I am pro choice. There are way too many special circumstances and "what ifs" and could be's that come along with this topic. Like seriously...and we all keep naming them. Which is why the topic will never end, it will just keep going around in circles. because one person feels that the cell is a human, and the other feels like you have a right to do whatever you want because its your body.
I can't believe that the thought of actually telling someone what they have to do, and that they have no choice is even an option. I'm sorry but you can't control a person ever, unless they are some kind of criminal and they need to be locked up. You simply can't tell someone what to do, in any aspect of their life. You can't tell someone where to go, what to do, what to say, what to eat, what to wear, how to act...you can't control a human being. We are free. We have the freedom to do anything we want unless it illegal. Abortion is not illegal, and I truly truly hope it will never be illegal. Regardless of what you believe, the fact of the matter is that a person has the right to do whatever they think is best for them and their life.
There are too many what ifs that come about. And personally....I don't think its wrong if a teenage girl was just stupid and didn't use a condom and decided to get an abortion. People make mistakes....especially teenagers. And its just not right to take their freedom away from them.
I will not go into details about my personal life, although many people know anyways. I think this topic is very pleasant and nobody has taken it to a level where it doesn't need to go. But all I will say is that it is terrifying for a young girl, still in high school, to face the fact that she fucked up and is pregnant with a child. It is....gut wrenching. It is one of the scariest things to think that you will be an unfit mother, who hasn't even experienced life or the world yet. And it is even more terrifying to think that she is in this alone...the babys father may be there but he can leave whenever. She is the one who has to raise the child, and tell her family. To think that your own family would shun you or be ashamed of you for having a baby at 17 years old.....is just so scary. I cannot explain it. You wouldn't know unless you were in her shoes. Props to those who said fuck it, I'm gonna keep the baby anyways. Not everyone can do that, and its not the right choice for everyone either.
I think my school did a good job with sex education. Told us about all of the STD's and showed pictures. Even had a woman living with AIDS come in and speak to us. I was so into sex ed that i had a doctors appointment on the day that the speaker with AIDS was coming in...and I switched my appointment. Because I had to hear her speak on it. I'm lucky to have a school that didnt just teach abstinence, and actually taught sex ed.