Prolife Or Prochoice


Well-known member
I'm prochoice, been there done that. Call me cold hearted, whatever you want, but i got over the abortion I had. Yeah, its kind of sad if i dwell on it, but seriously it was the size of a lima bean. My husband was nice enough to get a vasectomy so it wouldn't happen again.
Also if a woman doesn't have the option she may panic and take matters into her own hands take a bunch of pills and end up killing herself or worse (think vegetable). In a calm controlled environment that is sterile and with recovery its not very long and a relatively safe route to take. The doctors and nurses are usually very compassionate and they make it go pretty smooth. They drug you up pretty good and i didn't feel a thing.
If you want to keep the baby then that is your choice too. I think it's b.s. for someone else to make decisions on your body, infact it angers me so much i'd like to chop my own head off in spite. Same reason i think suicide should be legal. Keep your laws off my body.


Well-known member
I am most definitely Pro choice. To quote Jay from Dogma, "A womans body is her own damn business". I also agree on those before me who have said pro sex education too. I think it is vitally important to have a good sex education that will help you make good choices. Sure I don't like the idea of some girls using it willy nilly but it's their body and they can choose to do what they like with it regardless of what I think.

Choosing to have an abortion is not an easy thing at all and those that do, i imagine, will have to live with that gap for the rest of their lives wheather they choose to let it show or not. I've lot a baby before and I know what that empty feeling is like and the guilt, could you imagine making the choice to feel like that? So before you start thinking that a woman doesn't care or is a bad person for doing it, think about that first. Try and walk a mile in someone else's shoes.

No one has the right to tell someone else what to do with their body. I'd rather than women did it in a clean, safe environment that diy methods.

I don't know what the procedure is in America but over here, you can only get an abortion if you fall into one of four criteria and two doctors have to agree.

Sometimes though I can't help but think pro-life = Pro suffering in some cases.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ri0tdorque
I'm sorry but I have to reply to this because I know for a fact that right now on the bizarre off chance I became pregnant I would get an abortion my husband and I have already discussed this.

Us too. This is why we were religious about contraceptive measures. We did everything we could to make sure it wouldn't come to that, but we still had the talk and agreed that we'd have an abortion if the circumstances warranted it. We're pregnant now and that's a whole other story, but in general I'm very proud of my husband for supporting me and being supportive about the raw facts rather than trying to twist me one way or another.

In his words, "It's your body, not mine, and I happen to love your body, so I'll do whatever I can to support you."

We've also had the fetus vs Ratmist talk. I told him that if something was to happen in this pregnancy and he had to choose between the fetus or me, I would want him to choose me. While we would grieve over the loss of our child, as long as it's in my body and can't survive without my body, I come first dammit.


Well-known member
Prochoice here, but I think you need to examine your motives before you have an abortion. I don't think it's right to use it as birth control, or to be nonchalant about it, "oh, if we get pregnant, I'll just abort it." It's too huge of a decision to belittle it like that. If you do everything right, use protection and backup protection, and if by some fluke, you get pregnant? If you're raped? If you're a young girl in school who isn't prepared to raise a baby? Then maybe abortion is for you. I know it sounds selfish, but my biggest fear in high school, and even now, going into university, is to get pregnant. I'm responsible about birth control, so I don't think it will happen, but if it did, I'd have to really think about what to do. On one hand, I think I would feel guilty, but it takes time away from your schooling, gives you a reputation (unfair, but true), and puts your career on the backburner.. So, I guess I'm prochoice, but I strongly believe that it depends on the situation.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by revinn
Prochoice here, but I think you need to examine your motives before you have an abortion. I don't think it's right to use it as birth control, or to be nonchalant about it, "oh, if we get pregnant, I'll just abort it." It's too huge of a decision to belittle it like that. If you do everything right, use protection and backup protection, and if by some fluke, you get pregnant? If you're raped? If you're a young girl in school who isn't prepared to raise a baby? Then maybe abortion is for you. I know it sounds selfish, but my biggest fear in high school, and even now, going into university, is to get pregnant. I'm responsible about birth control, so I don't think it will happen, but if it did, I'd have to really think about what to do. On one hand, I think I would feel guilty, but it takes time away from your schooling, gives you a reputation (unfair, but true), and puts your career on the backburner.. So, I guess I'm prochoice, but I strongly believe that it depends on the situation.

It's too hard of line to draw between the two. You shouldn't have to explain your motives for an abortion other than your consent and you that you understand the risks and counselling/help is available. I don't think its the government's place to tell women they can't have an abortion because it would be inconvenient to raise a baby. I also think although it's disturbing some people may abuse having abortions, it comes down to what they want to do with their own body. I don't think it would be a good idea for serial abortionists to raise a kid anyway.


Well-known member
I'm def in the minority here, but I'm pro-life.

Even if I were to get raped and pregnant from that rape, I'd keep MY baby, it would still be 1/2 of me and still be a human.

Now if someone else were to be raped and get pregnant, I wouldn't agree with an abortion, but I wouldn't tell you that you were wrong, that's your personal choice, it's not like you made the decision to be raped..

That said, I do believe in birth control, If you don't want a baby, take the pill and/or use a condom. It's just that simple.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
It almost makes me sad when people are pro life (hear me out)
I definitely believe everyones intilted to their opinion, but like I've said earlier in this thread... pro-choice folks believe that every choice is justified, we accept every choice, we are the people FOR choice... whether you believe in abortions or not, whether you would have one yourself or not

I feel like pro-life folks can be very closed minded about this issue
and I completely understands thats just what you believe in, and like the lovely lady above me just said, different strokes for different folks... it still makes me sad

I just want to live in a world where choice is the option... not live in a world where someone tells you what is and isnt right for your body and your life.

I just feel when you take choice away from a woman, you're going back in time... choice should be the only option.

I wish that i could thank you times infinity and give you a humongous hug for this. That is exactly how I feel. I love you!! I really are such a sweet and awesome girl!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I wish that i could thank you times infinity and give you a humongous hug for this. That is exactly how I feel. I love you!! I really are such a sweet and awesome girl!

Awwe thankyou girlie I love you too!! I think the same of you, you are seriously fantastic


Well-known member
The picture I posted a few posts up of the baby yawning (skylar.. thank you for the thanks) a picture of my son. His father wanted me to abort him.. I was scared to death.. im 21 years old.. NOT married.. living at home with my parents, working 40 hours a week, and taking care of my son pretty much exclusively.

I am in the same posistion that most of you are saying that its "okay" to have an abortion.. It wasn't planned (I was on the pill in fact).. and the man I was with decided to abandon me from day 1. It's killed me inside and out... I used to sit up at night and cry and cry and cry wondering how I was going to bring this life into the world and take care of it by myself.. if I was doing the right thing bringing a little boy into this world without a father.

just look at my son. He's so happy to be alive.. he's so happy just to open his eyes every day and discover the world. He's so happy to make faces and noices at me when i kiss him all over his face... he's SO HAPPY.

He's alive.. and hes SO HAPPY.. and I honestly believe in my heart that there is not ONE PERSON in this world who would tell you that they had rather been aborted than be alive.. esp. not a child.

Abortion is murder, now matter how you look at it... it's murder.. you can try and come up with every "what if" or excuse in the world to justify it to yourself, and if you really believe that it's excuseable to kill an innocent child just because its not the "right time" to have a baby... then that's your problem.

I wont judge others... that's God's job.. not mine.. but I will say that just because you get pregnant and it's "unplanned" and you're in "bad" circumstances... doesnt mean that things aren't EXACTLY THE WAY THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE... I think about that every time I look at my child.

I guess in the words of carrie underwood "and when you figure out love is all that matters after all, it sure makes everything else seem so small....."


Well-known member
I have my personal ideas about the act of abortion, and it is a heavy conclusion to come to... BUT... I believe it is absolutely necessary to keep it legal.

What someone else chooses for themselves as none of my darn business. I'm not so sure what purpose regulating other people's huge life choices does for some people. For crying out loud, why do some people get all offended about what someone does with their undeveloped fetus when most of those same people turn a blind eye to real, living children who are ill, hungry, and get abused? They've always got some twisted rationale about it, and this is where my tolerance for many conservatives end. Why do they get hard nipples for restricting the daily lives of people.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist
Us too. This is why we were religious about contraceptive measures. We did everything we could to make sure it wouldn't come to that, but we still had the talk and agreed that we'd have an abortion if the circumstances warranted it. We're pregnant now and that's a whole other story, but in general I'm very proud of my husband for supporting me and being supportive about the raw facts rather than trying to twist me one way or another.

In his words, "It's your body, not mine, and I happen to love your body, so I'll do whatever I can to support you."

We've also had the fetus vs Ratmist talk. I told him that if something was to happen in this pregnancy and he had to choose between the fetus or me, I would want him to choose me. While we would grieve over the loss of our child, as long as it's in my body and can't survive without my body, I come first dammit.

I don't mean to pry but I'm just curious why you ladies with husbands would get abortions? Do you already have kids and don't want anymore, or do you just not want kids at all? My mother was one that never wanted kids and had an abortion during her marriage to her first husband. When she married my father she became pregnant with my brother and my dad begged and pleaded with her to keep it. She was hoping it was at least a little girl but she had a boy who of course she loves equally but said now she wants a girl and that's how I was born!! lol It's so funny how those kind of things work out.


Well-known member
I would say i'm pro choice with some exceptions. It sickens me to know that there are a few people too many people out there that use abortion as a form of birth control and are on there 5th and 6th abortions these people should be ashamed of themselves and in my eyes steralised (i know this is harsh but so is not using free birth control and then expecting your government to pick up your abortion tab, this is the case in the mainland uk)


Well-known member
Prochoicers can have their opinions and beliefs for as long as they want, as strongly as they want, as long as women's rights are always available. It's hard to have an opinion unless you have been in the situation anyways, I think.

I hope one day people will be sterilized until they take some sort of test to prove they are fit for parenting. I'm just kidding, mostly (who am I to judge?). It's just sad when you see people having children when they really shouldn't, because it's the kids that truly suffer, and in most cases that just perpetuates the cycle. No child should grow up being resented for existing, or grow up being treated like a nuisance by a parent who just isn't ready to grow up yet.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
The picture I posted a few posts up of the baby yawning (skylar.. thank you for the thanks) a picture of my son. His father wanted me to abort him.. I was scared to death.. im 21 years old.. NOT married.. living at home with my parents, working 40 hours a week, and taking care of my son pretty much exclusively.

I am in the same posistion that most of you are saying that its "okay" to have an abortion.. It wasn't planned (I was on the pill in fact).. and the man I was with decided to abandon me from day 1. It's killed me inside and out... I used to sit up at night and cry and cry and cry wondering how I was going to bring this life into the world and take care of it by myself.. if I was doing the right thing bringing a little boy into this world without a father.

just look at my son. He's so happy to be alive.. he's so happy just to open his eyes every day and discover the world. He's so happy to make faces and noices at me when i kiss him all over his face... he's SO HAPPY.

He's alive.. and hes SO HAPPY.. and I honestly believe in my heart that there is not ONE PERSON in this world who would tell you that they had rather been aborted than be alive.. esp. not a child.

Abortion is murder, now matter how you look at it... it's murder.. you can try and come up with every "what if" or excuse in the world to justify it to yourself, and if you really believe that it's excuseable to kill an innocent child just because its not the "right time" to have a baby... then that's your problem.

I wont judge others... that's God's job.. not mine.. but I will say that just because you get pregnant and it's "unplanned" and you're in "bad" circumstances... doesnt mean that things aren't EXACTLY THE WAY THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE... I think about that every time I look at my child.

I guess in the words of carrie underwood "and when you figure out love is all that matters after all, it sure makes everything else seem so small....."

I am glad your son having a good life, and it's great that you have given him a life that he can be thankful for. Unfortunately, it's not the same for everyone else. Not every child gets adopted or ends up in a happy home. Just because you had a positive (or negative) experience with something doesn't mean that you have the right to make that decision for every woman out there.

My parents did not want me and were not ready to have me. They didn't get an abortion. They have been bitching about it ever since I was born. Not to mention that they were very physically abusive. If I had a choice in the matter, I would have wanted them to get an abortion.

And no, abortion pictures do not sway me. Yeah, most medical procedures look gross, but that doesn't mean they should be outlawed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by S.S.BlackOrchid
I am glad your son having a good life, and it's great that you have given him a life that he can be thankful for. Unfortunately, it's not the same for everyone else. Not every child gets adopted or ends up in a happy home. Just because you had a positive (or negative) experience with something doesn't mean that you have the right to make that decision for every woman out there.

My parents did not want me and were not ready to have me. They didn't get an abortion. They have been bitching about it ever since I was born. Not to mention that they were very physically abusive. If I had a choice in the matter, I would have wanted them to get an abortion.

And no, abortion pictures do not sway me. Yeah, most medical procedures look gross, but that doesn't mean they should be outlawed.

I'm really truly sorry that you have had such a hard childhood and that you feel you would rather me dead than alive.

Can I ask you, if you REALLY feel that way? Why don't you just take your own life now?

Is it because you dont want to because you enjoy even *moments* of being alive?... it seems to me that if you truly wanted to be aborted and never have lived than you would have pulled a George Bailey and jumped off a bridge already... not saying an angel is going to come down and convince you that your life is worth living and you've touched so many people.. but maybe that's something to think about.

Despite the fact that you did have such a hard childhood, and a hard life, I honestly can't understand for one minute how one could tell me that they would rather have their parents aborted them... the fact that you are online and feel compelled to argue something (even if it is a pro-choice stance) means that you obviously have feelings for even ONE thing in this world that gives you the will to get up every morning instead of just pulling the trigger and calling it a day.

It flabergastes me that someone could put SUCH little value on life.. maybe someday when you look into the eyes of your own child and see that you are on this earth for a reason (and maybe it wont even be when you look into the eyes of your children.. maybe it will be something else.. some instant, some glimmer in the world..) you will put a little more value on this life that God.. and your parents.. have given you.

I do not feel the need to "make a decision" for other women.. and I do not judge other women who have abortions.. getting pregnant in a "bad" situation is scary.. the scaries time of your life.. but when I got pregnant with my son.. I never once spoke to one person who regretted having their child... but I did speak to MANY people who regretted having an abortion- pro-choice or not.

I haven't ever butted my nose into someone else's situation without being asked my opinion, nor have I kidnapped someone for 9 months in order to force them to have a child they didnt want.. that doesnt mean I can not voice my own opinion and what I believe to be true about taking the life of a child....about ANY life.

Maybe a lot of these problems we have in this world wouldn't be here if we weren't continuly killing off our own race. How does that make us any better than animals? I have an aunt with stage 4 breast cancer.. a cousin who died of lukemia at the age of 16... I cant help but think in the back of my mind that maybe.. JUST MAYBE... we would have a cure for so many of these problems in our world if we weren't killing off the single beings who may be able to come up with the solutions one day. We are essentially extreminating our own species... I dont understand how that is justifyable in any way.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kalico
Prochoicers can have their opinions and beliefs for as long as they want, as strongly as they want, as long as women's rights are always available. It's hard to have an opinion unless you have been in the situation anyways, I think.

I hope one day people will be sterilized until they take some sort of test to prove they are fit for parenting. I'm just kidding, mostly (who am I to judge?). It's just sad when you see people having children when they really shouldn't, because it's the kids that truly suffer, and in most cases that just perpetuates the cycle. No child should grow up being resented for existing, or grow up being treated like a nuisance by a parent who just isn't ready to grow up yet.

So it's your idea to punish the child for being born? You say no child should grown up being resented for existing. I agree. But maybe instead of assuming that we should just kill off this little girl or little boy before they even have a chance to MAKE a better life for themselves... we as a nation should be focusing on how to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place.

The mother or father may not be ready to grow up yet but that doesnt mean that anyone should be able to decide of the child gets a CHANCE to thrive, exist, or grow up.

It annoys me that other people think that these children that are getting aborted aren't "real" human beings... they look at them as a "pregnancy" instead of a CHILD. These CHILDREN who are being killed have real feelings, real wants, real needs, real GOALS,... and to deny them even the perpetual CHANCE to reach these goals is not a decision any doctor, mother, or father can make. The only person who can take away a life off of this Earth is God and I dont see him in any abortion clinics.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
The only person who can take away a life off of this Earth is God and I dont see him in any abortion clinics.

I understand your point, but not everyone believes in a higher deity, and everyone on this planet lives by a set of moral codes that, at the end of the day, is defined by the individual.

If one doesn't believe in a or the God, then one doesn't fear judgment on one's immortal soul, and if one doesn't fear judgment for those actions taken, then that's hardly a thought in one's mind when deciding to under go an abortion, is it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xoxprincessx0x
I don't mean to pry but I'm just curious why you ladies with husbands would get abortions? Do you already have kids and don't want anymore, or do you just not want kids at all? My mother was one that never wanted kids and had an abortion during her marriage to her first husband. When she married my father she became pregnant with my brother and my dad begged and pleaded with her to keep it. She was hoping it was at least a little girl but she had a boy who of course she loves equally but said now she wants a girl and that's how I was born!! lol It's so funny how those kind of things work out.

Being married doesn't mean a woman automatically has to have a child if she becomes pregnant with her partner's child. As with anything in marriage, it's a two-way street and it requires a lot of communication to make sure that both parties understand what each party feels, wants and needs.

I am still not convinced we'll have enough money to take care of a child properly, pay for our house, pay back my student loans, and save a bit for the future. If my husband hadn't gotten a raise in April, and if we hadn't known we were getting that raise in January, I would not have continued this pregnancy.

No money = adequate reason to decide not to have a child. I grew up in poverty so I am speaking from childhood experience. I want more for my children than to know poverty.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist
Being married doesn't mean a woman automatically has to have a child if she becomes pregnant with her partner's child. As with anything in marriage, it's a two-way street and it requires a lot of communication to make sure that both parties understand what each party feels, wants and needs.

I am still not convinced we'll have enough money to take care of a child properly, pay for our house, pay back my student loans, and save a bit for the future. If my husband hadn't gotten a raise in April, and if we hadn't known we were getting that raise in January, I would not have continued this pregnancy.

No money = adequate reason to decide not have a child. I grew up in poverty so I am speaking from childhood experience. I want more for my children than to know poverty.

On the flip side, just because one is impoverished as a child doesn't mean one grows up to be an impoverished adult.

I got a phone call about a friend of mine last night, she'd recently had an abortion and developed a uterine infection as a complication. She's barely 30 and had to have a full emergency hysterectomy.

I've done the procedure several times, it's not fun by any stretch of the imagination. It's also not as easy as people would have others believe.