Price Increase?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by II3rinII
everything went up either $0.50 or $1.00. you have to understand, the economy being bad causes these, imagine the cost of shipping products with gas where it is now, that paired with frivolous returns and theft lead to these increases. it sucks, but thats just how it is. we got the memo last month and we were so surprised to see that everything was increased.

Yep. Gas prices effect much more than what goes into your own gas tank. It takes fossil fuels to not only ship, but the energy to produce, everything. I'm sure you're all feeling it at the grocery store now, for example.


Well-known member
This is a good excuse to stock up or get permanent items. If I have the money I'll get some shadows and a few other permanent items before the increase. (I'll never run out of the shadows)

I understand what you guys are saying. But it really does suck. I'mnot one to complain about stuff..but like I said. When will it end?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
This is a good excuse to stock up or get permanent items. If I have the money I'll get some shadows and a few other permanent items before the increase. (I'll never run out of the shadows)

I understand what you guys are saying. But it really does suck. I'mnot one to complain about stuff..but like I said. When will it end?

I totally agree!
This does suck!


Well-known member
Atleast there's eBay still, I've never had probs with it and u can catch good deals if ur patient. I prefer ordering directly from MAC though

It does suck though if it happens. The shadows are the only product I would stick with thru high prices though. Everything else I can deal with from the drugstore.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Yeah but when does it end? they surely can't keep increasing it ever year. Imagine what we'd be paying 5 or 10 years from now. When does it stop?

That's what I thought. $.50 adds up over time.


Well-known member
Yea I definitely feel the price increase at the grocery store. $.69 for an ear of corn while it is in season...when I was growing up i remember seeing it 10 for $1.00! Makes you think twice..

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
Is it going to be on all the products or just certain ones?? They didn't raise the prices on ALL the products last time, I don't think.

I wish they would release a list of what was going up.


Well-known member
They just increased prices last year. With shipping costs soaring and everything, I won't put it past them not to. It will make more sense business wise with high costs to even make and send out their products.


Well-known member
it's ALL about supply and demand... the economy is down, true... but as there is such a demand for MAC and other good cos. that they can charge whatever they want. customers demand high quality product, they supply it. it's very simple.


Well-known member
Well... I'm a big girl ... I CAN TAKE IT!!! *trying to act tough* ... (hope it's not more than 50 cents >.<") *crossing fingers*

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
Does anyone know if the prices, for the LE collections, are going to change?? Some of the prices have already been released. GAH!! I guess I'll just have to deal with it.


Well-known member
Hah! If they do I might have to boycott MAC for a while.. as if it wasn't expensive enough! That just means more money for LUSH! ;D


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
When will it end?

Never. Gasoline where I live goes up between 3-7 cents a week, if not more. Currently it is at 4.57, and yesterday it was 4.53.

*Supposedly* you should be getting pay increases as well (yearly, like cost of living raises) so *technically* it should sorta balance itself it out.

Not saying that it really does....



Well-known member
Like I said before, I work for another EL brand and ours are going up, but the main reason why (but not the only reason of course) is because our shippers have increased their prices to ship our products to all our locations, we used to get a discount on shipping but the freight companies won't do it anymore and have increased our cost twice already this year so we had to cover the cost somewhere. So I'm sure MAC is having the same issues, it's company wide.


Well-known member
Shit. That means Nordstrom stuff is going to be more expensive when Colour Forms comes out.

I hate price increases. I think we're going to have less business since the economy isn't doing so good anyway. This will throw off alot of normal customers.

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