the first week in August.
They get excellent benefits, health, dental, vision, 401K, retirement, tenure. And, they start out at 35K a year.
That's NOT a bad deal. Not at all.

35k is a terrible wage. Especially considering the money spent into college just to apply for the position. And while 35k may seem like a lot of money in Texas, it's barely enough to live on in California. Especially if your paying back college loans and other debts you've probably acrued while going to school. And teachers dont get paid during holidays. I will admit the benefits are amazing, but thats the same type of plans availible to most government employees.

Deport the immigrants who arrived illegally and handle up on those who came legally.
FYI, most LEGAL immigrants to this country, the ones I've met, actually DID value their education, and were grateful to receive it. You'd do well to learn from them.

Sounds good on paper, but thats not a realistic answer to the Immigration problem in this country. And i really dont need a lesson from anyone on education or it's value. I have a job that pays a great wage, and gives benefits. I have a solid work ethic, and when I need to, I can come off polished and well spoken in both verbal and written communication. I graduated with a 3.8 sweetie. With near perfect attendance. I'm sure you were a strait A student right?

And, in communicating in the manner you intentionally choose to communicate, despite your protestations of education otherwise, you lose credibility.

<shrug> I'm not writing a research paper here darling. Or giving a presentation to a client.

You didn't hand me any medIcine, my dear.

Your right, it was given to you, not handed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Riiight. You sure didn't make any exceptions in your blanket statements.

I don't hand out exceptions. If it doesn't apply, move along.
Yes, and tires dont wear out by driving on them eigther right? And regardless of the condition of text books, editions have to be replaced with newer ones. Teaching from outdated materials is a great way to educate people.

I didn't say it was.
35k is a terrible wage. Especially considering the money spent into college just to apply for the position. And while 35k may seem like a lot of money in Texas, it's barely enough to live on in California. Especially if your paying back college loans and other debts you've probably acrued while going to school. And teachers dont get paid during holidays. I will admit the benefits are amazing, but thats the same type of plans availible to most government employees.

NO one just entering the workforce should complain about 35k a year, and if California is too expensive, you need to move elsewhere. Teachers are paid according to COLA.
Yes, teachers do get paid during holidays. Every month a teacher's check is the same. They take the salary, divide by 12, and then pay the teacher that amount monthly, as stated in their contract. This may only be in TX though.
I've never known a teacher who was struggling to live. They weren't living like kings, but every teacher I know from the time I was in school to the ones I'm friends wiht now lives extremely comfortably.
Sounds good on paper, but thats not a realistic answer to the Immigration problem in this country. And i really dont need a lesson from anyone on education or it's value. I have a job that pays a great wage, and gives benefits. I have a solid work ethic, and when I need to, I can come off polished and well spoken in both verbal and written communication. I graduated with a 3.8 sweetie. With near perfect attendance. I'm sure you were a strait A student right?

No, I was never a "strait" A student. STRAIGHT A's? Eh. If I wanted to.
I didn't have to try. Learning comes very easily to me.

<shrug> I'm not writing a research paper here darling. Or giving a presentation to a client.

Then don't be surprised when your credibility goes down the drain with each "submit" click. You can put a mule in horse harness and polish him up, but he's still a mule.
Your right, it was given to you, not handed.

HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Keep telling yourself that honey. You might eventually convince at least yourself, if no one else.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
Other than the fact we saved Europes @$$ in WW2 and then we dropped the bomb. And then the countries we rescued from Nazism started paying up what they owed us.

Not sheer luck. If anything we owe our becoming a super power (which really we became one after WW1) to Winston Churchill who initially was not going to ask us to Help England but he was a huge history buff. At that time he was really studying up on the Civil War and he said something along the lines of - When I first contemplated asking the Americans if they would come and fight, I was unsure since they were a relatively young country if they could stand up to the challenge and indeed be able to fight, but after reading about the civil war there is no doubt in my mind that Americans, indeed know how to fight.

Purely by accident? no. I think we were a super power in hiding (again looking at the history) and when it was revealed we began to shine.

I agree it started after WW1, but we didn't achieve complete global dominance until after WW2, and even more so after the cold war and the collapse of the russian economy.

The simple fact that the war wasn't being waged on our land made a huge difference in our global economic position after the war. Our houses were not being bombed, factories were not being destroyed, people livelyhoods were not going up in flames. This fact alone allowed our economy to survive the war in perfect condition, in comparison with other former global superpowers that were left mainly in ruins.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae

Not everyone cares about Walmart prices. Plenty of people avoid cheap, for the very reason that it's CHEAP. Low quality comes with low prices. The popularity of Walmart is an indication of the financial status of the majority of families in the United States.

And outsourcing weakens our economy, it doesn't make it stronger.

I dont think we are world power on sheer luck. We dont have one of the best armies on sheer luck, or strong economy on sheer luck.
Its our people that have made it what it is with the hard work, and yes even takin from other countries, but not sheer luck.

I didnt say that Outsourcing was good for the economy.
I said that "its all about money" and companies outsource to save money.

also there are ppl who can hardly afford to pay food n rent nevertheless expensive everyday items.
alot of people do buy cheap items, because they cant afford any better and not all cheap price items are in terrible condition.

I think ppl would rather pay their rent n food then to buying
expensive everyday stuff.


Well-known member
That, and we had a huge support system at home as well for the boys fighting. Seriously- the support for the troops and the administration at the time was immense. You didn't have the politicians undermining the war you didn't have the media undermining the war either. With that you had the strong support and with the support came the people who did everything they could possibly do to help out the troops and " the cause" of the war.

When America banded together thats how we became a super power. The people really brought forth and produced what America is capable of.

But now we don't have that will. But it is because everyone is undermining everything and I will agree one day we will no longer be a super power if nothing more because the parties in washington can't get their act together, they are always trying to undermine something in order to get votes and not what is best for the country, the government has too much power and has no idea what to do with it and because americans see this of course we're not going to do what we can to help the country so yeah it will collapse unless somebody has the guts to stop it.
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