What's really weird is that when I look at my previously purchased items, and click on Best of Breed, I can actually add it to my basket again, so it's clearly in stock. Same with all the other lipglasses.
Originally Posted by Anitacska What's really weird is that when I look at my previously purchased items, and click on Best of Breed, I can actually add it to my basket again, so it's clearly in stock. Same with all the other lipglasses.
Originally Posted by banana1234 we didnt get the nail varnishes today, does this mean we arent getting them? or will they come out at the same time as the villians collection?
I was hoping to get a couple of them today too. I'm hoping they'll be around soon.
Originally Posted by banana1234 lol, i was only joking, i'll go to mac this weekend, its so stupid that you can get it but no one else can!! silly mac uk!
It is ridiculous. It's sitting in my basket right now, but if I click on it, the Lipglass page doesn't have any of the new ones. Maybe it'll be up tomorrow.
I'm not fussed about the nail polishes, I'll get a few of the VV instead. I've just looked on Temptalia and the prolongwear lipcremes were due out in October and the polishes in September, so maybe they just got swapped around. I'm sure we'll get them eventually.
yeah, i dont know whether to take them up on the offer of free delivery or just go on sunday, i reckon everything will prob still be in stock that i want, cos i got the most likely to sell out items yesterday! decisions decisions!
What do you think is most likely to sell out anyway? I thought Best of Breed was possibly the most interesting item since you don't get blue lipglosses often, maybe the pigments too, but other than that? Nothing strikes me as a sell-out.
Originally Posted by Anitacska What do you think is most likely to sell out anyway? I thought Best of Breed was possibly the most interesting item since you don't get blue lipglosses often, maybe the pigments too, but other than that? Nothing strikes me as a sell-out.
Originally Posted by banana1234 lol,im so weak! i called up mail order, and they ordered it for me, minus delivery charge, hopefully it will come friday
That's cool.
Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, lol. By all I know, they could still have loads of it weeks later.
Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, lol. By all I know, they could still have loads of it weeks later.
she said that this collection has been crazy popular, and she's been run off her feet all morning with orders, and when i said all i wanted was best of breed she was like 'are you sure' i said yeah, i spent about £100 yesterday!