Whew! This thread was a toughie to read. Man. I think its kind of crazy how this all spiraled out of control. Me220 was genuinely interested in discussing an issue that affects us all as women. Its disappointing to see where this ended up. On many issues discussed on Specktra, we agree to disagree and go merrily along our way but whenever race pops up in the convo everyone starts slinging mud. Or rocks. And it hurts. It’s very obvious that some are uncomfortable talking about these sort of topics.
Reading this post some questions came to mind: Are we beating a dead horse? Does it not matter? Does it not involve everyone? Is it even worth discussing? So we can’t talk about race, racial issues, or racism on Specktra.net? Slightly miffed… |
You know I was thinking about that- but at the same time I think that it can get very uncomfortable for some. I mean when we start talking about race inevitably someone is going to get offended and start yelling racist.
There is no way IMHO that you can have a group of ladies start talking about a few racial things without someone getting offended. It's not possible. If a white lady says something about how she feels that a black lady does something wrong then all of the sudden its racist. If a black ladies says something that a white woman does wrong then all of the sudden its reverse racism.
I mean at one point we are all going to have to realize that we can talk about race without it turning into a racism/racial thing.
I mean I would LOVE LOVE to talk about the difference between MLK and Malcom X on here but to do it peacefully can't happen on here.
No matter what it just turns into a huge racial thing because of all the Political Correctness B.S. and all the " oh we want to make sure everyone is included" and no no we cannot ignore some of the racial issues but the moment they raise their head it gets shouted down.
I mean i sincerely perceieved ME220's question as an honest question not to start any off this. But because it had that ugly word- Racial----automatically it turned from the question into a huge thing about racism and then it turned into something that nobody knows what the hell is going on.