Porcelain Beauties: New threads just for us!


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Originally Posted by anjelik_dreamin
Hello, my name's Jessica and I'm another pale Aussie. Don't know what I am in MAC, but most foundations look fake and orange on me. I looooove being pale, recently I got really badly burnt and I was shattered, I look horrible with a tan. It's gone now though, so it's all good

I'm looking into a natural MSF, as well as MSF in light flush.

Ha I recently got burnt too, arg it's so annoying and for me it never even.
I was actually sunburnt over sunburn so I'm all layered up. I go from being pale as anything where clothing covers to a slight tan then actual tan


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Paramnesia
Ha I recently got burnt too, arg it's so annoying and for me it never even.
I was actually sunburnt over sunburn so I'm all layered up. I go from being pale as anything where clothing covers to a slight tan then actual tan

The worst part was I was peeling like crazy. My skin looked like it was made of crepe paper


Well-known member
Originally Posted by anjelik_dreamin
The worst part was I was peeling like crazy. My skin looked like it was made of crepe paper

Arr yes the joys of being pale and living in Australia.


Well-known member
Another pale aussie here!

I thought I'd introduced myself long ago, but I guess I didn't lol. I'm Asian, but surprisingly, NW15 and Light in MSF Natural (or paler to the point of being mistaken to be eurasian, which I'm not.)

I love being pale with dark hair! I think it contrasts nicely, and it's true... we really can wear whatever bright colours we choose- though I tend to stay away from black liner since brown looks soo much more natural and not as harsh!

I never really cared much for tanning either... though I have mainly been brought up under an asian influence of thinking pale skin = beautiful! My friends also joke that I glow and that my legs are blinding at the beach... but whatever! I love it


Well-known member

I'm Andrea! I am BE in Fair with dyed red hair (naturaly ash brown) with hazel (honey brown/yellow/olive green/blue grey) eyes that change with the colors I wear and my mood. I have combo skin that drives me nutz. I have an oily t-zone with hormonal break outs and dry skin everywhere else.


my eye color



I don't tan very well I burn instead...and usualy it's the blistering type. So I avoid the sun as much as I can in the summer to avoid the pain. Even just being in the sun for a little while makes my skin hurt. The most color I get is my driving arm....lol...and even then it doesn't look like much of a tan unless I take my watch off to show it's actualy has color.

I used to have people call me "casper" in college and an ex that said that he could find me in the dark cause "You glow in the dark". But I love me skin I think it looks pretty.


Active member
Haha! Count me in also! I'm so pathetically white, my legs look like white sticks next to most people. Also, why is it the really pale people like us just can't tan?? I always go straight to red. Ouch!

Sucks because self tanners just make me look orange. So do a LOT of foundations out there. I've also never tried MAC foundations, but I use Bare Escentuals, and I'm a perfect "Fairly Light". Super light with pink undertones. Not ORANGE thank you!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MariahGem
Haha! Count me in also! I'm so pathetically white, my legs look like white sticks next to most people. Also, why is it the really pale people like us just can't tan?? I always go straight to red. Ouch!

I'm very pale but I'm also warm toned, and the second I step in the sun I start to tan. I've only ever burnt once in my life and that was because I decided to sit in 38oC degrees in the sun for 5 hours with no sunscreen. I have the best of both worlds


Well-known member
I'm Carrie and I know that my Irish genes are all to blame for my lack of pigmentation. My mom is HALF Blackfoot Indian and I got nothing from that side of the family. Thanks dad. He's all Irish too.

In high school, I would get sent to the school nurse if I showed up without makeup. Death warmed over is the term I believed they used. I guess they didn't want to catch my paleness.

First day I come out in shorts, people actually tell me I have the whitest legs they've ever seen. I'm not so much porcelain on my face because I have freckles and my skin throws a lot of red. I'm NW20 most of the time. I'm not complaining at all because I don't have the lightest complexion on the block, but it's often hard to foundation that is right. I've tried a few lines like Prescriptives and they couldn't match me. (How is that possible?) I've had success with Clinique Moisture makeup in Linen, but Sephora is always out! I pretty much stay with Mac.

Can I still be in this group if I Mystic??? lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by delic1999



Wow you look gorgeous, don't mind what other people say, your skin is fabulous! It makes you look like a porcelain doll, very belle epoque.

Growing Wings

Well-known member
Heya! I'm another pale one. I don't know what I am in MAC, but I'm currently using L'Oreal True Match foundation in Nude Ivory. It's the only foundation I've used that doesn't make me orange. When I was younger I used to try to even things out with a white powder (not that it was noticeable, as I'm that pale!)
I know better than that now! Now that I've found makeup that suits me, I love being pale!


Well-known member
I'm Lauren, 18, and extremely extremely pale. I have grey eyes, and at the moment I have dark chocolate brown hair. Though my hair has been every colour except for yellow and pink.

I have one of those god awful stereotypical 'English Rose' complexions. Pale pale, with these bright rosy cheeks. Which at least give the illusion that I'm not dead. And because I have such ridiculous pink/blue undertones. Almost everything is way too yellow.

I'm also allergic to the sun, so I'm rarely out in it, or have super strength sunblock on when I am.

I at times cross the realm of Porcelain and go straight into the land of the walking dead.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by seabird
I'm very pale but I'm also warm toned, and the second I step in the sun I start to tan. I've only ever burnt once in my life and that was because I decided to sit in 38oC degrees in the sun for 5 hours with no sunscreen. I have the best of both worlds

Me too, I take the palest foundation colour I can find in the winter/spring, and then go up by about two or three shades in the summer, I tan really easily. Although my nose tends to burn a little.
I don't ever really set out to get a tan, I wear a sunscreen (spf 15 on my body, 20 on my face) but I still manage to tan, even in the pathetic west of Ireland sunshine.
And I get looads of freckles in the summer. I used not to like them, but ever since I started posting on makeup forums around a year ago I've had loads of compliments on them, and now I love my freckles!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by delic1999

I'm Andrea! I am BE in Fair with dyed red hair (naturaly ash brown) with hazel (honey brown/yellow/olive green/blue grey) eyes that change with the colors I wear and my mood. I have combo skin that drives me nutz. I have an oily t-zone with hormonal break outs and dry skin everywhere else.


my eye color



You are so gorgeous - a southern belle!

I have your exact skin & my eyes are exactly the same color as yours - I can't believe it. I use BE too. But, I'm hoping that the new MAC loose Minerals is going to be my new favorite.


Well-known member
The new MAC Beauty Powder blushes are so gorgeous on very pale skin (they look great on WOC too) but when you're so pale like all of us, some blushes can make you look like a clown - these used with a 187 brush are beautiful flush colors.


Well-known member
Hi, can I play, too? My name is Mitzy and I am of Irish and natiive American descent. I have never tried MAC foundation, but I love their highly pigmented eye shadows! I am very, very pale, but tan a little. I am suprised and pleased at home many people there are from Australia on here! I am originallly from Oregon, but live in Perth, Australia right now. I use the lightest shade of Chanel foundation in the summer and sometimes use a mineral make up foundation, but now that I am a bit older (50 in April) my skin is a little drier, so that doesn't always work for me. I don't use much foundation anyway, because my skin is pretty good. I have some freckles and a little redness on my cheeks and around my nose, sometimes, so I need the foundation in those areas once in awhile. I naturally have very dark, almost black hair, with ashen highlights at the front and on top. I have very little gray. My eyes are dark hazel green, so I can do pretty dramatic make ups. My eyelashes and eyebrows are black, and I have my eyelashes died blacker, so I don't HAVE to do mascara unless I need it for thickening. I wear glasses to work so I often don't wear mascara, it sort of irritates my eyes, sometimes, but when I do, I use Dior Show in black.
I am thrilled to see this thread and hope it goes on forever! I really want to try that Clinique White in Bloom now! I go soooo pale in the winter, that would be pretty. I can't do much sparkle, because I don't want to accentuate what wrinkles I do have.
I can rock the red lipstick, though, let me tell you!! Sometimes I think that comes with age, maybe?


Well-known member
Dang!! Now, after some short research, it doesn't look like White in Bloom products are available in Australia? Anyone know where I could lay my hands on some?!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by -moonflower-
Me too, I take the palest foundation colour I can find in the winter/spring, and then go up by about two or three shades in the summer, I tan really easily. Although my nose tends to burn a little.
I don't ever really set out to get a tan, I wear a sunscreen (spf 15 on my body, 20 on my face) but I still manage to tan, even in the pathetic west of Ireland sunshine.
And I get looads of freckles in the summer. I used not to like them, but ever since I started posting on makeup forums around a year ago I've had loads of compliments on them, and now I love my freckles!

I do the same thing, very pale in the winter but through summer, even with sunscreen I tend to tan. Unfortunately my tan mostly shows up on my left arm, which is in the sun while I'm driving.
Looks pretty goofy to have tan on one arm and one side of my neck. My big beef with my pale skin is that I have pale freckles that only show up in the winter when the rest of my skin gets super white. So, I just look blotchy. In the summer my whole face becomes the color of my freckles and it all evens out. I've thought about using self-tanner through the winter to keep the even skin tone but it tends to make me break out.


<waves> "Hi, I'm aradiapdx (or Beth), and I am pale."

Another pale girl here. At least I live in the cloudy and rainy north, where most people get less sun than normal. Of course, many still work for the perfect tan. I have never been very into being tan. I am naturally pale and have come to love it. While finding foundations can be a challlenge at times, it seems a small price for healthier skin. Besides, I think creamy white skin is lovely.

As I mentioned, I am quite fair (MUFE #15), I have hazel eyes (sometimes green, sometimes brown), and auburn/brown hair that I dye to add more vibrant red to it. I am 28 and live in Portland, OR. How I wish we had an Armani counter here because they have foundation that looks like it may actually be too pale for me "gasp". I do love MUFE Mat Velvet+ in #15. It is lighter than MAC NC15, and is a great shade for me most of the year (just a tiny touch too light for me in summer, when I will blend in a tiny bit of a darker shade). I just started really poking around Specktra, and must say so far it is just fabulous.

Oh, and for reference, here I am:


I love these "Porcelain" threads. What a wonderful idea. Yay for pale beauties!