Prolife Or Prochoice


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist
It's not that I don't agree with you, but I'm merely stating that if someone doesn't want to have a child because he/she can't afford it, that's a valid position.

It isn't a virtue to be raised in poverty any more than it's a virtue to be raised with money. People often say that if you can't afford something, you should think again about trying to have it anyway. This applies to human beings too.

Uhmmmmmmmm.. I disagree.. for these reasons:

Abortion advocates often argue that it is acceptable for a woman to abort her pregnancy if she cannot afford to raise a child. While they are careful to use noble and compassionate language, they are essentially arguing that if a baby is going to be too expensive, the mother has a right to kill it. Such rationale falls apart on many levels, but we'll start with the most fundamental. Like so many abortion arguments, this one assumes something about the unborn embryo or fetus that it hasn't proved. It assumes, in fact, the very thing that it must prove before the argument can hold any water.

Isn't it true, that there are born-children in America today who are growing up in poverty? Yes it is true, but has anyone ever heard someone argue that the mothers of these born-children should have the right to kill them, since they can't afford to raise them? No one makes such an absurd and heartless argument because we all know that no amount of financial hardship is sufficient rationale for killing another human being, particularly an innocent child. The only reason anyone uses this argument to try and justify abortion is because they are assuming that unborn children are not human persons. But until abortion advocates can demonstrate that children are not human beings before they're born, all such appeals to financial hardship have no foundation. Poverty is not the issue. The real issue is the humanity of the unborn child.

Another reason this "poverty" argument falls apart is because most abortion advocates support abortion on demand. They want women to have the right to abort their children for any reason or no reason at all. Therefore appealing to the hard cases of financial instability is just a smoke-screen designed to mask what is an incredibly broad agenda.

Finally, and most practically, it is simply not true to suggest that there are any women in America who cannot afford to carry their pregnancy to term. There are MORE resources now than ever before to help a woman financially with her pregnancy- even if she IS married.

I personally, am a part of "moms and children" in illinois. All of my OB visits were paid for by the state (a special fund set aside by our govenor that is a VOLUNTERY tax payment.. true money does go to this from taxes but it is VOLUNTARY...)... the birth of my son and all my doctors visits are even paid for. Until my son is put on his piece of shit father's medical insurance, all of his visits are paid for- and he sees the TOP pediatritian in central IL... I had a great, all-expense paid pregnancy and delivery and continue to receieve great aid. I do also work as well though... I work 40+ hours a week and bring in my own money. I pay for all of my son's clothes, diapers, food, etc. I work hard.. I work my ass off.. but I do work.. and I do do EVERYTHING I can that any other woman who was on a typical insurance would do as well.

So to say that a woman can not afford a pregnancy in most states is just absurd.. a woman would in fact, be more inept to go through such a program as I went through because I literally paid one $2 co-pay and that was it. Not only was my pregnancy affordable, but I got some of the best treatment and highly enjoyed my pregnancy. I knew healthcare was NOT something to stress about despite the stress I had from everything else going on in my life.

(still abort73)


Well-known member
Lets keep the personal attacks to a non existent level, please.

It's a subject worthy of passion and debate, but not at the expense of rationality.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
I'm pretty sure Ive done a pretty decent job backing MYSELF up.. so until you can produce some scientific data that says that life doesnt begin at conception... or (ha) that a FETUS IS NOT A HUMAN... than you really have no argument.

It's like I'm looking in the mirror, at someone who is my total opposite.

I too enjoy pulling out my books and bashing people with science.

But I'm a scientist, and I know there's a line where scientists begin interpretation out of observation.

For every scientist you can find that will offer an opinion based on medical fact that will support your pro-life view, I can find a scientist that will offer an opinion based on medical fact that will support my pro-choice view.

You may say you're not judging, but it's clear to me that there is no distinction between your opinion and the way you use it to belittle and bully others.

I'm six months pregnant right now, exhausted from my flight back from Dublin, so I'm not going to continue any more today unless I have to. My baby is kicking me, and it's cracking me up that the more I feel this child move, the more I understand that women who decide to have abortions need compassion, sympathy, openness and understanding. It is an enormous decision to make because whatever happens, one has to live with the choice. You're clearly happy with your choice. I don't know why it fires you so up much that others are clearly happy with their choices, but all I can think is that maybe you couldn't live with the choice to abort, and you're so in love with your child you can't understand how anyone could possibly choose to abort. That's called tunnel-vision.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
Uhmmmmmmmm.. I disagree.. for these reasons:

Abortion advocates often argue that it is acceptable for a woman to abort her pregnancy if she cannot afford to raise a child. While they are careful to use noble and compassionate language, they are essentially arguing that if a baby is going to be too expensive, the mother has a right to kill it. Such rationale falls apart on many levels, but we'll start with the most fundamental. Like so many abortion arguments, this one assumes something about the unborn embryo or fetus that it hasn't proved. It assumes, in fact, the very thing that it must prove before the argument can hold any water.

Isn't it true, that there are born-children in America today who are growing up in poverty? Yes it is true, but has anyone ever heard someone argue that the mothers of these born-children should have the right to kill them, since they can't afford to raise them? No one makes such an absurd and heartless argument because we all know that no amount of financial hardship is sufficient rationale for killing another human being, particularly an innocent child. The only reason anyone uses this argument to try and justify abortion is because they are assuming that unborn children are not human persons. But until abortion advocates can demonstrate that children are not human beings before they're born, all such appeals to financial hardship have no foundation. Poverty is not the issue. The real issue is the humanity of the unborn child.

Another reason this "poverty" argument falls apart is because most abortion advocates support abortion on demand. They want women to have the right to abort their children for any reason or no reason at all. Therefore appealing to the hard cases of financial instability is just a smoke-screen designed to mask what is an incredibly broad agenda.

Finally, and most practically, it is simply not true to suggest that there are any women in America who cannot afford to carry their pregnancy to term

(still abort73)

I've been very clear about my opinions, but I don't agree that I'm an abortion advocate with an agenda.

Assuming this entire response isn't about me as a person, I'll just point out that I agree that the heart of this debate is about whether a fetus is a human being with the same rights as any other human being capable of living separate from a woman's body.

You claim that abortionists haven't proven that a fetus isn't a human being with full rights. But neither have you shown to me, or anyone else for that matter, that the fetus is a human being with full rights, and therefore abortion is murder.

Say it til you're blue in the face, but it isn't going to budge me. Abortion is not murder. There's my counter-argument. *shrug* Who cares? You aren't listening, you aren't compassionate, so why should I bother opening my textbooks to argue this out?

A fetus - my fetus - needs me to survive. It needs my body to live. It will continue to need my body to live until a certain point of development. This point of development is getting pushed back all the time due to advances in science, but currently the law in the UK stands at 24 weeks. My fetus is 25w+5d now on a 40 week timescale. Technically this means the fetus is approximately 23 weeks + 5 days old, and has a small but significant chance of survival if it was born today.

Guess I have 2 days to decide if I really want this kiddo.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
I personally, am a part of "moms and children" in illinois. All of my OB visits were paid for by the state (a special fund set aside by our govenor that is a VOLUNTERY tax payment.. true money does go to this from taxes but it is VOLUNTARY...)... the birth of my son and all my doctors visits are even paid for. Until my son is put on his piece of shit father's medical insurance, all of his visits are paid for- and he sees the TOP pediatritian in central IL... I had a great, all-expense paid pregnancy and delivery and continue to receieve great aid. I do also work as well though... I work 40+ hours a week and bring in my own money. I pay for all of my son's clothes, diapers, food, etc. I work hard.. I work my ass off.. but I do work.. and I do do EVERYTHING I can that any other woman who was on a typical insurance would do as well.

So to say that a woman can not afford a pregnancy in most states is just absurd.. a woman would in fact, be more inept to go through such a program as I went through because I literally paid one $2 co-pay and that was it. Not only was my pregnancy affordable, but I got some of the best treatment and highly enjoyed my pregnancy. I knew healthcare was NOT something to stress about despite the stress I had from everything else going on in my life.(still abort73)

Congrats on living in the richest country in the world.

Congrats on not falling into the social cracks that would've prevented you from being eligible from those programmes.

Not everyone is as lucky. Don't assume that just because you can make it work, everyone can make it work. You live at home with your parents, and that helps enormously too, I imagine.

Many who get pregnant out of wedlock get thrown out of their homes. They don't qualify or their state doesn't provide for the kind of program you had the sheer luck for which to qualify (I'm assuming here - if there's no pre-requisite qualification screening, do enlighten me).

Don't get me wrong - more programs like this are what we need to combat the financial responsibility of raising a child (or children).

But equally, there is a counter-argument to be made. Why the hell should an Illinois tax-payer pay for you and your son? What about the women in Illinois that decided not to have children because they knew they would have to take government benefits, and they weren't willing to do that? Are they somehow wrong and you're right? Or are you just looking from your point of view again? Why is it wrong for a woman to say, "I don't want to have a child if I can't pay for it all by myself" and it's okay for you to say, "I got benefits, I have my parents, I made it work, so can you"?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist
It's like I'm looking in the mirror, at someone who is my total opposite.

I too enjoy pulling out my books and bashing people with science.

But I'm a scientist, and I know there's a line where scientists begin interpretation out of observation.

For every scientist you can find that will offer an opinion based on medical fact that will support your pro-life view, I can find a scientist that will offer an opinion based on medical fact that will support my pro-choice view.

You may say you're not judging, but it's clear to me that there is no distinction between your opinion and the way you use it to belittle and bully others.

I'm six months pregnant right now, exhausted from my flight back from Dublin, so I'm not going to continue any more today unless I have to. My baby is kicking me, and it's cracking me up that the more I feel this child move, the more I understand that women who decide to have abortions need compassion, sympathy, openness and understanding. It is an enormous decision to make because whatever happens, one has to live with the choice. You're clearly happy with your choice. I don't know why it fires you so up much that others are clearly happy with their choices, but all I can think is that maybe you couldn't live with the choice to abort, and you're so in love with your child you can't understand how anyone could possibly choose to abort. That's called tunnel-vision.

The reason it fires me up so much is that my son's life would not even exist if his father had it his way.... I understand that people who have abortions usually have gone thruogh some very hard tiems in their lives.. but there are people out there that have gone through very hard times as well who have chosen NOT to have an abortion.. and because I am pro-life that automatically makes my struggle nil because I'm happy with my decision.

I lost the love of my life when I chose not to end the life of my child. I date this man for 5 years.. was engaged... the whole thing... the words he said to me, the things he accused me of, the harassment, the HELL him and his family put me through for 9 months was the most hurtfull and stressfull thing I have ever been through.

I get so fired up because I fought so hard for my son's life and it hurts my heart to see other children who dont have someone to fight for them... I was my son's ONLY advocate.. I was the only person he had to stick up for him.. and now he lays here sleeping next to me not knowing the struggle and and the back-and-forth that adults with opinions went through in order for him to exist. Every day I see him discover new things.. I watch him discover his hands, his feet.. I see how big his eyes get when he saw a bubble being blown for the first time and the huge grin and "coo" that he responded with when it popped.. I watch his tiny body exhale and inhale as he sleeps with his pascifier hanging half-way out of his mouth... I see the way his little fingers grasp his blanket and his little butt sticks up in the air... I look at the way his eyelashes touch his cheek...I see all these things and i am CONSTANTLY reminded that if his father had had the choice.. if it had been his father who had been pregnant and not me... that this little boy.--- this tiny little creature would not even exist. He'd be a glimmer in my eye.. he'd be a tiny little fold in the crease of time... a stich that had never been sewn in the tapestry of life... his potential... what he can do with his life.. the lives he will create some day-- all of this was decided when I made the simple choice not to make that appointment.

It literally BREAKS MY HEART to know that there are millions upon millions of tiny little babies who should exist.. who should have existed at some point... who had their lives taken away from them- for those of you who dont believe they are "alive".. even the fact that the POTENTIAL FOR LIFE was stolen away from them- that the choice was made FOR THEM,..... it doesnt really seem fair to me.

I dont get fired up for my own personal reasons.. I get fired up for my son.. because from DAY ONE i have been fighting for his life.. and can not even trust him around his father-- I literally fear for his life... That's why i get fired up. Because every day my decision to NOT have an abortion is thrown in my face by people I cared about more than anything in this world... I might be the opposite end of the spectrum... Most people who chose to get abortions get it thrown in their faces by people they dont even know. I lost the biggest part of my life-- my plans, my future husband.. a job I had taken out east... I gave up all of that for my child and for his life.. and for his LIFE is why I get so fired up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist
But equally, there is a counter-argument to be made. Why the hell should an Illinois tax-payer pay for you and your son? What about the women in Illinois that decided not to have children because they knew they would have to take government benefits, and they weren't willing to do that? Are they somehow wrong and you're right? Or are you just looking from your point of view again? Why is it wrong for a woman to say, "I don't want to have a child if I can't pay for it all by myself" and it's okay for you to say, "I got benefits, I have my parents, I made it work, so can you"?

The more you post...the deeper in love I fall...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
We do realize there's an overpopulation issue, don't we?

Yeah, I didn't even want to bring that up. Thats a whole other can of worms that I'm *sure* would result in more definitions and rhetoric.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
The reason it fires me up so much is that my son's life would not even exist if his father had it his way.... n.

I lost the love of my life when I chose not to end the life of my child. I date this man for 5 years.. was engaged... the whole thing... the words he said to me, the things he accused me of, the harassment, the HELL him and his family put me through for 9 months was the most hurtfull and stressfull thing I have ever been through.

From what you wrote our situations seem to be extremely similar. I'm So happy for you and the way that everything turned out
. I'm sure with you it made it all worth it when you could hold your son.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by concertina
Yeah, I didn't even want to bring that up. Thats a whole other can of worms that I'm *sure* would result in more definitions and rhetoric.

You know me, I'm all for saying what I'm thinking, appropriate or not.


Well-known member
Its all nice and well to be extremely lucky to qualify for a program that pays for everything... thats a rare occurrence anywhere in this world

If I were to become pregnant right now, I would first of all most likely be kicked out of my house.
I go to school and have no job
I would have to drop out and begin working 40+ hours as late into my pregnancy as possible to try and pray to god I could survive on my own once the baby comes. With rent where I live being one of the highest rates in my country, I would not have a hope in hell of being able to pay for anything.

I would end up depressed, alone, ruined, uneducated, lonely... I wouldn't be able to pay for my child, I would never get the opportunity to continue the schooling my parents so graciously provided for me.

My entire life would be in shambles
and where I live we don't have those types of programs for women.
I would be ruined.

So its all nice and well to say that every women on this continent would be able to pay for a child, that's complete b*llshit and completely untrue. Healthcare is outrageous and millions are living uninsured.

What about the 18 year olds who live at home with a sick parent or sick siblings who they help raise? Who work as much as they can and also go to night school to try and get an education, living pay cheque to pay cheque and stretching dimes into dollars. What if one of those women was raped? and she didn't have the opportunity to have an abortion?

I cant believe the one-sidedness I'm seeing here,
It's sad that people actually think this country and other countries actually provide that extensive assistance to its residents. Because I tell you one things for damn sure, if I were to get pregnant my baby wouldn't be seeing the states best doctors, that wouldn't be an option.

But thank god I live where I live
and I am a free women with choices
Because if any of those scenarios I just mentioned did happen to me
I would be on the phone scheduling an abortion as we speak.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
The reason it fires me up so much is that my son's life would not even exist if his father had it his way.... I understand that people who have abortions usually have gone thruogh some very hard tiems in their lives.. but there are people out there that have gone through very hard times as well who have chosen NOT to have an abortion.. and because I am pro-life that automatically makes my struggle nil because I'm happy with my decision.

I lost the love of my life when I chose not to end the life of my child. I date this man for 5 years.. was engaged... the whole thing... the words he said to me, the things he accused me of, the harassment, the HELL him and his family put me through for 9 months was the most hurtfull and stressfull thing I have ever been through.

I get so fired up because I fought so hard for my son's life and it hurts my heart to see other children who dont have someone to fight for them... I was my son's ONLY advocate.. I was the only person he had to stick up for him.. and now he lays here sleeping next to me not knowing the struggle and and the back-and-forth that adults with opinions went through in order for him to exist. Every day I see him discover new things.. I watch him discover his hands, his feet.. I see how big his eyes get when he saw a bubble being blown for the first time and the huge grin and "coo" that he responded with when it popped.. I watch his tiny body exhale and inhale as he sleeps with his pascifier hanging half-way out of his mouth... I see the way his little fingers grasp his blanket and his little butt sticks up in the air... I look at the way his eyelashes touch his cheek...I see all these things and i am CONSTANTLY reminded that if his father had had the choice.. if it had been his father who had been pregnant and not me... that this little boy.--- this tiny little creature would not even exist. He'd be a glimmer in my eye.. he'd be a tiny little fold in the crease of time... a stich that had never been sewn in the tapestry of life... his potential... what he can do with his life.. the lives he will create some day-- all of this was decided when I made the simple choice not to make that appointment.

It literally BREAKS MY HEART to know that there are millions upon millions of tiny little babies who should exist.. who should have existed at some point... who had their lives taken away from them- for those of you who dont believe they are "alive".. even the fact that the POTENTIAL FOR LIFE was stolen away from them- that the choice was made FOR THEM,..... it doesnt really seem fair to me.

I dont get fired up for my own personal reasons.. I get fired up for my son.. because from DAY ONE i have been fighting for his life.. and can not even trust him around his father-- I literally fear for his life... That's why i get fired up. Because every day my decision to NOT have an abortion is thrown in my face by people I cared about more than anything in this world... I might be the opposite end of the spectrum... Most people who chose to get abortions get it thrown in their faces by people they dont even know. I lost the biggest part of my life-- my plans, my future husband.. a job I had taken out east... I gave up all of that for my child and for his life.. and for his LIFE is why I get so fired up.

I understand what you're saying, but this really is all emotional rhetoric instead of rational argument. :/

One of the greatest freedoms we as women have is the freedom to control our own bodies and to accept the consequences, good and bad, of our actions.
Make no mistake, a woman who decides to undergo an abortive procedure isn't skipping out of the shop scot free, she's just undergone a serious medical procedure that will likely remain on her psyche for the rest of her life.
It's not a decision made lightly, and it's not a decision made without a LOT of soul searching...

But forcing what you believe on someone else, making them follow your moral code and your ethical line, is just wrong. It works for YOU. That's fine. That's great even. But that doesn't mean that what works for you will work for someone else.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist

But equally, there is a counter-argument to be made. Why the hell should an Illinois tax-payer pay for you and your son? What about the women in Illinois that decided not to have children because they knew they would have to take government benefits, and they weren't willing to do that? Are they somehow wrong and you're right? Or are you just looking from your point of view again? Why is it wrong for a woman to say, "I don't want to have a child if I can't pay for it all by myself" and it's okay for you to say, "I got benefits, I have my parents, I made it work, so can you"?

I think that's unfair.. taxpayers in il have a choice to help supprt mom's and babies.. it's not required. ... they have a choice about where a lot of their tax money goes and this is one of those choices.

Yes I do live at home but I also pay rent. I pay my own car payment, I pay my own insurance.. I pay $400 a month for rent and utilities. I pay for my own food. The only thing i do NOT pay for is a babysitter when I go to work. My mother and father and other members of my family are nice enough to help me out with that. Im assuming im saving.. $100-$200/month for that expense?

I work 40+ hour a week and am taking summer school courses. I understand thigns are NOT EASY... but I honestly believe that with the right tools and the right mindset, it can work. I only get 4-5 hours a night between studying, working, and being up with my son... and there are so many times I think "things would be so different if I just haden't had sex that ONE DAY..." But I never ever regret my son. I miss my sleep, I miss my free-time.. I miss my life.. (which is why Im sitting here with my baby on my knees making kissy sounds at him while I spend my day looking at MAC make-up on specktra because I dont even have the time to leave my HOUSE to do normal things haha)... but I do not regret my son. It's not all butterflies and rainbows and im sorry if I gave you or anyone else an impression that my life was that way. It's not.. I dealwith things every day that hurt me and bring me down.. there are times that i wonder if I'll ever even find a man who I can fall asleep with at night.. someone I can walk down the isle to... since now I have a baby and that's a huge responsibility for me, being 21 years old.. let alone a man with no responsibility towards me or my son....

I guess I just love the look in Adler's eyes while I sit here making these God-awful annoying kissy sounds.. haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by concertina
The more you post...the deeper in love I fall...

I agree. She is an amazing woman.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I understand what you're saying, but this really is all emotional rhetoric instead of rational argument. :/

One of the greatest freedoms we as women have is the freedom to control our own bodies and to accept the consequences, good and bad, of our actions.
Make no mistake, a woman who decides to undergo an abortive procedure isn't skipping out of the shop scot free, she's just undergone a serious medical procedure that will likely remain on her psyche for the rest of her life.
It's not a decision made lightly, and it's not a decision made without a LOT of soul searching...

But forcing what you believe on someone else, making them follow your moral code and your ethical line, is just wrong. It works for YOU. That's fine. That's great even. But that doesn't mean that what works for you will work for someone else.

Im not making an argument here. You asked why I got so fired up. I answered.... Im sorry if my answer didnt appease you but thats the answer to your question


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
Im not making an argument here. You asked why I got so fired up. I answered.... Im sorry if my answer didnt appease you but thats the answer to your question

See the thing is that when a position is taken based on knee jerk emotional reaction and rhetoric, the validity of the position is somewhat diminished, because despite the speaker's passion and commitment to the subject, often the speaker is blinded to outside positions that may be valid counter arguments.


Well-known member
concertina- just because we have completely different viewpoints does not make it right for you to be mean to me. The only thing that annoys me is that I havent seen one backing of scientifical proof from you on anything you say. It's been me proving left and right that my son was a human being even while I was pregnant with him- but I honestly dont believe that your argument that while I was pregnant my son was not "alive" or a "human" can never be proven....

Im not trying to start a fight here with anyone.. I never was.. but I also think that this is all turning into a huge argument and there are a lot of people ganging up on me just because im backing my stances up with "definitions".... Im sorry if my using evidence to support my opinions doesnt sit well with you...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
The reason it fires me up so much is that my son's life would not even exist if his father had it his way.... I understand that people who have abortions usually have gone thruogh some very hard tiems in their lives.. but there are people out there that have gone through very hard times as well who have chosen NOT to have an abortion.. and because I am pro-life that automatically makes my struggle nil because I'm happy with my decision.

No one said that your struggle was worth nada just because you're a pro-lifer. I'd offer the suggestion that you stop looking at pro-choicers as people who look at you that way, and start looking at them as human beings who are faced with the same decision you were faced with once, and simply took a different path or advocate the choice of a different path.

Not necessarily a better path. Not a more noble one. Not a lesser one. Just the other one.

Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
I lost the love of my life when I chose not to end the life of my child. I date this man for 5 years.. was engaged... the whole thing... the words he said to me, the things he accused me of, the harassment, the HELL him and his family put me through for 9 months was the most hurtfull and stressfull thing I have ever been through.

I get so fired up because I fought so hard for my son's life and it hurts my heart to see other children who dont have someone to fight for them... I was my son's ONLY advocate.. I was the only person he had to stick up for him.. and now he lays here sleeping next to me not knowing the struggle and and the back-and-forth that adults with opinions went through in order for him to exist. Every day I see him discover new things.. I watch him discover his hands, his feet.. I see how big his eyes get when he saw a bubble being blown for the first time and the huge grin and "coo" that he responded with when it popped.. I watch his tiny body exhale and inhale as he sleeps with his pascifier hanging half-way out of his mouth... I see the way his little fingers grasp his blanket and his little butt sticks up in the air... I look at the way his eyelashes touch his cheek...I see all these things and i am CONSTANTLY reminded that if his father had had the choice.. if it had been his father who had been pregnant and not me... that this little boy.--- this tiny little creature would not even exist. He'd be a glimmer in my eye.. he'd be a tiny little fold in the crease of time... a stich that had never been sewn in the tapestry of life... his potential... what he can do with his life.. the lives he will create some day-- all of this was decided when I made the simple choice not to make that appointment.

While written beautifully, this doesn't necessarily correspond to other people's experiences in being a parent. I think you need to remember that there are many different types of parent, and not all of them reacted positively to their children the way you obviously have to yours.

It may be an unpopular thing to say, but some folk shouldn't breed.

Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
It literally BREAKS MY HEART to know that there are millions upon millions of tiny little babies who should exist.. who should have existed at some point... who had their lives taken away from them- for those of you who dont believe they are "alive".. even the fact that the POTENTIAL FOR LIFE was stolen away from them- that the choice was made FOR THEM,..... it doesnt really seem fair to me.

Men often make this point too though, that they often don't get the choice to become a father or not when their female partner gets pregnant. Is that fair? No. But it's just how it is. That's life. Women get the choice to bear the child or not. Being a parent is something different - that's something you have to learn and a title you earn, over time.

Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
I dont get fired up for my own personal reasons.. I get fired up for my son.. because from DAY ONE i have been fighting for his life.. and can not even trust him around his father-- I literally fear for his life... That's why i get fired up. Because every day my decision to NOT have an abortion is thrown in my face by people I cared about more than anything in this world... I might be the opposite end of the spectrum... Most people who chose to get abortions get it thrown in their faces by people they dont even know. I lost the biggest part of my life-- my plans, my future husband.. a job I had taken out east... I gave up all of that for my child and for his life.. and for his LIFE is why I get so fired up.

Bullshit. You get fired up for your own personal reasons. Your son is too young to care or understand about these things. You're unnecessarily defensive and I'm sorry if there's someone in your life that is making you feel like your child is threatened.

You had your kid. Fantastic! You don't have to keep justifying your position to have him! You don't have to say, "He deserves to be alive!" He is alive, get on with parenting, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Is anyone still telling you to abort? I would think the issue is over for you, so either you're beating a dead horse just because you enjoy it, or you're still working out the sadness you had surrounding the pregnancy and birth of your son. But you don't get to take it out on others, in an anonymous forum. It just isn't fair, clever or justifiable.

I think it's beautiful that you love your child, and that you stuck up for what you wanted. If you feel strongly about the rights of the unborn, then get involved with your local community and reach out to those women that aren't nearly as fortunate as you have been in your time of need -the ones that don't qualify for government help, that have been thrown out of their homes, that have their friends and family, and are desperate for compassion and support. You might see that you need to be passionate about the rights of those women in need as well as passionate about the rights of the unborn. You cannot favour one over the other - and that's a point that most pro-lifers seem to miss.

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