Originally Posted by Anitacska
I'm pretty sure I didn't order from the website back then, but I do know that when I went to the counter I could get everything I wanted. I don't remember how long after the launch it was (probably 2 days or so though because I had a young toddler then, so wouldn't have been able to go shopping on a Thursday morning, I used to only go at the weekend). Anyway, it's still pretty quick by any standards.
I had to! My nearest counter at the time was 100+ miles away!
Originally Posted by banana1234
i remember going to my mac counter and all the hello kitty was there too, i wasnt into mac so much then, i remember it being a good week or so after release and everything was still available, its crazy cos now if i did that half the stuff would be gone!
I think YouTube is kinda to blame for that one? The popularity of MAC has skyrocketed since YouTube came about, and it seems like it's the must-have of the cosmetics world.
Originally Posted by Anitacska
I think it depends on which counter you go to. The counter in Kingston always sells out much faster than the one in Guildford, I remember going to K the day after Liberty of London was released and they'd already sold out of the coral lipstick (can't remember its name, it's too late now), but the G counter still had loads. Also the G counter had several Stereo Roses a week and 2-3 days after the launch!
The Bullring counter sells out of everything really quickly, the f/s store isn't so bad though.
Originally Posted by LMD84
it's selling quicker than i expected i must admit!
yeah hello kitty sold out insanely quick! however i think most of it sold out on the website preview days - you were invited to preview the collection and were emailed a link early. and of course many people did that. so when it actually launched a few days later stuff sold out super quick because half the stock had already gone on the preview!
Yeah! I got the preview invite.. I brought nearly the whole collection!
So atm,
Innocence, Beware!
Oh So Fair
Briar Rose
Bad Fairy
Mean & Green
are all sold out.
I'm quite surprised that more hasn't sold out yet - I was expecting BoA, Toxic Tale and Strange Potion to all sell out. However, I think it will pick up pace today, as everyone expected it to launch online today, there has to be some who missed it online yesterday.